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Zionistische professor zaait haat Kurt Nimmo - 03.02.2005 17:29
Volgens een Israelische professor moeten arabieren per definitie in het hoofd worden geschoten, wordt beweerd door zijn studenten. "I received an interesting email this afternoon from an American Jewish woman. She claims that David Bukay of the Political Science department at Haifa University in Israel is using his post to advocate “racist expressions” directed against Arabs and Muslims. According to a student in the Philosophy Department at the university, Bukay supports “the killing Arabs only for being Arabs, claiming that they are criminals by their nature and recommending to humiliate Palestinians in front of cameras, spreading those pictures—and all this in a seminar, which is being classified by the University as a duty [compulsory] in their studies toward fulfillment of bachelor’s degree in the Department of Political Science.” Bukay is not only a university professor, but also an author, editor, public speaker, and “his fields of specialization are,” according to the Ariel Center for Policy Research (ACPR), “the Arab-Israeli conflict; inter-Arab relations and the Palestinian question; international terrorism and fundamental Islam; theoretical issues and political applications in the Middle-East; Asad’s foreign policy towards Israel and Lebanon; the culture approach to understanding the Middle-East.” It should be noted that the ACPR counts as “Isreal’s Friends” several Congress critters, including Jim Saxon, Bill McCollum, and Tom DeLay. “Contributing Experts” include the Strausscons Frank J. Gaffney and Meyrav Wurmser, wife of David Wurmser, who is Principal Deputy Assistant to the Vice President for National Security Affairs in the Office of Vice President Dick Cheney. Burkay, who teaches his students that Arabs must be “shot in their heads by a gun,” according to student mentioned above, hosted a round table discussion at the latest Jerusalem Summit, where Rep. Bob Beauprez (R-CO) and the Islamophobe Daniel Pipes also gave speeches. “Over 150 leading thinkers and statesmen from the US, Europe, Asia and Israel have convened at the 3-day Jerusalem Summit, (Nov 27-30th, 2004), at Jerusalem’s King David Hotel,” notes the Michael Cherney Foundation, a “humanitarian” organization founded after “the night of the heinous terrorist bombing outside the Dolphinarium Disco in Tel Aviv,” on June 1, 2001 (no mention here of the “heinous” terrorist bombings of Gaza by the IDF, killing far more than died outside of the Dolphinarium Disco). Ironically—and appropriately, considering the agenda and philosophy of the people attending the Jerusalem Summit—the King David Hotel was the site of another terrorist bombing. On July 22, 1946, Irgun Tsvai-Leumi, a Zionist terrorist group, bombed the hotel, killing 92 Britons, Arabs, and Jews. Irgun adopted the revisionist views of Ze’ev Jabotinsky, the philosophical godfather of the Likud Party. Sort of a Zionist version of Hamas, Irgun bombed the British embassy in Rome, bombed a police station in Haifa, tossed grenades into a cafe in Jerusalem, killing dozens of people. Apparently unsatisifed with random terror attacks, Irgun joined up with another Zionist terror organization, the Stern gang, and attacked the Palestinian village of Deir Yassin, killing at least 107 civilians. “Neither Jewish morality nor Jewish tradition can negate the use of terror as a means of battle,” was the operating motto of the Stern gang—an assertion Osama bin Laden would likely agree with, if he were alive." Website: http://kurtnimmo.com/blog/index.php?p=521 |
Lees meer over: anti-fascisme / racisme | aanvullingen |  | geen speld tussen te krijgen | ketellinkie - 04.02.2005 07:37
"I received an interesting email this afternoon from an American Jewish woman. She claims that David Bukay of the Political Science department at Haifa University in Israel is using his post to advocate “racist expressions” directed against Arabs and Muslims. According to a student in the Philosophy Department at the university..." Dat is wat je noemt een keiharde argumentatie van deze blogger, in het Engels wel bekend als hearsay. Wat Irgun en een aanslag in 1946 met terugwerkende kracht en via 26 hoeken de genoemde professor kan worden aangewreven blijft ook in het ongewisse, maar de link is toch maar mooi gelegd moet je maar denken. Lees ook verder op de blog: "...Considering all of this, it is not surprising that the “expert” David Bukay would tell his class Arabs are sub-human and deserve to be shot in the head." Let op de zinsconstructie, oftewel 'het zou best kunnen dat', 'het zou me niets verbazen als'. Zo kan ik ook journalistiek bedrijven, maar dan toch liever bij Elsevier o.i.d. | Er zijn meer betekenissen van "Would".. | David Merhav - 04.02.2005 10:14
"According to students, Bukay told, "The Arabs must be caught and shot in their heads by a gun. A building in which there are Arabs and Palestinians, must be exterminated". Bukay wrote a research of the "threats" of the radical Islam and recommended to the Israeli Army soldiers to "humiliate the wanted [Arabs], to photo and humiliate them and afterwards to show the photos to their families who`ll see that their sons are cowards". A student who tried to discuss this racist incitement during his classes by claiming that history knew Arab mathematics and intellectuals, was answered, "You don`t know what are you talking about. The Arabs did not invent anything! They are stupid and did not contribute anything to the humanity. The calculations you claimed that were invented by them, were copied [from others]. The Arabs are big liars and you should not believe to their history!"" en "The University was asked to deal with this shameful affair. Dr. Asad Ganem, a senior lecturer in the Department, asked Bukay to respond the accusations of the students. "Bukay broke the University`s regulations and the Education Law, and committed a criminal act. If he will not respond properly, we will take severe steps against him", he told Nana News. An appeal was also made to the Head of the Department, Dr. Gabriel Ben Dor. The University`s spokesperson reported that the University`s authorities are handling the case and a clear response will be delivered within two weeks. Dr. Bukay refused to respond. Many academics sent letters of protest to the University`s officials, and Roman Bronfman MK, from the liberal Democratic Choice party, asked the University`s rector to investigate the case and judge severely the racist lecturer." Zoals het in de Elsevier zou kunnen staan: "Het is niet verbazingwekkend dat de "expert" David Bukay zijn klas zou vertellen dat arabieren minder dan menselijk zijn en het verdienen in het hoofd geschoten te worden. Website: http://www.fotolog.net/regevn | dank | ketellinkie - 04.02.2005 11:06
Dank, dat is namelijk wel een onderbouwd artikel, iets wat van die Mark Metzelaar-achtige bloggersbrij beslist niet gezegd kon worden. | Tja | xx - 04.02.2005 16:12
Ik vond het ook nogal een vaag verhaal, maar met wat gegoogel leek de kern van de eerste beschuldiging wel wat aannemelijker te worden. De inderdaad nogal racistisch overkomende opvattingen van de heer Bukay kun je op het web nalezen:
http://www.acpr.org.il/ENGLISH-NATIV/issue1/bukay-1.htm Maar vergelijkbare racistische en klinklare antisemitische shit (en zelfs nog wel ergere) is even zo goed te vinden op allerlei Arabische en (pro-) Palestijnse sites. In deze kringen, en vanuit de kokers van de propaganda van verschillende Arabische staten, is het geloof aan allerlei antisemitische complottheorieen nog steeds algemeen gemeengoed. Ik zie niet veel verschil... | geen bloggersbrij | JV - 04.02.2005 16:17
Ik vond het stuk van Kurt Nimmo zeer zeker geen "bloggersbrij", integendeel, het stond vol met informatieve links. Het feit dat er in Israel straten genoemd zijn naar zionistische terroristen als Avraham Stern is misschien illustratief voor de heersende mentaliteit in Israel, en was mij niet bekend. Ongelooflijk genoeg schijnt het Israelische leger zelfs musea te onderhouden waarin terrorisme (de zionistische variant dan) verheerlijkt wordt. En over Sami al-Arian zou ik nu wel eens iets meer willen weten. Als dat schokkende verhaal echt waar is...
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