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Africans Bible Hodaka - 20.12.2004 10:14
Ancient Egypt has always been Geographically in Africa k Africans Wrote the Bible The Africans Who Wrote The Bible: Ancient Secrets Africa and Christianity Have Never Told  Source  Africa Bible Ancient Egypt has always been Geographically in Africa k Africans Wrote the Bible The Africans Who Wrote The Bible: Ancient Secrets Africa and Christianity Have Never Told Along with Cheikh Anta Diop, Alex Darkwah also traces Ancient Egypt to geographical Africa. Darkwah has DNA on his side; whereas, Diop used archeological artifacts, culture, and documentary text but was still challenged with his findings which were labeled "untrue" by the scientific world. Darkwah proves that Africans wrote the Bible even though your personal Bible may have pages laced with White Greek characters and distributed throughout the world. I thought that the following excerpts were extremely interesting. A website visitor suggested that I read the Darkwah's book. Thanks to the website reader who suggested that I limit my research to Sub-Saharan Africa. You’ve started a greater quest to delve deeper into Europe's concealment of our history and to shed more light on how the global world exists in its current state. LAND OF THE BLACKS--LAND OF THE BIBLE: Ancient Egypt was known indigenously as Kemet (Land of the Blacks). Ancient Egyptians have pinpointed their own ancestral origins to the Mount Rwenzori range in the east African cradle, otherwise known as the Mountains of the Moon. Some accounts state that Egyptian civilization came out of Ethiopia, which as a term was used to designate the land south of Egypt (the Upper Nile Valley), or was alternatively used to refer to the entire African continent. Chronologically therefore Egypt’s southern neighbor Nubia, which had its own distinct civilization, was her Nile Valley predecessor. Jews believe they are God’s Chosen People because of a theological idea that the descendants of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob (known in Biblical times as Israelites, later known as Jews) are the chosen people comes from the book of Genesis, in which God chooses Abraham and his descendants for a unique covenant. That covenant involved certain obligations on the part of the people, and certain promised on the part of God. European Jews believe that this covenant is still in effect today—that Jews are still a "chosen people." That is why the Jews are White even with their kinky hair, swarthy skin, and broadened noses. The main points of his book are: Americans and Europeans assume that the Bible is about them, but the Bible is about my ancient ancestors and me…..Alex Darkwah Modern-day Jews see the Bible as a record of their history because the King James Bible is centered on the history of Israel. The Jewish people of Europe and America still carry African Tribal names. They carry the names of their ancestors who were Africans. Statistically, the Lemba people from Southeast Africa are more Jewish than European Jews. In a particular Lemba Clan known as the Buba Clan, 53 percent of the males carry the unique DNA signature of Jewish priests. Males form the Lemba Tribe carry a higher incidence of the Jewish priestly DNA signature than the European and American Jewish population. When the police have the fingerprints of a wanted man, they know the man whose prints match those they have is the one they seek. The same thing can be said here. The early Roman Catholic Church portrayed Jesus and his mother in the original Black images of the Jewish people at that time--The Black Madonna. What African tribe were they from? The time period of the early Catholic Church is closer to the Jews leaving Africa and going to Europe than the Renaissance Painters who painted Jesus White. What Europe did not count on was that Africans would still know their past. Darkwah states that ancient Egypt was geographically in Africa and that so called European experts do not know the Ancient Egyptian story because they are not familiar with African tribal names. They do not have the linguistic and cultural backgrounds to identify Egyptian names and have simply transposed the African names of people and places in Ancient Egyptian history into European languages to make it possible for them to claim expertise. Darkwah traces the ancient past of African tribes from the Middle East through Ancient Egypt to inner Africa. He reveals the African tribe that historians gave the fictitious names the Sumerians, Akkadians, and the African Tribes that were the Ancient Egyptians. Africans are the indigenous Native Hebrews (Jews). The greatest secret of Africa that has never been told and Christian Europe has been seeking to conceal for the past two thousand years is the African origin of the concepts, doctrines, sacramental practices of religion, and the documents that became the foundations of Christianity in Europe. Did you know that the names of Abraham, Isaac, Esau, and Jacob were all derived from African tribal words and names? Did you know that the earliest “Hebrew” name for God, Adonai, was derived from an African tribal word? Did you know that other name of God, Yahweh, was derived from an African tribal God? ... Did you know that the names of the authors of the Old Testament are not “Hebrew” or “Jewish” names, but transposed African tribal names? Christian Europe has never known these because it has never known the African linguistic and cultural side of the biblical story. The indigenous African tribal name of the most popular Ancient Egyptian king the west was Tutu Ankoma—not Tutankhamun. Not only do we know the indigenous African tribal name of this Ancient Egyptian king, but we also know where the modern dynasty of his ancient dynasty is today. We know in Africa that the Ancient Egyptian king who built the middle pyramid in Giza was called Akufu and not Khufu as the experts have told us. We also know that his two sons completed the procession of pyramids and placed a lion in the front of the procession. These sons were Dade Afre and not Djedefra as the experts transposed this name; and his brother was Ochere Afre and not Chephren as the experts have told us. The modern dynasty of these ancient kings is the Akuapem Dynasty that can be found today in the Eastern Region of Ghana. Conservatives, liberals, and all in between can go to check these people out and verify the royal names among these people. The book is about the Africans who wrote the Bible as well as Ancient Egypt. It is the untold story of the African tribes that were the Ancient Egyptians. It is the untold story of the people from these African tribes that left Ancient Egypt for it to become the biblical Exodus. It is about the untold story of these people that later went to Europe to become the Jews and Hebrews. It is about untold story of the Africans who actually wrote the documents of the Bible before Afrim (Jewish) scholars translated these documents for the Greeks in Ancient Egypt and claimed that their people in Israel wrote those documents. We in Africa even know the indigenous African tribal name of the people of the Exodus before they went to Europe to become the Jews and Hebrews. A review of a DNA study of Jewish people African tribes discovered one of the African tribes from which some of the people of the Exodus originated. Check it out in the New York Times of May 9, 1999. What does this prove? It proves the Ancient Egyptian and biblical stories were all Black people’s stories. The Ancient Egyptians were Black people and their modern descendants are alive and well in Africa. Real evidence of the modern descendants of the Ancient Egyptians in the tribes of Africa and the language and culture these people left behind in Ancient Egypt is the most powerful evidence there is about the Black racial origin of the Ancient Egyptians. In the 1960's and 1970's there were Jewish scholars who were secretly traveling around Africa researching African Tribes to find out from which tribe they belonged. They studied the Akan Religion of the Asante people to find out the similarities between Judaism and Christianity. The word Israel was derived from an African Tribal meaning. Most "Jewish" people still carry their African Tribal names of origin. POLITICAL PALACE: Original Hebrews Were Black (Submitted by: R. Mosley) Author: CARTIERX To Judah, B Real & the rest of my already racially enlightened Brothers & Sisters in this forum.....I just want to warn you that most so-called White Jews with genuine Hebrew bloodlines are not ready to accept neither the fact that their Hebrew origins/bloodlines are Black.... nor the fact that all of Mankind descended from the so-called Negroid Race. I once had a Jewish online "friend" that was just the sweetest thing this side of Heaven until I hit him with the news that his curly hair & dusky features were genetic indicators of his Negroid decent. He freaked out on me in such an ugly fashion that it reminded me of Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde. You see the stigma attached to being Black is so unpalatable for some folks that it causes them to spazz. But, according to Jim Crow, Willy Lynch, the government, the Catholic Church, European standards, etc.....despite appearances to the contrary caused by recessive genes...if there is one drop of Black blood in your lineage you are considered Black. Elaborate caste systems were created by "society" for mulattoes, quadroons, octoroons, (Jews), etc. Which explains why so many people of color are still stuck..."color struck" in their slave mentalities today. Light vs. darker complexions meant certain privileges. But Negroid Jewish ancestry has been a well-known, documented, & accepted fact among educated Caucasians for centuries. Famed scholars, historians, philosophers, scientists, archaeologists, have been known to refer to Jews as sand niggers, mongrels, & other semi Negroid terms. Such mentality helped to justify their indentured enslavement/employment and use as tax collectors, accountants, bankers, money lenders, overseers, financial watch dogs, slum landlords, foremen, etc to keep track of money for the conquering elite... which included the Romans, then much later & now... the British. Which is why Austrian born Hitler had little problem victimizing them as he masterminded the German Revolution known as the Holocaust. The German people were sick of working for slave wages in their own highly industrialized nation under the leadership of Jewish watchdogs while their resources were being commandeered & pocketed by the British. Since they couldn't reach the Brits, (as usual) they attacked the emissaries (overseers). Over the centuries, due to the race mixing among the Pharisees & Sadducees with the conquering Romans & Asiatic peoples the bloodlines & semi-Negroid (mongrel/chop suey) appearances of the Hebrews & Arabs evolved to become what we see today. By polite social standards, Yeshua was considered a Black bastard…a militant rebel... of lowly birth that did not meet the social nor political criteria required to be The Messiah. I guess that when you have been raised to feel smugly & condescendingly superior to someone not even considered HUE-MAN then find yourself in the same boat it is rather mind blowing. When folks prefer to live in a state of denial, their minds are reprobated & they will not be moved. They will twist your words, intentionally take things out of context, and vilify you in an effort to hold onto their delusions of superiority rather than embrace the Black Man as "brother"...or equal. Cain will continue to destroy Abel until God's day of reckoning. When asked by Whites what difference does it make whether Jesus was black or White...I simply smile & reply... If it doesn't make any difference, why did you make Him white? Can YOU handle the Truth? By: Alex Darkwah For more information:
http://www.stewartsynopsis.com/physical_appearance_of_ancient_i.htm |
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