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Dreiging software-patenten nog niet weg. a42 - 31.12.2004 01:08
De nederlandse overheid wil hun "opdracht" om software-patenten door te voeren afmaken... Hoewel de software-patent overeenkomst van 18-05-2004 niet langer de ondersteuning van een meerderheid geniet, zal de nederlandse regering toch gaan proberen om hun "taak" af te maken. Dit houdt in dat "Nederland" alsnog gaat proberen om alsnog een A-item wat betreft software-patenten in januari door te voeren. Het mag duidelijk zijn dat de software-monopolist Microsoft, die zo ongeveer 1 patent per week aanschaft, hier de lachende derde zal zijn.. Future Developments concerning Software Patents What will happen next in with Regard to Software Patents, in particular the EU directive project? EU Directive Project General Although the software patent agreement of 2004-05-18 no longer enjoys the support of a legitimated majority of governments, efforts to push it through one of the next Council sessions will continue. The Dutch government is even said to have offered to do what it considers its "finish-up job" on behalf of Luxemburg in January. This would mean passing as an A-item in January based on the assumption that all countries agree. Indeed Poland has not formally filed a note of disagreement with the Council so far, and article 3 of the Council's rules, which served as a reason for delay at the Agriculture and Fishery Meeting in December, will then no longer be citable. The Dutch Parliament has stated that the Dutch government, by continuing to support the Agreement of May 18th, is violating the parliament's motion of last July, but the minister in charge, Laurens Jan Brinkhorst is defying the parliament to the extent that he is willing to risk a motion of distrust. Simultaneously, a group of members of the European Parliament is preparing for a restart of the procedure in case the Council continues to be unwilling to do its homework. "Homework" should mean: analyse the interests at stake, read the Parliament's proposed solution and formulate responses that show at least some willingness to understand and appreciate. Timetable of the Luxemburg Presidency * http://www.eu2005.lu/ Important dates * 2005-01-10 Agriculture & Fishery Council * 2005-01-18 Economy & Finance Council (Ecofin) * 2005-03-00 Competitiveness Council
http://kwiki.ffii.org/SwpatFuturEn zie ook : India Quietly Introduces Software Patents :
http://yro.slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=04/12/27/1323237 Linux champion Munich welcomes patent delay :
http://www.zdnet.co.uk/print/?TYPE=story&AT=39182086-39020390t-10000004c Patent intervention gives Poland the popular vote :
http://www.zdnet.co.uk/print/?TYPE=story&AT=39182860-39020645t-10000022c |
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