P&C anti-bont email campagne Respect voor Dieren - 01.04.2005 10:20
Please join in and distribute!!! Peek&Cloppenburg: Stop the Fur Trade! Part 5 On the 14th February animal rights activists organised an action of electronic civil disobedience against the fur industry which animal welfarists and animal rights activists from all over the world participated in. The main targets were Peek&Cloppenburg (P&C) and their logistic partner, Thiel Logistics&Services. As always, P&C remained silent about the effects of the action, but the reactions of other targets do give the impression that the action was very effective. A spokeswoman for the German Fur Institute, which was also on the list, admitted that their work was seriously disrupted. P&C probably had a very similar experience. And still they can't bring themselves to pull out of the fur trade.  stop bont URGENT E-MAIL ACTION! But the protests against fur selling chain stores keep on going at an international level and P&C seem find themselves more and more alone in their percistence in selling fur products, even in the textiles branch. On 15th March the Swedish chain store SOLO signed a guarantee that they would no longer sell fur in the future. And in Finland the chain, Prisma Hypermarket has also pulled out of the trade in animal furs. So, as we can see, campaigns against fur are highly successful and also effective, when we look at the fur industry internationally. It is important to make it clear to the decision makers at P&C that products which are produced through animal suffering will not be accepted. James Cloppenburg, in his roll as the highest company director of P&C North, has absolute power to decide on the sale of fur by his company and has conciously decided that animals must die for fashion items in P&C. But, besides his leading funktion at P&C, James Cloppenburg is also on the board of directors of the Trade Association BAG, president of the association in schleswig-Holstein and representative of their working group for outer-garments. Alongside P&C, companies such as C&A, KarstadtQuelle and the Otto Catalogue are also members of the association and have all left the fur trade over the past few years as a result of pressure from anti-fur campaigns. So James Cloppenburg already has several examples of what an animal friendlier business policy can look like. In spring, the time when young mink are born on the fur farms, the decision makers at P&C can not be given a break from protests. They are the ones who make profits at cost to the animals. At expense to animals who are now being born only to be killed after several months of imprisonment. Mink and foxes who will never in their lives feel grass under their feet ... Therefore, write to the board of directors of the Trade Association, so that pressure is put on him from others. As long as P&C benefit from animal suffering, all those who work with those responsible at P&C should be informed of their irresponsible business policies. Why not use the opportunity to send multiple mails and attachments. James Cloppenburg james@peek-und-cloppenburg.de Trade Association BAG
handelsverband@bag.de, strube@bag.de, pangels@bag.de,
korff@bag.de, goeldner@bag.de, hellwege@bag.de,
wirmer@bag.de, schroeder@bag.de Working-Group for Outer-Garments
e.kiso@textil-nord-west.de, e.kiso@textil-bekleidung.de
c.dzuber@textil-bekleidung.de BAG Hamburg office@handelsverband-nord.de BAG Bremen handelsverband@handelsverband-lag-bremen.de BAG Baden-Württemberg handelsverband.lag.ba-wue@t-online.de BAG Bayern info@bag-bayern.de BAG Berlin-Brandenburg einzelhandel@gde-berlin.de BAG Hessen info@hessen-lag.de BAG Mecklenburg Vorpommern office@handelsverband-nord.de BAG Niedersachsen post@lvmg.de BAG Nordrhein-Westfahlen nrw@handelsverband-nrw.de BAG Rheinland-Pfalz info@handelsverbaende-rlp.de BAG Sachsen handelsverband.lag.s.sa.th@t-online.de BAG Saarland lagsaarland@aol.com Or all at once:
james@peek-und-cloppenburg.de, handelsverband@bag.de,
strube@bag.de, pangels@bag.de, korff@bag.de,
goeldner@bag.de, hellwege@bag.de, presse@bag.de,
wirmer@bag.de, schroeder@bag.de,
e.kiso@textil-nord-west.de, e.kiso@textil-bekleidung.de,
handelsverband.lag.ba-wue@t-online.de, info@bag-bayern.de,
einzelhandel@gde-berlin.de, info@hessen-lag.de,
office@handelsverband-nord.de, post@lvmg.de,
nrw@handelsverband-nrw.de, info@handelsverbaende-rlp.de,
handelsverband.lag.s.sa.th@t-online.de, lagsaarland@aol.com An anti-fur campaign against Peek&Cloppenburg has been bitterly fought in Germany and Austria for about three years now. P&C is one of the biggest German companies to sell real fur and has up till now refused to distance from it?s immoral business which costs animals their lives. If you would like to receive these e-mails personally in future, send a mail with the heading ?subscribe? to:
pundcfurfree@webmail.co.za E-Mail: respectvoordieren@mail.com Website: http://www.respectvoordieren.org |