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Journalists Are Killers 2 ? Henk Ruyssenaars - 10.01.2005 09:43
Hoe kunnen journalisten moordenaars zijn ? In a year of war, murder still tops the causes of work deaths for journalists. FPF/CPJ-Update - January 10th - 2005 - In a press release the 'Committee to Protect Journalists' (CPJ)* a few days ago stated that last year 36 - of the 56 journalists who died - were murdered. "Even in a year of combat casualties brought on by war, murder remained the leading cause of work-related deaths among journalists worldwide in 2004, an analysis by the 'Committee to Protect Journalists' has found. Thirty-six of the 56 journalists who died in the line of duty in 2004 were murdered, continuing a long-term trend documented by CPJ. The organization’s annual year-end analysis reinforced another trend—the killers usually go unpunished. In all but nine cases in 2004, CPJ found, the murders were carried out with impunity. The toll traverses the globe - from the Philippines, where eight journalists were slain in a shocking series of attacks; to Mexico, where drug-fueled violence claimed the lives of two journalists; to the Gambia, where editor and press freedom advocate Deyda Hydara was gunned down just days after denouncing a repressive new press law." In an article which was first published 33 months ago*, by me a very negative side of the present media situation and 'journalism' was described and the question was asked: 'whether journalists are killers too?'. One also should have a good look at 'how and why' journalists were killed: many lost their lives because of their work as journalists. They either died 'in the line of duty' or were deliberately targeted for assassination - even with "friendly fire" by their own governments - because of their honest / different reporting, or even their affiliation with a news organization. So the question needing an answer was still the following : are journalists killers too...? And the answer must be an unequivocal YES. JOURNALISTS KILL WHEN KEEPING SILENT ABOUT CRIMES BY THEIR GOVERNMENTS AND OTHERS. OR HELP FABRICATE PROPAGANDA SUPPORTING WARS. They make killing possible when they obey orders to withhold information from the public or publish false material. They help killing when they use their job as a "cover" and cooperate with the CIA-Mossad or other intelligence agencies. The despicable british D-Notice A rather unknown and disgusting example of absolute censorship is the infamous british "D-Notice" - in "time of emergency". [D-Notice - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/pv2r] When the government c.q. military sees it fit to order censorship on for instance all journalists in the "British Empire" the D-notice is the weapon. That also implies that the BBC is only half as reliable as people think. I've sometimes worked for the BBC's world news and refused for weeks working for them during the Gulf War period. Because of the Oxford accent the BBC propaganda is noticed less, but there is enough proof that the BBC has advocated the present illegal war by the US neocon managers. [HR on BBC - http://tinyurl.com/4bv7s] Contrary to many of my colleagues all over the world, I refuse to take part in the immense and disgraceful stream of small lies, bigger lies and the abominable publicity companies' "War on Terrorism"-US-Press handouts. By conforming to the wishes of the global US-propaganda- and warmachine, too many 'editors', journalists and correspondents, are now an active part of the global killing." [end quote] Hoe kunnen journalisten moordenaars zijn ? * Lees maar: http://tinyurl.com/3trom Henk Ruyssenaars
http://tinyurl.com/5823n E-Mail: fpf@chello.nl Website: http://tinyurl.com/3trom |
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