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Iraqi blogger searching laptops Iraqi Free Writer - through Streamtime - 01.03.2005 14:51
Simple forgotten things could please others Most of you, who are living in the modern west, and taking simple decisions to improve your life style in an ordinary way that still happening every day. Let me give an example, your decision to change your old laptop computer with a new version, of course you are going to throw away the old one in your storage room upstairs. Can you imagine that in some parts of the world like Iraq, there is a very different image!!! We have a new established non profit society for orphan children, being established by donor's efforts only, no grants from government or any other else, this society needs a three computers to teach their children how to use it. I decided to donor the three computers for them; the total amount for these computers is equal to my hard work net profits of two years …!! Very hard to believe it, and very brave to give also, but some people cannot see others suffering without paying attention. For me as a Muslim, and know very well what is the meaning of Islam concepts, I must not sleep well keeping other HUMANS suffering, (Humans are from all religions not Muslims only). So I do that with a great feeling of self trust to comfort my willing. I am not telling you that to make you proud of me or to be famous on my blog , No I am gust trying to tell you that paying attention to other’s demand may cost us very little to make them feel happy.! So , please before wasting any thing you don’t need, don’t be hurry, It could be very useful to others, and just ask me about it and I will find who deserve it. Another example, I am quite sure as a Blogger, that a Laptop worth too much for me and for all Iraqi bloggers, ( not in money value ) but because it give me enough time to stay on internet while electric power get off in Iraqi cities for 18 hours in the 24 hours !! And this is another story which I will you tell about later. I write too much and have only five minutes before electric power off, see you later. posted by A Free Writer | 2/28/2005 08:28:00 ã | 1 comments by way of www.streamtime.org Website: http://afreewriter.blogspot.com/ |
aanvullingen |  | leuk beeld | LAP - 01.03.2005 16:54
Bovenstaande Irakees heeft toch wel een merkwaardig beeld van de situatie in de Nederlandse (of waar hij het dan ook voor schreef) samenleving. Alsof iedereen achteloos elke paar maanden een nieuwe laptop koopt en dan de vorige op zolder gooit. Dat geldt misschien voor groepje bovenlaag, maar die hoef je niet aan te spreken op enige solidariteit. Vroeger in m'n dorp gingen we wel eens collecteren voor een goed doel, en dan wist iedereen dat je de lokale villawijk net zo goed over kon slaan want daar kreeg je nooit wat. Moraal van het verhaal: ik wil ook best een laptop (en ben ondertussen wel blij dat er geen Amerikaanse soldaten of Soenietisch fascisten door de straat gaan). | ohh man | klukkluk en open deur - 01.03.2005 17:07
opgelet: hij schreef het verhaal op zijn eigen blog! lees het goed, en schrijf niet van die (excusez le mot): sukkelreaxies.
Website: http://www.streamtime.org | |
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