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Sgrena: VS militairen verkrachting-verdachten Dear Kitty - 08.03.2005 12:39
De militaire eenheid die Giuliana Sgrena in Irak beschoot, wordt (door juristen van het VS leger zelf) beschuldigd van het verkrachten van Irakese vrouwen. Giuliana Sgrena, feministe, onderzoekjournaliste, uitstekend Arabisch kennend, was zulke gevallen op het spoor.  Stop oorlog, racisme, en sexisme 'Amerikanen trachtten Italiaanse in Irak te doden' Zie ook:
http://dearkitty.modblog.com/core.mod?show=blogview&blog_id=494903 De Italiaanse verslaggeefster Giuliana Sgrena, die vrijdag na een gijzeling van een maand in Irak werd vrijgelaten, is onder vuur genomen door Amerikaanse militairen die haar wilden doodschieten, aldus haar partner. Nieuwe ontwikkeling: De militaire eenheid die haar beschoot, wordt (door juristen van het VS leger zelf) beschuldigd van het verkrachten van Irakese vrouwen. Giuliana Sgrena, feministe, onderzoekjournaliste, uitstekend Arabisch kennend, was zulke gevallen op het spoor. Zie
http://dearkitty.modblog.com/?show=blogview&blog_id=498980 Website: http://dearkitty.modblog.com |
Lees meer over: feminisme militarisme | aanvullingen |  | About the car of Giuliana | Giuliana2 - 08.03.2005 15:31
 sgrena-carfake1.jpg, image/jpeg, 318x239
http://wagnews.blogspot.com/2005/03/right-wing-bloggers-fake-sgrena-car.html Right-Wing Bloggers' Fake Sgrena Car Photo AP Linked to Disinfo on Shooting by Fintan Dunne, Editor BreakForNews.com March 6th, 2005 Right-wing bloggers are circulating a photo purportedly showing the car in which Sgrena Guiliani was wounded and her rescuer Nicola Calipari was fatally shot. The photo is being used to discredit Sgrena's account of the shooting. It shows a four-door sedan which has only the driver's side window broken and no overt bullet damage to the bodywork. That contradicts the "hail of bullets" described by Sgrena and others. And it boosts the US military's case that the incident was just a "mishap." At first glance the picture seems legitimate. Captions which accompany the photo on blogs say it's a still frame taken from an Associated Press video about the shooting at Baghdad Airport. These captions also give a source link to versions of the video on Yahoo and on AP Feedroom. They make comments like: "Unless this car is made out of thick metal and bullets bounce off of it, I don't think this car was shot at more than 10 times." [source] "I ask you, does the car above look like it was “riddled with bullets? Either our soldiers are terrible shots or some people are being pretty loose with the facts in this story." [source] But if you are suspicious that the car seems far too little damaged, you might -as I did- check major search engines for such a high-profile photo. On the Yahoo News Photo site -I quickly found the same vehicle photographed from another angle. This time with an Iraqi man standing beside the vehicle.
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