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Nieuwe discriminatiewet in Israel? John Veldhuis - 03.03.2005 16:45
Het hoofd van de Nationale Veiligheidsraad van Israel, Giora Eiland, stelt beperkingen voor bij het verlenen van staatsburgerschap op basis van getrouwd zijn met Israelische Arabieren - vergelijkbaar met de hardvochtige immigratiewetgeving in Denemarken en Nederland. Wat deze mafketel vergeet te vermelden is dat deze hardvochtige immigratiewetgeving voor iederéén geldt, en niet slechts voor niet-joden. ""The Citizenship Law is the way to overcome the demographic demon," said Major General (Res.) Giora Eiland at a meeting Wednesday convened to discuss a temporary amendment to the law that denies citizenship to Palestinians married to Israelis. The meeting at Justice Minister Tzipi Livni's office was attended by Interior Minister Ophir Pines-Paz and Attorney General Menachem Mazuz. Mazuz said that as the security situation improves, there is less legal justification for this temporary order. Pines-Paz said the amendment to the law was passed in 2003, at a security low point, and now with the improved security situation and progress in the peace process, the restrictions placed on family unification should be eased. He suggested canceling the restrictions pertaining to Palestinian women who wish to marry Arab citizens of Israel or at least lowering the minimum age to 20. Livni said the progress in the peace process and the improvement in the security situation only increase the need for restrictions on family unification, because as the separation fence goes up and the ability of terrorists to infiltrate Israel goes down, there is greater fear that terrorists will attempt to enter Israel legally - through marriage." Sorry jongens, de ontruiming van Hebron, Oost-Jeruzalem, Ariel en Golan maakt grotere kans om het geweld te verminderen dan wéér een discriminatieve maatregel... Hup Mazuz (zei ik dat?)! Website: http://www.haaretzdaily.com/hasen/pages/ShArt.jhtml?itemNo=547577&contrassID=1&subContrassID=7&sbSubContrassID=0&listSrc=Y |
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