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bus naar anti-bont protest Frankfurt Respect voor Dieren - 10.02.2005 11:14
-- International Protest against the Fur & Fashion Frankfurt Zaterdag, 12 maart 2005 in Frankfurt am Main / Germany Meeting point: 11.30am at the Brockhausbrunnen (located on the pedestrian zone "Zeil") --- Respect voor Dieren organiseert een bus vanuit Amsterdam en Utrecht naar het protest tegen de Fur & fashion show in Frankfurt, Duitsland. We willen vrijdagmiddag vertrekken (17.00) en komen zondag middag weer terug. De kosten bedragen ongeveer 25 euro. Geef je nu op! Schrijf een mailtje naar: respectvoordieren@mail.com Via de mail krijg je dan de exacte info over opstapplaatsen, precieze vertrektijden en kosten. van 9 tot 12 maart 2005 komt de bonthandel bij elkaar. Bontfokkers (ja ook uit Nederland), bonthandelaren, designers, en kledingbedrijven komen bij elkaar om de bontmode te bespreken voor de volgende winter periode. Om ons ongenoegen te uiten wordt er een grote anti-bont optocht gehouden (vorig jaar 250 mensen) door Frankfurt langs winkels die bont verkopen, bontwinkels en Peek & Cloppenburg. Toespraken, optredens en live muziek vinden er plaats rondom het protest.
http://fuf.tirm.de Na de grote optocht vind er een protest plaats voor de ingang van de jaarbeurs in Frankfurt waar Fur & Fashion gehouden wordt. ANTI-BONT FESTIVAL Om 18.00 is er een anti-bont festival in Club Exil aan de Leipziger strasse 85. Albino. Chaoze one, Madcap en Techiks Restaurant treden op. Naast de muziek is er veganistischeten en dierenrechten stands. De entree is 3 euro - alle opbrengsten gaan naar de anti-bont campagne.
http://fuf.tirm.de --- Hope to see you at the protests! TierrechtsInitiative Rhein-Main
http://www.tirm.de info@tirm.de ---------------- International Protest against the Fur & Fashion Frankfurt Saturday, March 12th 2005 in Frankfurt am Main / Germany Meeting point: 11.30am at the Brockhausbrunnen (located on the pedestrian zone "Zeil") --- From March 9th to 12th 2005 Frankfurt will again host the Fur & Fashion. According to the organizers this trade fair is the biggest and most important gathering of the international fur industry - where furriers, fur producers, fashion designers, textile companies and retailers meet to plan the fur fashions of the next winter season. To protest our discontent about this event, there will be a big demonstration in downtown Frankfurt. The protest route will pass several fur selling shops, amongst them Peek & Cloppenburg, which has been the main focus of an international campaign for the last two years. Speeches, performances, and live music will round up the protests, which will last for about 3 hours. Further information can be found on the web at:
http://fuf.tirm.de/index.php?lang=en --- Protest in front of the Trade Fair After the main demo there will be a smaller protest in front of the trade fair Messe Frankfurt, which hosts the Fur & Fashion fair. Meeting point for that protest will be at 4.30pm in front of the main entrance to the Messe Frankfurt on Theodor-Heuss-Allee. We will be passing out directions on how to get there at the main demo. --- Anti-Fur-Festival Starting at 6pm there will be an Anti-Fur-Festival in the club Exil (Leipziger Strasse 85). The HipHop acts Albino, Chaoze One, MadCap, and Techniks Restaurant will be performing at the benefit concert. Besides the live music there will be a wide selection of vegan food and a number of animal rights info booths. Entrance fee is 3 EUR - all proceeds will go into anti-fur campaigning. Further information can be found on the web at:
http://www.anti-pelz-fest.de --- If you plan to attend the festival and need a place to stay for the night, please send an email to info@tirm.de and we will try to organize a place for you. --- Please help spread the word. We would appreciate it, if you could set a link or a banner to our website about the protests. Please check out:
http://fuf.tirm.de/werbung.php?lang=en --- Hope to see you at the protests! TierrechtsInitiative Rhein-Main
http://www.tirm.de info@tirm.de E-Mail: respectvoordieren@mail.com Website: http://www.respectvoordieren.org |
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