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Isoleer Israel tijdens het Purim-feest John Veldhuis - 23.03.2005 14:48
Zodat de Israeli's rustig Purim kunnen vieren, worden de Palestijnen weer eens opgesloten in hun ghetto's. Tot (en met) zondag kan er geen Palestijn in of uit. Met dank aan het zionisme... "The Israel Defense Forces on Tuesday night placed a general closure over the entire West Bank and Gaza Strip that will last for the duration of Purim. The holiday begins Thursday evening and lasts until Sunday." Website: http://www.haaretzdaily.com/hasen/spages/555627.html |
Lees meer over: anti-fascisme / racisme vrijheid, repressie & mensenrechten | aanvullingen |  | Kinderen van Bethlehem | JV - 23.03.2005 16:59
"In Birmingham, Alabama at 10:30 a.m., news of the protest in Bethlehem has barely begun to appear. But Sis Levin has read one email account, and she is feeling good about what happened. Early that morning the children of Bethlehem had attempted to do what Jesus did 2,000 years ago and ride a donkey into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday. Of course, the children this year never made it much farther than a towering concrete wall erected to keep them forever out of Jerusalem. But they launched a nonviolent protest against their occupation. And their parents took the protest right up into the all-to-human faces of the occupying troops themselves. So it is with the pride of a teacher that Levin declares, "It was my children's idea!"" en "At first, Levin treated the Palm Sunday protest as a "what if" idea. What if the children rode donkeys to Jerusalem, confronting Israeli checkpoints along the way? She talked about it in imaginary terms, because it seemed too dangerous. But at some point she was told that even if the action had danger in it, if the children wanted to make a nonviolent statement, she should let them. Which was a profound suggestion to make to an activist from Birmingham. After all, without the children of Birmingham going to jail in 1963, the great campaign for downtown de-segregation might not have been won. So Levin broached the idea with Stoner, and international support for the children of Bethlehem was mobilized." Website: http://www.counterpunch.org/moses03222005.html | |
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