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From heaven to hell suzanne - 23.02.2005 15:38
From heaven to hell: 32 Green Tree Monitors need your help Jakarta, February 22nd 2005 Dear colleagues and friends, We are asking your help in order to put pressure on the Indonesian authorities to release 32 Green Tree Monitors that are now imprisoned in the poorly equipped quarantine area of the airport of Jakarta. One Green Tree Monitor already died at the airport. This while fully equipped and trained personel is waiting to give professional and loving care to them at the Cikananga Rescue Center. These beautiful animals have been taken from their natural home, the forests of Papua New Guinea, by ruthless animals dealers who plunder the wild treasures to fill their own pockets. Their unprecedented return back home has so far been fought all the way by several Governments and zoos. But with the help of many dedicated animal groups, individuals and not in the least the Croatian Government these animals are now back in Indonesia. The final step is to get them to the rescue centre and prepare them to be released in the wild. It has never before been done to bring back confiscated wild animals to Indonesia with the intent to set them free in the wild. Needless to say this intent didn't only make us new friends but also many enemies. But now - notwithstanding earlier written approval from the Indonesian Department of Agriculture - the animals are kept in the quarantine at the airport. These poor animals have had a hellish trip over thousands of miles in airplanes, cars and vans. They deserve nothing less than their freedom in the wild where they were born. Unfortunately these animals stand a very good chance of dying at the airport, your help is really needed. Please fax your protest letter to (if you cannot fax or if their fax is not responding please email your protest to and we will deliver your protest), find an example protest here-under: Dr Tri Satya Putri Directorate of Animal Health +62 21 7815783 A copy to us and the Indonesian Embassy in your country would be great, for Embassies see: http://www.indonesia.nl/articles.php?art_cat_id=47&rank=1 Ask for the release of these animals to the Cikananga Rescue Centre. Please include the name of your organisation and also preferably the number of members you represent. Thank you so much in advance, Femke den Haas Pro Animala International fax: 31 70 3 819 255 or per email: ====== The whole story: On the 28th of November 2004 the Croatian border patrol stopped a suspicious looking man with big suitcases on the airport 'Pleso' of Zagreb. In his suitcases they found 50 animals of the species Varanus Prasinus, Emerald Monitor also known as the Green Tree Monitor. The man stated that he was in Indonesia as a tourist and purchased 50 Emerald monitors on the local market in Jakarta from an unknown seller. He had put the animals in his hand luggage in plastic containers. The animals started their travel on 26th November 2004 by Malaysia Airlines, from Jakarta via Kuala Lumpur and Amsterdam to Zagreb. The Border Veterinary Inspection was called immediately and determinate that Emerald Monitors are a protected species. The animals were seized and placed in the Rescue Centre AWAP near Zagreb where adequate conditions for keeping in captivity are ensured. During the first inspection of their physical condition about 10 animals looked very tired and their motions were slow. Antiparasitic analyses have been conducted and profesional care provided The animals have been provided intensive care at the AWAP rescue centre near Zagreb. The Croatian Cites Department contacted the Indonesian authorities and repatriation of the varans was discussed. Almost three months later 33 varans were send to Indonesia with the help of different NGO’s to fund the costs and the Croatian CITES department. All papers were arranged, CITES export and import permits and also the veterinarian health certificate. When the varans arrived in Jakarta (17-02-05), the veterinary health department didn’t give permission to send the animals to the quarantine facilities of the rescue centre which were approved by all authorities before. The varans are now being kept in the quarantine facilities of the airport. These facilities don’t meet reasonable hygienic and welfare standards. The original import approval letter from the veterinarian authorities was changed. A letter dated 02-02-05 approved the import of the varans. A second letter dated 16-02-05 said the varans had to stay in the quarantine facilities of the airport. The fact that internationally organizations and governments have been working together to arrange the repatriation of these varans which is now not being taken seriously, needs international media attention. Indonesian animal species are being threatened with extinction because of habitat destruction, legal and illegal animal trade. The repatriation of the emerald varans is a strong signal against this illegal trade. But now, although Indonesia had asked for the return of the varans, they are dying within the bad facilities in the airport of Soekarno Hatta, Jakarta. ==================== Example Letter: Dear Dr Tri Satya Putri, We are very concerned about the condition of the returned emerald varans, which entered Indonesia on the 17th of february 2005. We understood that the airport quarantine take care of these animals. Please understand that emerald varans are a sensitive species and that the best care has been provided for these animals during their stay in Croatia. Different organisations have lobbyed and sponsored the return of these animals, including ProAnimalia. The varans would be taken to the Cikananga Rescue Center which has created specialised fascilities for the animals. According to the letter from the Indonesian Agriculture Department of 01-02-2005, Indonesia accepted the varans without another quarantine period. We ask you for clarification of the changes that have happened. Yours sincerely, ........ E-Mail: femkeproanimalia@yahoo.com |
Lees meer over: natuur, dier en mens vrijheid, repressie & mensenrechten | aanvullingen |  | email van indo goverment? | :) - 23.02.2005 15:45
Deze actie is voornamelijk via de fax. Dit omdat de indonesiese overheid en ambassade heel goed hun email geheim weten te houden. Is er iemand die wel het email hiervan heeft? tips en het emailadres zijn erge welkom
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