Yin en Yang = Titan henk de tank - 06.02.2005 16:31
Yin en Yang = Titan  Titan http://www.enterprisemission.com/images_v2/Iapetus/Iapetus-Yin-Yang2.jpg
http://www.enterprisemission.com/moon1.htm Nu begrijp ik waar Yin en Yang vandaan komt Titan! de 17-de maan van saturnus At last, the pale dawn lay ahead; the ship, moving more and more slowly now, was emerging into day. It could no longer escape from the Sun, or even from Saturn – but it was still moving swiftly enough to rise away from the planet until it grazed the orbit of Iapetus, two million miles out. It would take Discovery fourteen days to make that climb, as she coasted once more, though in reverse order, across the paths of all the inner moons. One by one she would cut through the orbits of Janus, Mimas, Enceladus, Tethys, Dione, Rhea, Titan, Hyperion … worlds bearing the names of gods and goddesses who had vanished only yesterday, as time was counted here. Then she would meet Iapetus, and must make her rendezvous …. |