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NL against an anti-GMO moratorium antje - 03.02.2005 10:52
The World Conservation Union IUCN, a global umbrella organisation of states, governmental and non-governmental organisations engaged in nature protection, took a hallmark decission in November 2004 by adoption a resolution calling for a moratorium on the further release of genetically modified organisms - but without the support from the delegates from the Netherlands. As one could have expected the state and agency members from the US did not engage in this discussions and took no governmental position. Other big GMO-growing countries didn't seem to have problems with the call for a moratorium. But delegates from 3 countries did: "The delegations of Japan, The Netherlands and Sweden indicated that they were unable to support this Resolution." In Europe, the Nehterland is becoming more and more a hardliner country in favour of GM crops. Other countries still try to uphold the moratorium and don't want to allow GM crops grown commercially when so much is still unknown about their effects on the environment. Hungary as a new member state even went as far as once again banning the GM maize MON810 on the basis of new scientific knowledge. Other countries set up GMO free regions and try to find strong protection measures for farmers and farming systems that want to stay GMO-free. Meanwhile the Netherlands develop a rather ridiculous system of "safety distances" between GM and non-GM crops which don't even deserve the name, but which is supported even by Platform Biologica, the representation of the organic sector. What is wrong in the Netherlands, that not even those, whose job it is to protect nature, cannot join their colleagues worldwide wide in a call for a moratorium on GMOs? [ Resolution RESWCC3.007: A moratorium on the further release of genetically modified organisms GMOs):
http://www.iucn.org/congress/members/adopted_res_and_rec/RES/RESWCC3007%20-%20RES011E%20Final.pdf | Platform Biologica on Co-existience: http://www.platform-biologica.nl/nieuws/coexistentieengels.html, http://www.platform-biologica.nl/nieuws/ ] |
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