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Uranium enrichment to grow in Gronau Wiga Münster (translated by Diet Simon) - 14.02.2005 21:02
Tuesday afternoon 14 Feb the North-Rhine Westphalian energy minister, Axel Horstmann, a Social Democrat, approved the massive “final expansion” of the uranium, enrichment factory in Gronau near the Dutch border in the Münsterland region. It will enable the German-Dutch-British operating company Urenco to supply up to 35 nuclear power stations with uranium fuel from Gronau. The approval was long expected because the governing Social Democrats are fully behind uranium enrichment and nuclear promotion and The Greens in state government with them put up no opposition to this. But the resistance of anti-nuclear activists is not waning. The timing of the decision was a bad choice for the Red-Green coalition, because a state election is due on 22 May. The outcome will be pretty tight and the anti-nuclear initiatives will make themselves heard loud and clear. Castor on Wednesday Another Castor waste train is to roll on Wednesday from Stade via Bremen-Osnabrück-Münster-Hamm-Waltrop-Recklinghausen-Duisburg-Cologne to La Hague in north France. The NRW government in Düsseldorf is furthermore preparing together with Saxony three Castor truck convoys with nuclear waste 600 km from Dresden to Ahaus from 30 May to 14 June. Resistance is called for: 1. Tomorrow (Tuesday) a rally will take place at 6 p.m. in front of the main railway station of Münster. Main themes will be the nuclear transports through the area and the expansion at Gronau. 2. From 6 a.m. Wednesday morning at Münster-Hiltrup and from 7.30 a.m. at the alter Bahnhof there will be vigils against the Castor transport. 3. On Sunday, 20 February, a big Sunday stroll will take place from 2 p.m. in Ahaus. We want to demonstrate there against the expansion approval for Gronau and for an exit from nuclear power. We call on all anti-nuclear activists to come to Ahaus on Sunday to raise public pressure. Starting point is Ahaus railway station at 2 p.m.- 4. Those who want to do something against the Castors to Ahaus can come on Saturday, 19 February, to the supraregional resistance advisory. From noon in Münster, Sternstrasse 31. Info: www.wigatom.de. Show the nuclear state our teeth – out onto the streets! e-Mail:: wigatom@web.de ¦ Homepage:: http://www.wigatom.de ¦ |
Lees meer over: natuur, dier en mens | aanvullingen |  | German nuclear waste rolling again to France | Diet Simon - 14.02.2005 21:09
Anti-nuclear activists cite usually well informed sources assuming that a Castor casket of nuclear waste will leave the shut down Stade power station in northern Germany during the night of Tuesday to Wednesday, headed for La Hague in Normandy, France. The departure is expected to be at midnight. ContrAtom ( http://www.contratom.de) is calling for bridges to be occupied. The start is to be a registered vigil at 8 p.m. at Buchholz railway station. Buchholz is easy to reach by public transport from Hamburg. It could get a long night, so sleeping places are available on location. Report in through Infotel and bring sleeping bags. Info-phone 0160 - 95 48 96 10. Actions are also planned at Rotenburg and Verden an der Aller, Bremen and the Münsterland region. Reserve this date! The campaign “Change power supplier now!” is starting up again. There will be a cycling convoy on 23.4.2005 from the Krümmel nuke to Hamburg-Altona. Many of you took part in this great event in previous years. This is the third time it’s being organised. http://www.stromwechsel-jetzt.de/Aktion2005/ Other activists report that the Castor train will run through Lauterbourg, France, at 7 p.m. on 16 February. This means it will pass through Wörth on the German side. Working with data from previous transports, following schedule has been calculated: Departure from Stade nuke, Wednesday, about 2 a.m. The train could leave the ashunting station in Maschen (south of Hamburg) at around 3:45 a.m. These are rough guestimates only! Aktionsbuendnis CASTOR-Widerstand Neckarwestheim reports as the likely route Stade - Hamburg-Harburg - Buchholz (Nordheide) - Bremen - Osnabrück - Münster-Sudmühle - Münster-Hiltrup - Hamm - Lünen - Waltrop - Recklinghausen – Duisburg. Expected in Münster between 7 and 11 a.m. Protests have been announced for - Buchholz (Nordheide) - Rotenburg (Wümme) - Verden / Aller - Bremen Updates at http://www.contratom.de/ or phone 0160 / 95 48 96 10 . The protests in the Münsterland will also be against expansion of the Gronau uranium enrichment factory.
| Naast Enschede dus! | Tukkertje - 15.02.2005 04:01
Als daar ooit iets mis gaat... een vuurwerkopslag die onploft is hierbij vergeleken een rotje. | Vertaling oproep | M02 - 16.02.2005 16:59
Zou iemand dit ook even in goed Nederlands willen vertalen? Graag als nieuwe posting in de nieuwslijn publiceren en hieronder linken. Bedankt! | |
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