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Aanklager Talia Sasson spreekt John Veldhuis - 09.03.2005 16:39
Israelische overheid blijkt achter aantal illegale nederzettingen en buitenposten te zitten, volgens een rapport van Talia Sasson, nota bene geschreven in opdracht van de grote instigator van de vermaledijde oversteek van de Groene Lijn richting Palestijns gebied buiten Israel, Ariel Sharon.  Ariga Mideast News "Talia Sasson, the state attorney assigned by Prime Minister Ariel Sharon to investigate how the 'illegal outposts' of the West Bank were able to flourish over the years and asked her to find legal ways to remove them, stopped just short of blaming Sharon himself for the system that grew the outposts. But she left no doubt that there was a system, and that the system's managers were as high ranking as housing ministers and other top level officials who knowingly broke various (mostly administrative) laws concerning the financing of the outposts. Sharon asked her for the report to forestall American demands that he fulfill his promise to remove all the outposts established after March 2001, when he formally took office the first time. Since then, a few outposts have been removed – only to pop up later in the same place or a few hundred meters away – and many more have appeared. Sasson counted 105 – one less than the number Peace Now has been using. The Defense Ministry and Foreign Ministry routinely have spoken of a couple of dozen such 'illegal outposts,' while the Prime Minister's Office tries to use the term 'unauthorized' to describe the tiny settlements that were set up on a wildcat basis at the initiative of individual or small groups of settlers starting in the early 1990s, to combat Yitzhak Rabin's efforts to 'dry up' the settlement movement." Zie http://www.ariga.com/2005-03-09.shtml en "Some of the illegal settlement outposts in the West Bank were both planned and funded by the Housing Ministry, including a number of those built on private Palestinian land, the author of a report on West Bank outposts told reporters Wednesday." Website: http://www.haaretzdaily.com/hasen/pages/ShArt.jhtml?itemNo=549577&contrassID=1&subContrassID=1&sbSubContrassID=0&listSrc=Y |
Lees meer over: anti-fascisme / racisme vrijheid, repressie & mensenrechten | aanvullingen |  | Dieven blijven volharden in fictie | JV - 10.03.2005 11:11
De Israeli's vertikken het een hotel, het Seven Arches hotel, in bezet Oost Jeruzalem, eigendom van Jordaniërs, aan de rechtmatige eigenaren terug te geven. ""The hotel was built by the Jordanians, but its ownership automatically transferred to Israel when Israel liberated the city," he said. "According to the Israeli law regarding absentee property, it is Israeli."" Jawel, "liberated" menen deze extremisten. "A law passed in the 1950s declares that all absentee property can be confiscated by Israel. But the government did not apply the law to land in Jerusalem whose owners were living in the West Bank. Jordan recently became worried that it would lose the hotel and other property it owns after Haaretz revealed that a secret cabinet meeting last July decided that Israel would confiscate all property in east Jerusalem whose owners are not residents or Israeli citizens." En zo legaliseer je dus diefstal...
Website: http://www.jpost.com/servlet/Satellite?pagename=JPost/JPArticle/ShowFull&cid=1110338404456 | En Barak... | JV - 10.03.2005 13:31
"If the security fence is not built around the settlement blocs soon, Ariel, Ma'aleh Adumim and Gush Etzion could end up outside the country's final borders, former prime minister Ehud Barak warned on Tuesday." en "Sharon says he received unprecedented diplomatic achievements and firm commitments from the Bush administration that Israel would be allowed to keep the big settlement blocs, but it's not true," Barak said. "The Americans don't believe that they committed themselves to the blocs being part of Israel. They just say that realities on the ground will be taken into account when the final borders are shaped." Dus wat doen ze: lekker verder bouwen op andermans lands. Oh ja en natuurlijk blijven roepen dat de "fence" niet bedoeld is om toekomstige Israelische grenzen aan te geven. En dat zijn dan de gewaardeerde geassocieerde partners van de EU... En dan noemen ze Syrië een paria... Wat een godvergeten bende leugenaars.
Website: http://www.jpost.com/servlet/Satellite?pagename=JPost/JPArticle/ShowFull&cid=1110252011137&p=1078027574097 | Israel narco-staat (andermans land is drug) | JV - 14.03.2005 12:13
"Sasson and Spiegel were appointed, with the blessing of the United States, to supply the informational and legal basis to execute the Israeli promises. In the process, Israel was shamefully revealed to be a third world country, in which the government cheats itself and allows a quasi-underground network to manage its own policies. The government ostensibly does not authorize these policies, but in practice it turns a blind eye to them and feigns surprise at the outcome. In certain South American countries, that's how the drug trade operates." Website: http://www.haaretz.com/hasen/spages/551165.html | |
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