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De Landroof John Veldhuis - 10.02.2005 10:44
Op Haaretz staat vandaag een aardige beschrijving hoe de diefstal van het land van de weggejaagde en gevluchte Palestijnen in zijn werk is gegaan. Regeringen die zich niet aan hun eigen wetten houden blijken maar weer eens gevaarlijker dan welke terrorist ook. "On December 18, 1948, Ben-Gurion summoned Yossef Weitz, the director of the JNF land department, for an urgent meeting. Six days earlier, debates in the UN General Assembly regarding the question of the land of Israel had culminated with Resolution 194, which resolved that "that the refugees wishing to return to their homes and live at peace with their neighbors should be permitted to do so at the earliest practicable date." According to Oren, the resolution awakened a fear among the country's leadership of a wave of refugees that would demand their property back. At the time, Israel held about 3.5 million dunams of abandoned land that had belonged to Palestinian refugees. Ben-Gurion believed then that this land reserve - equivalent to one-sixth of Israel's total area - was vital to ensure the existence of the state. According to Golan, Ben-Gurion feared that appropriation of the land would be interpreted as a provocation and a challenge to the UN resolution. The only solution he could come up with was to quickly transfer the lands to private Jewish hands. Money was an additional consideration: The state was in desperate need of money that the JNF was holding in order to buy arms and food and to absorb the waves of mass immigration." en ""The problem was that the law at that time did not permit the government to sell the land contrary to the agreement of their original owners," says Golan. Nevertheless, he notes, the problem was resolved after the fact by means of the Development Authority and Absentee Property Law." Website: http://www.haaretz.com/hasen/pages/ShArt.jhtml?itemNo=538435&contrassID=1&subContrassID=9&sbSubContrassID=0&listSrc=Y |
Lees meer over: anti-fascisme / racisme vrijheid, repressie & mensenrechten | aanvullingen |  | Maar als zelfs leden van de veiligheidsraad | JV - 10.02.2005 13:37
ervan bakken dat VN resoluties minder geldig zijn zodra Israel erbij betrokken is, kunnen we maar beter inpakken met democratie, rechtsstaten en het internationale recht... De Denen zijn gelukkig, die mogen nog een paar jaartjes extra genieten van hun "sterke man". Ach, hierdoor is Denemarken nog steeds niet meer medeplichtig aan de bezetting en de (nog steeds in gang zijnde) landroof dan Nederland, om maar eens een land te noemen dat blindelings in de bres springt voor Israel zodra de gerechtvaardigde roep om sancties weerklinkt.
Website: http://counterpunch.org/sohn02092005.html | Zionisme is zieke ideologie | JV - 10.02.2005 13:54
"The data are well-known and not disputed. Between 60 percent and 70 percent of West Jerusalem's land was owned by absent Palestinians, many of them East Jerusalemites, who were reminded again of their homes in Katamon, Baka and Malha. If the Jews can declare the "absence" of people who are present "an act of Zionist sovereignty," then their mirror image can regard the return of the absentee as a legitimate national goal. The approach that depicts "return" as terror meant to destroy Israel, while stealing the land through the use of force and legal high jinks is a noble Zionist deed, is only acceptable to those who think that universal values do not apply to them." en "There are two conclusions to be drawn from this outbreak of energetic Zionism. First, a private one: if this be Zionism, it is disgraceful to be a Zionist. The second is that a society cannot be based over time on a rotting foundation of theft and deception, and if it does not convert its ideological basis, it is doomed."
Website: http://www.haaretz.com/hasen/spages/538398.html | The Great Land Robbery | JV - 07.03.2005 17:18
"The great land robbery in the West Bank That officer was lieutenant colonel Yair Blumenthal. This week, almost six years after Politis's letter was sent, Blumenthal was arrested on suspicion of involvement in a major land scam with JNF subsidiary Himnuta. Blumenthal allegedly approved real estate deals in the West Bank while knowing that the signatures of Palestinian land owners who were "selling" their land were forged. Police suspect that Blumenthal took bribes to okay the transactions. Chief Superintendent Eliezer Elhar of the Samaria and Judea District Police said, "I have more than a gut feeling that this is a criminal case mixed with more than a pinch of ideology." This is not the first time that IDF officers in the territories, most of them settlers themselves, have been suspected of pursuing their own interests in the course of serving the state. For example, at the end of the `90s ten of the 29 gas stations in the territories were operating without a permit and six stations operated without a contract with their owners. The owners of 18 station owners went without paying royalties on their franchise for many years. Settler-officers are also suspected of involvement in the illegal operation of quarries in the West Bank and of selling the stone on the open market."
Website: http://www.haaretz.com/hasen/spages/548261.html | |
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