Duitser gekidnapt en naar Guantanamo gebracht post by Guido - 16.02.2005 15:50
Een Duitser beweert dat hij vorig jaar ontvoerd werd in Macedonië door agenten van de V.S. Dit nieuws komt heel ongelegen net nu de Duitse regering op betere voet wou staan met de VS. "According to initial results, el-Masri’s story is, in fact, true. Fearing far-reaching global diplomatic consequences, the German government, however, wants to see the case treated rather discretely. After all, el-Masri’s allegations are not directed at some random rogue state but at the most powerful nation in the world and a close partner of Germany’s. Government officials here are concerned: The explosive topic shouldn’t, under any circumstances, harm trans-Atlantic relations now that there has been, with US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice’s visit to Europe last week, the first noticeable sign of rapprochement between Germany and the US since the Iraq conflict."
http://www.guerrillanews.com/H01163 |