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USA Nertsenbevrijder gearresteerd Change dierenrechten magazine - 27.03.2005 12:59
NIEUWE DIERENBEVRIJDINGS GEVANGENE PETER YOUNG peter Young is jarenlang op de vlucht geweest voor de Amerikaanse autoriteiten. 21 maart werd hij in Californie gearresteerd. Peter young wordt verdacht van een aantal nertsenbevrijdingen in 1997. Bezoek zijn website en schrijf hem voor ondersteuning. On October 28, 1997 Sheboygan County Sheriff's deputies in Wisconsin pulled over Justin Samuel and Peter Young, after fur farmers suspected they were watching their mink barns. Authorities found items that led to a six-count federal indictment against Samuel and Young 1998. The two were charged with violating the then named Animal Enterprise Protection Act with the alleged intent to coerce mink farms out of business by inflicting economic loss and damage. "The indictment reflects the determination of the law enforcement community and my office to address criminal activity designed to curtail or shutdown a lawful industry," said US Attorney Peggy Lautenschlager in Wisconsin's first case of "animal enterprise terrorism." Justin Samuel and Peter Young were pulled over by police in the vicinity of the farms after suspicious fur farmers contacted authorities. A vehicle search allegedly yielded animal rights literature, as well as other "suspicious" items. In September 1998, a federal grand jury indicted the duo on charges of animal enterprise terrorism and unlawful interference with interstate commerce. Both Samuel and Young went underground and nothing was heard from the two until September 4, 1999, when Samuel was arrested in Belgium and eventually extradited to the U.S. to face criminal charges. Despite an enormous outpouring of support from the activist community, on August 30, 2000, Samuel entered into a plea agreement with the U.S. Attorney's office in which he implicated Peter Young (his co-defendant) and promised to "make a full, complete, truthful statement regarding his involvement in violations of federal criminal statutes charged in the original Indictment, as well as the involvement of all other individuals known to him regarding the crimes charged in that Indictment. And the defendant agrees to testify fully and truthfully at any trials or hearings." Samuel eventually served two years in prison and is now free and living in San Diego, California. Despite his repeated efforts to reintegrate himself into the animal rights movement, most activists and organizations have shunned him as an untrustworthy individual and a snitch. While bad timing and dumb luck led to the initial indictment of the two, Samuel's fear and lack of moral fortitude is responsible both for his own prison time and for the likelihood that Peter Young (if apprehended) may be found guilty and sentenced to a lengthy imprisonment. Like so many others under police pressure, Samuel clearly fell for the oldest tricks in the book of law enforcement: To this day, he claims he did not tell his inquisitors anything they did not already know. Unfortunately, it is not Justin who will pay the price for his fears, but Peter Young-- and any other activists Justin chooses to name to protect himself. PETER YOUNG BOOKING #05015987, PFN #DVF828 C/O SANTA CLARA MAIN JAIL COMPLEX 885 NORTH SAN PEDRO STREET SAN JOSE, CA 95110 Excerpts from:
http://www.earthfirstjournal.org/efj/feature.cfm?ID=21&issue=v19n7 E-Mail: change@hypocrisy.org Website: http://www.supportpeter.com |
Lees meer over: natuur, dier en mens | aanvullingen |  | E-mail Peter Young een brief! | Steun Peter Young - 28.03.2005 12:31
Schrijf Peter Young een brief door je brief te e-mailen naar letters@supportpeter.com. De brief zal worden uitgeprint en opgestuurd naar hem. Wel is het handig je eigen adres erbij te zetten als je een brief terug wilt. Let wel op dat je brief nog steeds wordt gelezen door de gevangenis/autoriteiten. Peter vertelde aan een bezoeker dat hij er van houd brieven te krijgen, vooral handgeschreven brieven. Ook zelf houd hij van schrijven, zodra hij enveloppen en postzegenls heeft zal hij terugschrijven! Schrijf hem nu en geef hem je steun die hij hard nodig heeft!
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