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20 Januari, inauguratiedag van Bush rythms of resistance - 17.01.2005 22:47
a.s donderdag 20 januari is de dag dat G.W. Bush inauguratie plaats zal vinden, dit is ook de dag dat er wereldwijd vele protesten zullen klinken! Ook in Nederland: vanaf 16:00 voor het Amerikaans Consulaat in Amsterdam. Neem potten, pannen, fluitjes, claxons enz. mee en laat van je horen! deze lawaaidemo zal plaatsvinden , om verzet te bieden tegen het beleid van de bush-regering. redenen tot protest zijn: -de afbraak van burgelijke vrijheden, zogenaamd om het 'terrorisme' te bestrijden. Dit schept een internationaal klimaat dat ten koste gaat van de onderlinge solidariteit tussen mensen. De invoering van de identificatieplicht in Nederland is hier een voorbeeld van. Deze maatregel maakt van iedereen een potentiele terrorist, vooral van mensen zonder geldige papieren. -De oorlog in Irak. Deze oorlog zou zogenaamd tot meer 'vrijheid en democratie' in het Midden Oosten moeten leiden, maar in plaats daarvan is er sprake van een oorlog om macht en grondstoffen ten koste van de Irakese bevolking. - Het feit dat het geld dat nu aan oorlogstuig wordt besteed veel beter gestoken kan worden in sociale voorzieningen. |
Lees meer over: vrijheid, repressie & mensenrechten wereldcrisis | aanvullingen |  | Indymedia radio in de lucht! | Vrije Keyser Radio team - 18.01.2005 12:20
 25 jaar Radio de Vrije Keyser Donderdag 20 januari zullen er extra indymedia radio uitzendingen online zijn met onder meer live protest geluiden vanuit Washington DC. Radio de Vrije Keyser zal dit zoveel mogelijk uitzenden in de Amsterdamse ether op de 89.6 MHz! Bel/SMS tips & nieuws en overige meldingen: 06 55 99 08 05 Of kom in het chatbox kanaal #VK op http://chat.indymedia.org (irc.indymedia.org) Website: http://VrijeKeyser.TK | radio | ror - 18.01.2005 12:43
tip: neem die radio mee naar het museumplein!! | in zwart gekleed | Bas - 18.01.2005 15:04
Of, als je geen vrij kunt nemen, kan iedereen in stemmig zwartnaar zijn/haar werk gaan... | Niet vergeten | SoniK - 18.01.2005 15:45
Bush komt naar Bruxelles in Februari. Ook daar weer een leuk feest van maken! Ow trouwens, niet vergeten Spandoeken tegen Balkenende te maken voor de twee protestdagen... Groetjes | "Rice's confirmation hearing" | Guido - 18.01.2005 23:53
Deze namiddag werd Condoleeza Rice ondervraagt in de Senaat in de USA(United States of Abuse[torture]) naar aanleiding van haar al dan niet benoeming als minister van Buitenlanse Zaken.
http://ovl.indymedia.org/news/2005/01/4204.php | Washington DC Inaugural Media Coalition | ketellinkie - 19.01.2005 02:02
Washington DC Inaugural Media Coalition:
http://www.inaugurationmedia.org/ Welcome to the home of the Washington DC Inaugural Media Coalition. Our primary purpose is to provide an independent media center, and promote and distribute independent media, during the 2005 presidential inauguration. zie ook Washington, DC Indymedia:
http://dc.indymedia.org/ | Pirate radio calls for inauguration protests | linkje - 19.01.2005 16:00
http://www.cnn.com/2004/ALLPOLITICS/12/22/pirate.radio/index.html Pirate radio calls for inauguration protests Wednesday, December 22, 2004 WASHINGTON (CNN) -- An unauthorized radio station in the nation's capital called for "massive protests" in the week leading up to the January 20 presidential inauguration. 'During the identification message, an announcer said, "WSQT is a project of urban activists in the D.C. area working on housing issues, homeless issues, issues of war, issues of occupation both at home and abroad, and issues of the environment that we all have to live in." (...) Other programming featured rap music with urgent, unsettled lyrics that were generally shouted instead of sung. The station's poor audio quality made the vocalizations nearly unintelligible.(...) The announcer also called on the Supreme Court justices to "get off your butts" and free people unfairly imprisoned on drug convictions, and further stated that "we know you can hear our signal up there, and all you people in Congress." (...)' Zie ook DC Radio Coop:
http://dc.indymedia.org/dcradiocoop.php | radio | linkie - 20.01.2005 02:06
Washington DC Inaugural Protests Radio Links:
http://www.inaugurationmedia.org/2005-01-16_space_opens.html Independent Media Space Opens to Cover Inauguration ********* Enemy Combatant Radio -- www.enemycombatantradio.net -- announces three days of special live radio coverage January 20th thru 22nd, 2005, as the San Francisco Bay Area protests Bush's re-coronation, endless war, empire and occupation on Thursday the 20th, and, two days later, takes to the streets to oppose the anti-choice right wing, which is bringing its so-called "walk for life" to the San Francisco waterfront. LISTEN Tune in to Enemy Combatant Radio (ECR) live on the internet at www.enemycombatantradio.net or on a community low-power FM radio station near you. Programming info and schedules will be posted at www.indybay.org and www.enemycombatantradio.net. PARTICIPATE ECR doesn't use paid professionals, we rely on *You* to *Be the media* by calling in your reports, interviews, and commentary from the streets or where ever you are: (415) 864-1006 Read more about what's happening in San Francisco at:
http://www.indybay.org/womyn/ Enemy Combatant Radio is "a grassroots, collectively managed radio station dedicated to broadcasting the vibrant voices of the Bay Area community and beyond. Our goal is to train and empower youth, womyn, minority, working/lower class, impoverished, persecuted, queer and alternative voices to take back their airwaves and use them as a tool for radical change in their local and global communities... We are the people, we are the media and we are dissenting from the ground up. Tune in..."
http://www.enemycombatantradio.net/ ecr at indymedia.org (415) 864-1006 ********* In opposition to the impending illegitimate coronation of the emperor, millions will be in the streets on Thursday, January 20 from DC to San Diego to Honolulu and worldwide to protest the policies of the Bush administration and the system that put it in place. Tune in to Radioactive Radio for live coverage of the Counter-Inaugural in San Diego and nationwide from 6am to midnite. To report on ongoing actions, please call the Radioactive studio: 619-269-4693 //// Listen online at http://radioActiveradio.org ************* radioActive SanDiego is a collective, non-hierarchical organization formed to pioneer a new internet radio station. We plan to build a model for the post-corporate, autonomous, community media of the future by offering revolutionary media production and distribution that creates positive social and economic change. RASD rejects the narrow formats of corporate-owned media and seeks to offer listeners a wide variety of styles and genres of media programming. We don't just report events, we participate in them ///// radioActive sanDiego
http://radioActiveradio.org love / solidarity / revolution // positive social change ********* ------------monday-------------monday--------------monday----------- Veer Towards Queer* 5-7PM PST Mondays with Queer-J-Brad Veer Towards Queer attempts to promote solidarity amongst oppressed groups by probing commonalities in modes of repression and exploring possibilities for common resistance. This week's show will feature an in-studio discussion of Queers and the bush years with DJ Aymara, a special guest and QJB plus Queer music created under the current regime. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> toozday:::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Temporary Autonomous Zones (T.A.Z.) with Onto the Ontologist Tuesdays, 1-2pm Whether you're at work, at home, at an anticapitalist convergence, inside a WTO meeting, eating organic vegetables, or practicing anarchist capoeira, every Tuesday from 1-2pm you should tune in to radioActive San Diego to hear Onto the Ontologist's show "T.A.Z." Counter-Inaugural special! Live interviews and discussion with DC.indymedia about the upcoming counter-inauguration events in Washington D.C. Also, stories from Onto about his J20 experiences in DC 4 years ago. With music and mayhem to fill in the gaps. .............. . . . ...................... . .......... . . . .. .. .. W E D N E S D A Y .................. . .................. . . . .................. . . . Al Luh Looyah This Wednesday on the Al uh Looyah show, in solidarity with the film showings at voz alta on the same night, and in opposition to the following day's re-coronation of W. Bush, will be playing two films. "The Unauthorized Biography of Dick Cheney", and "Aftermath: 9 Unanswered Questions about 9/11" 6-8pm wednesday. ////////////////////////////////////////////// Radica Radio w/ Pepperbox and Queen B "Feminism Never Looked This Good" Wednesday Nights 8-10 This Wednesday: The ladies of Radica Radio will be doing a segment on George Bush and women, specifically the state of women in healthcare, women's choice, women in education, women in the workforce, etc... This will be set up as a lead into the J20 events... Werd. ________________________________________________________________________ ____ ------------------------------------------------------------- _______________________________________________________ thursday ------------------------------------------------- ______________________________________ thursday ------------------------------ "Resistance Remixed" DJ Lotus 7-8pm Resitance, Remixed is an experiment in tactical audio production where DJ Lotus creates audio which is in itself an act of resistance. Resistance, remixed also looks for new forms of resistance all over the world in an effort to find new, effective ways of combating neo-liberalism and the religious right, while creating direct democracy.
http://radioactiveradio.org/lotus/lotus.html //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// "through the looking glass" DJ No Face 8pm-9pm Music and commentary relating to how the music has effected my life. ======================================================================== ==== [ [ [ [ [[[Friday, Saturday, Sunday]]] ] ] ] ] THE UNDERGROUND SHOW Friday or Saturday at 7 or 8 pm Listen as Mr. Mike reads odd news items, plays odd bands, and generally futzes around on the radio. This week's topic: Breaking with the usual format, Mr. Mike will be playing a tape of Greg Palast's recent speech in San Diego. " Let's get real" Trish sundays 7-8 theme : Relationships , homosexuality , culture , marriage and families . life therapeutic interviews. ************* radioActive SanDiego is a collective, non-hierarchical organization formed to pioneer a new internet radio station. We plan to build a model for the post-corporate, autonomous, community media of the future by offering revolutionary media production and distribution that creates positive social and economic change. RASD rejects the narrow formats of corporate-owned media and seeks to offer listeners a wide variety of styles and genres of media programming. We don't just report events, we participate in them ///// radioActive sanDiego
http://radioActiveradio.org love / solidarity / revolution // positive social change We will be here all week with coverage! On Wednesday, January 19th, the San Diego Independent Media Center will present a night of Counter-Inaugural film in opposition to the illegitimate coronation of George W. Bush. 7pm, Voz Alta, 1544 Broadway Three films: "Empire State," lotus' 25 minute film about the RNC "Unconventional TV," imc coverage of the RNC "J20 DC: 2000 Inauguration" on RASD that night, listen to some films with Al. He's shooting for right after democracy now! around 4pm or so and still not sure what he's gonna play but thinking of " The Unauthorized Biography of Dick Cheney " and some other stuff election related. And The Following Day All-Day coverage of inaugural events, both kinds! Please participate! Call in your experience! On the streets? At home? At work? In the parade!? We want to hear it and put you on the air! Call 619 269 4693!! Be The Media! Be The Media! Write it Down! Enter it in the Cell! In solidarity with radical Queers and oppressed peoples everywhere, the Queer Activists of San Diego call on ALL QUEERS in San Diego to take to the streets and participate in the COUNTER INAUGURAL demonstrations on JANUARY 20th, to QUEER our city for one fucking day! **In a city where Pride has been taken over by consumerism, where over 400 Queer youth are left to live homeless on the streets... **In a country where Queers are expected to mimic the straight lifestyle while legal barriers to equality are increasing, where public services are being taken away or controlled by politicians and organizations with intolerant agendas... **In a world where nonnormative genders and sexualities are persecuted, where disease treatment and prevention take a back seat to capital gain, where the Queer agenda is being controlled by the corporate agenda - putting profit before people? In this city, in this country, in this world, Queer dissent is stifled by violence, torture, imprisonment and a biased corporate media. In the face of this oppression, we cannot and will not remain silent while parades, ceremonies and balls are held to honor an administration that seeks to make us invisible. On J20, we urge you to be loud and visible: to hold signs on the sidewalk, dance in the streets, transform the streets, Queer the streets, radiate love in the streets, make love in the streets, occupy the streets or shut down the city, as the spirit moves you and your risk tolerance allows, by participating in one or more of the following actions or creating your own: Remember the Dead, Fight for the Living: Counter-Inaugural Reclaim The Streets, 7pm at 3rd and Broadway, in front of NBC San Diego's Ground Zero Players: CACEROLAZO mass street theater action 5:30 - 7:30 PM, 4th and Broadway BRING POTS AND PANS AND SPOONS AND EARPLUGS! --The San Diego Coalition for Peace and Justice rally and march, starting at 5:00pm, 4th and Broadway And this is only the beginning? For more information:
http://www.queeractivistsd.org ( info@queeractivistsd.org)
http://www.radioactiveradio.org (6AM-MIDNITE Live Coverage on J20) You're also invited to the The People's Inaugural Ball on Friday Jan. 21st 8:00-11:00pm at the Balboa Park Club Ballroom. Special Guest Donna Frye, Music by Agua Dulce, food and drinks (cash bar). | Turn the Other Cheek | Billy - 20.01.2005 06:08
 j20 Op het net wordt opgeroepen om massaal het achterwerk naar George Bush te keren. Website: http://dc.indymedia.org/ | blauw oog maar geen arrestos bij consulaat | Rhythms of Resistance - 20.01.2005 18:23
Tussen 16.00 en 16.45 hebben zo'n 50 demonstranten lawaai gemaakt bij het Amerikaans consulaat in Amsterdam ondersteund door de actiesambaband en sirene. De politie maakte eerst geen problemen en stelde ook geen domme vragen. Toen wilde een aantal lui door het extra afzethek heen om dichterbij te kunnen komen met de herrie. Daar was de smeris het natuurlijk niet mee eens en er ontstond een matpartij. Dit verhaal werd een paar keer herhaald waarbij een motoragent over de schreef ging en iemand met zijn vuist een blauw oog sloeg. De andere agenten gaven toe dat hun collega te ver was gegaan. Het slachtoffer ging achteraf met wat mensen aangifte doe bij buro Koninginneweg. Er zijn geen arrestanten gevallen. | BTL audio: Unwelcome Guests at a Coronation | linkert - 25.01.2005 18:02
Between the Lines audio files (MP3, RealAudio):
http://www.btlonline.org/btl012805.html "Unwelcome Guests at a Coronation" Produced by Scott Harris and Anna Manzo Protests at the Presidential Inauguration of George W. Bush Doris "Granny D" Haddock, activist who, at the age of 90, walked 3,200 miles across the country to build grassroots support for campaign finance reform, speaking at the D.C. Anti-War Network's Jan. 20, 2005 Counter-Inaugural Rally at Malcolm X Park, Washington, D.C. Granny D celebrated her 95th birthday over the weekend. Aidan Delgado, U.S. Army Reserve soldier, at the D.C. Anti-War Network's Jan. 20, 2005 Counter-Inaugural Rally at Malcolm X Park, in Washington, D.C. The Raging Grannies, acapella singing group at the D.C. Anti-War Network's Jan. 20, 2005 Counter-Inaugural Rally at McPherson Square in Washington, D.C. Interview with investigative journalist and former National Security Agency analyst Wayne Madsen, at McPherson Square in Washington, D.C., Jan. 20, 2005, on journalist Seymour Hersh's New Yorker magazine report that the Bush administration is planning airstrikes against Iran. David Cobb, 2004 Green Party presidential candidate at the D.C. Anti-War Network's Jan. 20, 2005 Counter-Inaugural Rally at Malcom X Park in Washington, D.C. In Ohio, Cobb and Libertarian presidential candidate Michael Badnarik demanded a recount of the vote and worked to investigate and expose voter suppression, voter fraud , flaws in election machinery and other irregularities that many progressives feel changed the outcome of the presidential election. Medea Benjamin, cofounder of the human rights group Global Exchange and the women's peace group Code Pink -- two organizations that have been actively involved in organizing the U.S. antiwar movement, at the D.C. Anti-War Network's Jan. 20, 2005 Counter-Inaugural Rally at Malcolm X Park in Washington, D.C. Benjamin has traveled several times to Iraq and in January 2005, she organized a delegation of families of U.S. military personnel killed in Iraq and victims of the 9-11 attacks to bring $600,000 worth of humanitarian aid to the survivors of the American attack on Fallujah. Stan Goff, an author and former soldier in the U.S. Army's Special Operations force who has served in Vietnam, Grenada, and Haiti, at the D.C. Anti-War Network's Jan. 20, 2005 Counter-Inaugural Rally at Malcolm X Park in Washington, D.C. He is a founding member of the Bring Them Home Now campaign and member of Military Families Speak Out. Brian Becker, co-director of the International Action Center and national coordinator for the A.N.S.W.E.R. Coalition, speaks to thousands of anti-Bush protesters assembled near Washington, D.C.'s Pennsylvania Avenue and 4th Street, moments before President Bush's motorcade traveled down the traditional parade route for the presidential inauguration on Jan. 20, 2005. The crowd can be heard booing and chanting as his limousine and police escorts sped by. Website: http://www.btlonline.org/ | |
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