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URGENT GLOBAL HEALTH FREEDOM ALERT!!! John Hammell. - 03.02.2005 15:16
Read ANH's Alert to America & Assist IAHF in Breaking Thru The Pharma Spin Thats Keeping Vitamin Companies & Health Food Stores in the Dark on Codex ANH and its leading barristers, accompanied by over 30 of its supporters from different parts of Europe and even further afield, went to the European Court of Justice in Luxembourg on 25 January 2005 to present its case to prevent bans on hundreds of food-form vitamins and minerals. http://www.alliance-natural-health.org/index.cfm?action=home  READ ANH's WARNING TO AMERICA & THE WORLD: PLEASE take a moment to read Rob's WARNING TO AMERICA AND THE WORLD which was just published in the January issue of ACAM's newsletter:
http://www.alliance-natural-health.org/_docs/ANHwebsiteDoc_129.html EACH ONE TEACH ONE, EACH 10 TEACH 100, EACH 100 TEACH 1000, EACH 1000 TEACH 1,000,000 EACH MILLION TEACH 10 MILLION Friends: There is nothing new under the sun. Prior to Gutenberg's inventing the printing press, hardly anyone knew how to read (except for a few religious scholars) as the Catholic Church attempted to rigidly control people to the nth degree, but then Gutenberg invented the printing press and all of a sudden even poor people could own a book for the FIRST TIME, and a wonderful thing began to happen: Everyone began teaching everyone ELSE how to READ!!! WE STAND AT A CROSS ROADS TODAY: We can either LET the Pharma Cartel DESTROY our access to healing nutrients via the EU Food Supplement Directive, and CODEX, or we can get the hundredth monkey syndrome kicking in by everyone joining forces with IAHF and allied organizations to EXPOSE the PHARMA GENERATED SPIN thats been keeping all the vitamin companies, health food stores, and alternative practitioners in the DARK for the past 12 years on the Codex issue.
http://www.glycommunity.com/iahf/ Please let us know what you are doing to alert more people, and let's build a broader coalition! ~ John Hammell, IAHF 556 Boundary Bay Rd. Point Roberts, WA 98281 USA - tel. 800-333-2553 (N. America) or 360-945-0352. email: jham@iahf.com Time is of the essence!! Urge more people to sign on to the IAHF email distribution list at www.IAHF.com. E-Mail: robv@alliance-natural-health.org Website: http://www.alliance-natural-health.org/index.cfm?Action=archive&categoryID=7 |
Lees meer over: natuur, dier en mens | aanvullingen |  | Voedingswaren brengen ernstige schade toe | Letop!!! - 03.02.2005 21:34
"Onze voedingswaren brengen uw gezondheid ernstige schade toe". Deze bewering zou boven elke supermarktingang dienen te worden aangebracht Het zijn namelijk niet alleen tal van gevaarlijke en desondanks toch door de EU goedgekeurde lichaamsvreemde chemische additieven welke aan industrieel bereid voedsel worden toegevoegd. Ook de als gezond aangeprezen verse land- en tuinbouwprodukten dragen, door structurele tekorten aan essentiële voedingsstoffen en teveel aan giftige chemische bestrijdingsmiddelen, in voortdurende mate bij aan het stijgend aantal chronische en degeneratieve ziekten. Steeds meer mensen van jong tot oud hebben -of krijgen- ermee te maken. Bron: http://ricks-komkommer-log.blogspot.com/
Website: http://www.stelling.nl/kleintje/399/Voeding.htm | |
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