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 | Update | updater - 16.03.2005 15:39
Het openbaar ministerie in Genua , belast met het proces tegen 26 activisten beschuldigd van vernieling en plundering tijdens de G8 in 2001, hebben in de rechtbank de computers van een consultant van de GLF en van een activist van de “supporte legale” in beslag genomen. Op bevel tot inbeslagname wordt melding gemaakt van een aanklacht wegens smaad uitgaande van Anna Canepa en Andrea Canciani, de publieke aanklagers van het proces tegen de 26 activisten. Dit gebeurde tijdens de laatste zitting van het proces tegen twee van de vier antifascisten die beschuldigd worden van geweldpleging omdat ze een groep fascisten uit een trein vol demonstranten gezet hadden. Voor dit proces verwachtte men vandaag de uitspraak.
| Order of personal search and confiscation | imcitaly - 18.03.2005 03:55
This translation is not a literal one of the legal paper, we added more elements explaining the situation Order of personal search and confiscation The prosecutor having read the acts concerning the proceeding against unknown people relatively to the charges of diffamation (art 110 and 595 c.p.) committed in Genova acknowledging the denounce filed by prosecutors Andrea Canciani and Anna Canepa acknowledging that the denounce and the attached documentation point out evidence for the charges of diffamation,as done through the publication on the website italy.indymedia.org of sentences and words offending the reputation of the denouncing magistrates, prosecutors in several court cases in Genova tribunal considering that the publishing of the trnascriptions of the exact content of the hearing in real time (as well as the above mentioned offences) suggests that the transcriptions are done by people among the public of the hearing itself considering that in order to confirm that the sentences and the offences come effectively by people transcribing among the public at the hearing it is necessary to search them and seize thir pcs considering that tomorrow march 16th is taking place the last hearing of the court case against 2 people from milan accused of robbery [4-6 years for having kicked two nazis out of a train n.d.t] considering that the court responsible for the proceeding is Turins court and considering that nonetheless seems necessary to ensure that the evidence is gathered on this occasion ORDERS to identify and search the people watching the hearing that are transcribing and recording the hearing itself on personal computers to seize the pcs used to transcribe the hearing a copy of this act has to be provided to the interested people the prosecutor giancarlo pellegrino original version: http://italy.indymedia.org/uploads/2005/03/sequestropc160305.pdf
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