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Al Pieda taartnieuws en nwe GI Digest globalinfo - 13.01.2005 14:49
Het laatste taartnieuws. En nog wat links Goed nieuws, er is eindelijk een nieuwe Biotic Baking Brigade taart-digest uit, en dan valt er echt wat te verteren. Zo lezen we dat een nieuwe taartcel genaamd Al Pieda al afgelopen oktober heeft toegeslagen in Tucson Arizona. Daar werd het gezicht van de conservatieve columniste Ann Coulter opgesierd met gebak tijdens een toespraak op de Universiteit. Ook smakelijke acties in Austin Texas, Alberta, Canada en Burnbury Australie. Verder wordt melding gemaakt van de twee nieuwe taartsongs van Chumbawamba en neerlands trots The Ex. Arrestaties vielen onder meer in Alberta Canada waar twee mensen de kerker in verdwenen voor het opeten van hun eigen stembiljet! Ook wordt melding gemaakt van een wetenschappelijk onderzoek waaruit zou blijken dat radicale directe acties veel meer effect bereiken dan voorzichtig gelobby. Maar het overzicht staat (nog) niet op de BBB-website, die een beetje door de kameraden verwaarloosd lijkt te zijn. Daarom maar integraal hieronder geplakt, in het engelse taaltje dat ze daar in Amerika spreken dan. Maar niet vooraleerst gemeld te hebben dat er ondertussen ook weer een Globalinfo Digest is verschenen, met deze keer onder meer: Bono de marionet, kunstenaars die de stad leefbaar maken, het alternatief voor gevangenissen, verzamelsite Indymedia-VS en Indyblogs, ontsnapte christenen, auto-ellende, die andere Tsunami en websites met praktische wapens voor de strijd. Hiero: http://www.globalinfo.nl/article/articleview/503/1/2/ "Al Pieda" Targets Ann Coulter Conservative author survives creamy stage-left attack OCTOBER 22--Meet "Al Pieda" disciples Phillip Edgar Smith and William Zachary Wolff. The Tucson men, both 24, were arrested last night after throwing custard cream pies at author Ann Coulter during her speech at the University of Arizona. Portions of the pies connected with the conservative commentator's face and shoulder, according to this police report, which quotes Smith saying that he and Wolff were "throwing the pies at her ideas not at her." Cops also noted that a post-arrest search of the assailants turned up "pieces of paper (propaganda) involving Coulter's name and the explanation of 'Al Pieda.'" Videos and more info at: http://www.alpieda.org/ Thanks, Agent Tofu Cream, Al Pieda / BBB Tucson ~~~~~~~~~~ On December 6th, 2004, the Biotic Baking Brigade of Austin, Texas placed its first nomination for the Canary Awards of 2005 upon the face of John Aielli, host of KUTs morning show, Eclecticose (Austins NPR affiliate). This honor was bestowed in order to illustrate the dangerous consequences of consolidating power into the hands of the few. Twenty years is a lengthy amount of time for anyone to hold a positionparticularly one that involves four hours of access each weekday to the airwaves of a city. Quite simply, we intervened to save the listeners of Austin, Texas from having to listen to John Aielli be seduced by the illusion of his own power. John Aielli was nominated for this honor because he continually exploits the very pedestal upon which he sharpens his creative teeth; by bolstering the financial agendas of groups whose lifestyle and product positioning spectacle continue to dull our senses, John Aielli and his morning show continue to stifle the very mechanisms which afford the reception of his programming privilege. Furthermore, John Aielli trounced across the divide which necessarily segregates our audio experiences from our visual experiences. By intentionally disengaging from our collective folklore and showing his face on the south capitol steps to lead a holiday sing along it is only natural that an involuntary muscular contraction of the wrist occurred. We are all only so fortunate that it was a cream pie and not a bowl of warm gravy which too was present to assist in John Aiellis nomination. Cast your vote for the 2005 Canary nomination pool today at yellowbirdsgottafly@graffiti.net, or, as always, take matters into your own hands! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ November, 2004 Alberta, Canada 2 members of the Ballot Baking Brigade (BBB) were arrested today after consuming portions of their ballot. After consuming, the members of the brigade were handcuffed and escorted away in police vehicles. They were forced to remove their shoelaces, belts, and necklaces before they were put in a holding cell. "Today we experienced the criminalization of dissent. People should have the right to do whatever they want to their own ballot," said Casey Pritchard, one member of the BBB. "We are hoping that our actions today will open up a discussion about the current state of democracy in Alberta." Corporate donations in elections, the increasing role of corporate lobbyists in making political decisions, the alienation of people from the democratic process and a winner take all system are just a few of the issues the group hopes to get the public to discuss. "We are hoping that by eating our ballot we can start a discussion. Currently we have a system where there is a tremendous amount of corporate influence in the electoral system and in the democratic system to the xtent that private corporate lobbyists have more power then average citizens," said Mike Hudema another member of the BBB. "We need to startaddressing the fact that a majority of Albertans dont feel like they are an integral part of democracy in Alberta. Instead most people feel powerless and alienated and that is not acceptable. We need change." The BBB is holding a democracy forum to try to solicit Albertans opinions on the state of democracy in Alberta and what we need to do to improve it. The forum is Wednesday, November 24 at 12:00 at Sacred Heart Parish. "We are hoping the forum will generate real solutions for change," said Leah Henderson a member of the BBB. "We have our own ideas: moving to proportional representation, limiting corporate donations, making all lobbying minutes public information, and moving to more participatory models of governance but we want as many voices to come out as possible." It is a criminal offence to eat your ballot under the Alberta Elections Act. "OUR DREAMS WILL NEVER FIT IN YOUR BALLOT BOX" www.democracyproject.ca/bbb.html ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Tuesday, November 9, 2004 Protester raises ire of mining chief Conservationists have thrown a pie into the face of a mining boss in the south-west of Western Australia. Police allege Chris Farnsworth hit Cable Sands general manager Collis Thorp in the face with a pie outside an energy and resources forum in Bunbury before spraying a nearby businessman with green dye. Mr Thorp used his presentation to industry leaders to launch a scathing attack on opponents of the mine. "The so-called non-violent action of the protest movement should also be talked about," he said. "For those who might have seen it this morning I was assaulted again this morning with a large pie of human excrement thrown in my face. "So these are the lovely peaceful protesters. Guys, I can assure you for those who come into confrontation with these people they are not peaceful protesters." Mr Farnsworth has rejected the claims, saying the pie was a coffee mouse. In defence of his non-violent direct action, he said "I must also take exception to the word 'thrown'. I prefer to regard the mousse as 'positively positioned' rather than thrown." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Two new pie songs: "Just Desserts" by Chumbawamba and "The Pie" by The Ex Just Desserts
http://www.chumba.com/_un.htm Groucho-Marxists look so sweet Slapstick anarchists, nice enough to eat Peter Kropotkin in the way we talk; Charlie Cairoli in the way we walk See them scramble to the top-watch them fall from grace Never trust a man with egg on his face Intellectual tarts with a good left hook Copycat killer-cover and duck! Polite assassins: You shout, I scream! And the part starts on a count of one, two three. We talk without words, and everybody understands. Just desserts, delivered by hand. "Nobody move! Or the CEO gets it in the face with cream and dough!" See them scramble to the top-wsatch them fall from grace. Never trusts a man with egg on his face. The Pie
http://www.theex.nl/lyrics.htm In a world full of poor and an environment to protect an alternative flan of action flies in the face of promises not kept it shows that the responsible irresponsibles have faces and names which can be addressed therefore bake and aim and put a smile back on the face of the oppressed The puppeteers and the powers that be would always agree that stones are no arguments and meanwhile they hit us with batons and bullets and invite us to their wrecking-balls with distorted truths and teargas slander, lies and tanks no thanks, we understand and that is why we wanna globalise the pie Number 1 is The Walking Thrust: walk up to the person, push the pie in the face and before you walk away give it a slight twist this makes the sticky part of the pie cling to the recipient Number 2 is The Shot Put: the one to be thrown straight from a distance of three to five feet Number 3 is The Ancient Roman Discus Throw the most beautiful delivery of all: spin half-way round, turning the pie as you whirl and then let go, hitting the victim square in the face Number 4 is The Catcher's Throw to Second Base the hardest of all: pull back your arm just as far as it will go and then bring the pie in, all the way from East St Louis and let her go! With shots over eight feet make sure that the pie is of the right weight to fly in a straight line as it leaves your fingers on the other hand, some do believe that one must press the pie into the face directly and that it never should be thrown an advice for beginners: don¼t try this at home... Some people say that the pie is the limit but a pastry at a time is an answer to their crime ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Direct action gets better results" ...from: New Scientist vol 183 issue 2462 - 28 August 2004, page 4 Chaining yourself to bulldozers and throwing paint over company executives is more likely to influence environmental policy than schmoozing on Capitol Hill. So says an analysis of the impact of the green movement in the US between 1960 and 1994. The study compares the number of bills passed by Congress with tactics employed by green groups in the same year. Jon Agnone, a sociologist at the University of Washington, Seattle, found that sit-ins, rallies and boycotts were highly effective at forcing new environmental laws. Each protest raised the number of pro-environment bills passed by 2.2 per cent. Neither effort spent schmoozing politicians nor the state of public opinion made any difference. But conventional politics does play a part. Environmental legislation is 75 per cent more likely to pass when Democrats control both houses of Congress. And it gets a 200 per cent boost in congressional election years, presumably because politicians see it as a vote winner. Agnone, who presented his results on 17 August at the American Sociological Association's meeting in San Francisco, says protest groups lose their edge when they become part of the system. Their most effective weapon is disruption. "If you make a big enough disturbance then people have to recognise what you are doing." @@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ "Never doubt that a small and dedicated group of people with pies can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has." -Margaret Mead ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Look for "Pie Any Means Necessary: The BBB Cookbook" in fine (and not so fine) bookstores, cafes, bunkers, caves, and police station lockups everywhere. Or order it straight from the publisher, AK Press, via http://www.akpress.org "The Pie's the Limit," a delicious documentary produced by the Whispered Media video collective, features a cornucopia of political pie-throwings in San Francisco and beyond; a brief history of consumable comedy; behind the scenes interviews with real underground pie tossers; corporate media analysis, and in-your-face politics. Watch in delight as a half dozen demagogues are served up their just deserts! Order it via http://www.whisperedmedia.org/piepage.html |
Lees meer over: globalisering kunst, cultuur en muziek natuur, dier en mens | aanvullingen |  | |