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De waarheid, verwijder dit niet Hodaka - 21.12.2004 09:53
De waarheid op INDYMEDIA, Verwijder dit niet. Boyd Ed Graves, J.D. discovered the United States' secret 1971 Special 'AIDS' Virus Flow Chart in 1999. The American (Euro) scientists who created AIDS believe the anthropology textbooks that indigenous groups of people who inhabit all parts of the global world are Caucasian. The scientists, therefore, felt safe to develop a disease that would wipe out all people with Negroid Ancestry. Little did the scientists know that only 8 percent of the global world is Caucasian--WHITE! Many of the indigenous people (now classified as White) are dying of AIDS because of their "Brown" skin. In effect, Caucasians have become victims of their own propaganda!!!! U. S. Secret Virus Program Black people have a gene called CCR5 Delta 32+. (I mean Brown people too.) On the opposite end of the spectrum is CCR5 Delta 32-. The CCR5 Delta 32- is a mutation of the original CCR5 Delta 32+. The only people who have the Delta 32- gene are White people--Nordic Europeans. The 32- allele has to be inherited from both parents to be immune from the test tube created HIV and AIDS. The mutation does not have the required receptacles needed to "hold on" the HIV and AIDS Disease. The gene gives credence to the disease being racially designed to eliminate "people of color." About 10 percent of Europeans carry the CCR5 Delta 32- mutation. The incidence is only 2 percent in central Asia, and the mutation is completely absent among East Asians, Africans, and American Indians. THAT SHOULD TELL YOU SOMETHING. The HIV/AIDS enzyme is the product of many steps in the laboratory according to all scientific criteria in every independent ‘de novo’ review that has been conducted to date. The science history shows an ‘Aryan obsession’ with development of ethnic biological weapons targeting people of Negroid descent. At present it is unclear exactly when the genociders learned there was an exploitable difference in the blood of the Negroid Race. Shortly after the United States Congress appropriated money (for offensive biological weapons) to the CIA and US military in 1957, Negroid children on the Continent of Africa became afflicted with a “new” cancer (Burkitt’s Lymphoma). In 2002 something or some new disease was killing African children that utilized the CCR5 delta 32 positive gene--indigenous to all people of color. It became clear there was a clear master plan to debilitate, incapacitate, eradicate and eliminate the Black populations of the world. Role of the CCR5 delta 32 allele in resistance to HIV-1 infection in West Africa The National Library of Medicine determined the frequency of the mutant CCR5 delta 32 allele in high-risk HIV-seronegative Africans as compared with the general African population, and assessed its in vitro protective efficacy against HIV-1 infection. In the homozygous form, the CCR5 delta 32-allele confers resistance to macrophage-tropic (M-tropic) strains of HIV-1. Assuming that genetic characteristics favoring HIV resistance would prevail in a high-risk HIV-seronegative population, they examined the CCR5 genotypes of female commercial sex workers (CSWs) from Dakar, Senegal, who have remained uninfected for an elongated period. The following Methods were used: The CCR5 genetic profile of study participants was determined by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplification of genomic DNA followed by sequencing. Peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) were infected with different strains of HIV-1 and monitored by p24 enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). The Results Follow: They confirmed the presence of two CCR5wt/delta 32 genotypes among 139 individuals (1.44%). PBMCs from these 2 heterozygous individuals were also found to be less susceptible to in vitro infection by an M-tropic HIV-1 primary isolate. The following were conclusions: Evidence was found of an increased prevalence of the CCR5wt/delta 32 genotype in a high-risk HIV-seronegative cohort in West Africa. Furthermore, reduced susceptibility to HIV-1 infection among heterozygous individuals supports a role for 32-bp CCR5 deletion in HIV-1 resistance. Comment from the Stormfront White Nationalist Community: In the mid 1990's, an exciting new example of intense selection against one of the homozygotes for a trait came to light. This stemmed from the discovery that some people do not get AIDS even if they are repeatedly exposed to the virus ( HIV ) that is responsible for this usually fatal disease. The people who are immune have inherited two copies of a rare mutant gene known as CCR5-delta 32 --they are homozygous. Those who are heterozygous apparently have a partial immunity or at least a delay in the onset of AID's. Approximately 10% of Europeans now have the CCR5-delta 32 gene variant, but it is extremely rare or absent in other populations of the world. There is a surprising connection in this story. The CCR5-delta 32 gene also provides immunity to a deadly disease of bacterial origin, bubonic plague. People who are homozygous for the OCR5-delta 32 gene variant are completely immune, while heterozygotes have partial immunity. It is very likely that this life-saving allele occurs as a random mutation and that it was selected for by the devastating black plague epidemics that swept over Europe beginning in the 14th century. During the first wave of plague, between 1347 and 1350, one fourth to one third of all Europeans died from this disease. Natural selection favored those who by chance had inherited the CCR5-delta 32 gene variant. Repeated waves of plague over the next three centuries resulted in an increase in the frequency of CCR5-delta 32 in the European population. The Proof for the Development of AIDS U.S. Public Law 91-213 signed March 16, 1970, by Richard Nixon states: "In the United States’ effort to 'stabilize the population of Sub-Saharan Africa' and thus, increase the national security of future United States, Nixon proclaims there would be 'explosive events' (relative to John D. Rockefeller, III’s oversight on the problem of African overpopulation). To date nary a single U.S. official will address the ‘peculiar’ public law that authorizes the United States to kill its own citizens and others in the name of the national security of future (White) Americas. If the United States is above board, then the President should take immediate corrective action to fully disclose this secret (Manhattan-style) program. J. Craig Venter, Jr., holds the patent to the gene called the "African American HIV/AIDS Entryway." This is the same gene that early U.S. science used on African children in the late 50’s (CCR5 Delta 32 positive). M. Stewart. Copyright © 2002, 2003, 2004. All rights reserved. |
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