Nederlandse vertaling oproep | Kraakgroep Leiden - 03.03.2005 12:46
++ NDse VERTALING OPROEP ++ Dit is een oproep om actie te voeren. Op de 16e is er hier tijdens de ontruiming van een gekraakt terrein een bloedbad aangericht. De kraakbeweging roept op tot een internationale actiedag op vrijdag 4 maart. Wij gaan de straat op voor rechtvaardigheid voor de mensen die verdwenen zijn, en om het land te herkraken. De Braziliaanse grondwet belooft huisvesting voor alle mensen en verbeidt leegstand en speculatie met land. Onze kraakactie gaf invulling aan de belofte uit de grondwet. In de hele wereld zullen mensen autonoom actie voeren bij Braziliaanse consulten en ambassades. Het maakt niet uit hoe groot het is: alle acties helpen! Roep iedereen op om te bellen, te faxen en te emailen. Treed binnen, en sta erop dat er naar je geluisterd wordt. Demonstreer buiten tegen het politie optreden en de doofpot die daar ongetwijfeld weer op zal volgen. Ze hebben een hele gemeenschap met de grond gelijk gemaakt. Het gaat om bijna 3000 huizen. Verder is er belangrijk bewijsmateriaal vernietigd, misschien zelfs wel lijken. Deze mensen ondernamen spontaan en zelfstandig actie, buiten de politieke partijen en organisaties om, en bezetten het land. Toon solidariteit met de armste mensen van Braziele, die hun leven wagen voor een huis. | CRIMES OF LANDLESS MOVIMENT IN BRASIL | Verena - 03.03.2005 13:37 MST threat to pillage; supermarket delivers 1,5 t of food Maceió - About 2 a thousand agricultural, on workers to the Movement of Trabalhadores Rurais Sem-Terra (MST), they had obtained a ton and stocking of foods donated for the Bompreço Supermarket, after threatening to pillage the establishment, that is in the center of Maceió. Armed scythes, machetes and pieces of woods, the without-land had left in march of the headquarters of the National Institute of Colonização and the Agrarian Reformation in Alagoas (Incra), where they are camped since the last monday, and if they had directed for the Bompreço, where they had invaded the parking and they had not only entered to consummate the booty because the direction of the supermarket closed the doors and negotiated with the leaderships of the MST the release of foods. During all the morning, customers of the Bompreço had lived tension moments. Crying out words of order and threatening to invade the all instant, the workers had formed a barrier human being, in the main door of the hipermercado one, leaving the customers who if find in the sufficiently nervous interior of the store. With the arrival of the Battalion of Shock of the Military Policy, the situation was controlled. However, the action of the workers was not only ece of fish in practical because the management of the Bompreço, in meeting with the coordination of the movement, guaranteed the view of 1,5 tons of foods, that had been deliver in the beginning of the afternoon. Coordinating according to state of the MST, Jose Carlos Da Silva, the foods must guarantee the feeding of the workers camped in the square per two days. "After this, the movement will have to take other initiatives to obtain food", alerted it, without raising which measures. Ricardo Rodrigues | Action of Solidarity with Brazilian Squatters | Kraakgroep Leiden - 04.03.2005 00:07
On February 16, a large military policy operation with 2,500 men started for the eviction of the land occupation Sonho Real (Real Dream) in the city of Goiânia, Brazil. Two people got killed, over 800 people got arrested and several people are wounded (five were very seriously wounded). Among the arrested, two Indymedia volunteers, one from Goiânia and one from Indymedia New York. The occupation started in may 2004 in an area which has been abandoned for years and quickly gathered 3,000 families. In January, Justice ordered the eviction of the families and since then police have been terrifying the families with death threats and sudden attacks. In February 11, police showed up suddenly and shot gas and concussion bombs and fired rubber bullets against the people. One child got hit by a concussion bomb. On February 15, in another attack, police shot bombs and fired with guns. Two people got hurt. After pressure from social movements and human rights groups, state of Goiás Governor Marconi Perillo committed himself not to send police to evict people in a violent way (you can hear his commitment in this recorded audio. Today's attack and the so far confirmed death of two people showed he did not stick to his words. Still coming in are many uncomfirmed reports of murders and extreme police violence, in addition to the reports about the missing bodies. A recent post to IMC reports bodies that had been hidden in tanks or burned by the police). At this time, some of the arrested remain in jail and it is estimated at least 50 people missing, based on the various eye witness reports. The squatters have called for an international day of action this Friday, March 4th. Squatgroup Leiden wants therefore to do a small solidarity action at the Brazilian Embassy in The Hague. We will therefore gather at 13h00 at the Multipleks, to take the train at 13h21. In The Hague we will gather again for more people at Tramstation 'Korte Voorhout' from 13h45. From there we will walk to the Embassy to show our solidarity and protest against the massacre. Please join us with all the pots and pans you can collect so we can make a wave of protestsounds. E-Mail: Website: | Action of Solidarity with Brazilian Squatters | Kraakgroep Leiden - 04.03.2005 00:07
On February 16, a large military policy operation with 2,500 men started for the eviction of the land occupation Sonho Real (Real Dream) in the city of Goiânia, Brazil. Two people got killed, over 800 people got arrested and several people are wounded (five were very seriously wounded). Among the arrested, two Indymedia volunteers, one from Goiânia and one from Indymedia New York. The occupation started in may 2004 in an area which has been abandoned for years and quickly gathered 3,000 families. In January, Justice ordered the eviction of the families and since then police have been terrifying the families with death threats and sudden attacks. In February 11, police showed up suddenly and shot gas and concussion bombs and fired rubber bullets against the people. One child got hit by a concussion bomb. On February 15, in another attack, police shot bombs and fired with guns. Two people got hurt. After pressure from social movements and human rights groups, state of Goiás Governor Marconi Perillo committed himself not to send police to evict people in a violent way (you can hear his commitment in this recorded audio. Today's attack and the so far confirmed death of two people showed he did not stick to his words. Still coming in are many uncomfirmed reports of murders and extreme police violence, in addition to the reports about the missing bodies. A recent post to IMC reports bodies that had been hidden in tanks or burned by the police). At this time, some of the arrested remain in jail and it is estimated at least 50 people missing, based on the various eye witness reports. The squatters have called for an international day of action this Friday, March 4th. Squatgroup Leiden wants therefore to do a small solidarity action at the Brazilian Embassy in The Hague. We will therefore gather at 13h00 at the Multipleks, to take the train at 13h21. In The Hague we will gather again for more people at Tramstation 'Korte Voorhout' from 13h45. From there we will walk to the Embassy to show our solidarity and protest against the massacre. Please join us with all the pots and pans you can collect so we can make a wave of protestsounds. E-Mail: Website: | Action of Solidarity with Brazilian Squatters | Kraagroep Leiden - 04.03.2005 00:15
 Brazilian Military Police On February 16, a large military policy operation with 2,500 men started for the eviction of the land occupation Sonho Real (Real Dream) in the city of Goiânia, Brazil. Two people got killed, over 800 people got arrested and several people are wounded (five were very seriously wounded). Among the arrested, two Indymedia volunteers, one from Goiânia and one from Indymedia New York. The occupation started in may 2004 in an area which has been abandoned for years and quickly gathered 3,000 families. In January, Justice ordered the eviction of the families and since then police have been terrifying the families with death threats and sudden attacks. In February 11, police showed up suddenly and shot gas and concussion bombs and fired rubber bullets against the people. One child got hit by a concussion bomb. On February 15, in another attack, police shot bombs and fired with guns. Two people got hurt. After pressure from social movements and human rights groups, state of Goiás Governor Marconi Perillo committed himself not to send police to evict people in a violent way (you can hear his commitment in this recorded audio. Today's attack and the so far confirmed death of two people showed he did not stick to his words. Still coming in are many uncomfirmed reports of murders and extreme police violence, in addition to the reports about the missing bodies. A recent post to IMC reports bodies that had been hidden in tanks or burned by the police). At this time, some of the arrested remain in jail and it is estimated at least 50 people missing, based on the various eye witness reports. The squatters have called for an international day of action this Friday, March 4th. Squatgroup Leiden wants therefore to do a small solidarity action at the Brazilian Embassy in The Hague. We will therefore gather at 13h00 at the Multipleks, to take the train at 13h21. In The Hague we will gather again for more people at Tramstation 'Korte Voorhout' from 13h45. From there we will walk to the Embassy to show our solidarity and protest against the massacre. Please join us with all the pots and pans you can collect so we can make a wave of protestsounds. E-Mail: Website: | Brief aan Braziliaanse ambassadeur | Kraakgroep Leiden - 04.03.2005 12:17
This letter is going to be given to the Brazilian Ambassador in The Hague. If it isn't possible to come over you can also send it by email... To: Brazilian Ambassador in the Netherlands Mauritskade 19 2514 HD Den Haag Ambassador, Hereby we want to express our severe concerns about what happened and is still happening in the state of Goiás, under the authority of Governor Marconi Perillo. Occupiers of land, all poor people without alternative places to live, are being confronted with extreme violence from both police and landowners. A short summary of what happened. The land occupation Sonho Real (Real Dream) in the city of Goiânia, Brazil started in may 2004 in an area which had been abandoned for years and quickly gathered 3,000 families. In January, Justice ordered the eviction of the families and since then police have been terrifying the families with death threats and sudden attacks. In February 11, police showed up suddenly and shot gas and concussion bombs and fired rubber bullets against the people. One child got hit by a concussion bomb. On February 15, in another attack, police shot bombs and fired with guns. Two people got hurt. After pressure from social movements and human rights groups, state of Goiás Governor Marconi Perillo committed himself not to send police to evict people in a violent way. The attack on February 16th, and the so far confirmed death of two people showed he did not stick to his words. Still coming in are many uncomfirmed reports of murders and extreme police violence, in addition to reports about missing bodies being hidden in tanks or burned by the police. The urban landsquatters have called for an international day of action today, March 4th. We are in solidarity with those around the world, politically conscious or not, who look out for decent housing, one of the primary goods in life. We know there is a huge conflict in Brazil between those few who own the majority of the land and those many who have no place to go. Recently this conflict led to the murder of several activists among who the well-known Dorothy Stang, American-Brazilian nun and activist. We can be clear that we support those who struggle for an equal division of land. Therefore we are shocked by the way Governor Marconi Perillo organised the eviction of Sonho Real. As ambassador for Brazil in the Netherlands, we would like you to demand your superiors to stop the violence and repression, and at least make an independent research possible to know how many people got killed. Finally, those responsible should feel the consequences of their acts. Housing is a right! All those who are in solidarity with the squatters of Sonho Real E-Mail: Website: | |