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Resources for school teaching on Aborigines Rick Roser - 05.04.2005 11:31
Schools dealing with Australian Aborigines may find the following offer by a Brisbane artist useful. – Diet Simon http://people.freenet.de/DietSimon/ The Aboriginal resources below are now available over the web.
http://www.aemaustralia.com/catalog (the CD ROM is still the best value). Hello, My name is Rick Roser, I am an Aboriginal Artist in Queensland. For over 15 years I have presented literally thousands of art & culture workshops at schools and my artworks are collected in the National Gallery of Australia & Qld Art Gallery, etc. Because there are so few authentic Aboriginal resources available, I have been encouraged to put some of my sessions into a collection on CD ROM for professional use. This Resources Kit is designed to produce immediately achievable, demonstrable outcomes that include indigenous culture across a range of activities and it will be a great help for developing projects. .....& best of all......it's Fun for Kids of all ages! So far the Resources Kit has been very well received and I am contacting you in the hope that you would like one for your workplace or school. It contains: Aboriginal Clip Art: Over 200 Indigenous images provide illustrations for years to come. All the images are my own, from a range of environments and styles. Easy to copy & paste into other documents or print. Copyright free** Activities: Basket making, Stone axe making, Ochre painting; Boomerang Throwing & Safety Advice. Use readily available materials with helpful realistic advice about where to get them from - bush, garden or school grounds. Knowledge and skills are gained with artefacts created step by step - a few of my artefacts are in museum collections etc. 3 Movies: These 5 min. Movies provide back up for the Basket making, Stone axe making & Ochre painting activities. A Colouring-in Book: To introduce younger students to the wonderful world of Aboriginal Art with over 50 A4 pages of Dreamtime drawings and scenes... and a very brave ant! Easy print & photocopy for an endless supply of sheets ready to colour-in. A timeless way to entertain & educate children, with a variety of skill levels and interests. Cultural Information: Tribal:- Kinship; Trade; Games; Hunting & Gathering; Protocol; Water; Culture Survival; Food; Shelter..... A mine of information for projects & assignments plus valuable insight into our vast cultural heritage. Stationery: Including letterheads, special presentations and posters etc to give instant help and support promoting cultural events and information, plus the potential to design your own stationery using the Clip Art. Thank you for taking the time to read through all this, I am sure this disc will meet with your approval. Please forward this information to the relevant department in your School or Community group. Or there is an order form below. Best Regards Rick Roser Born Brisbane 1955 From : Rick Roser Aboriginal Events Management P.O. Box 247 Fortitude Valley QLD 4006 Australia Ph. #0061 (0) 7 33585455 Fax (0)7 32543988 ABN 92283142828 Email: mavericktrading@optusnet.com.au Purchase Order or send your own purchase order to Aboriginal Events Management ABN 92283142828 P.O.247 Fortitude Valley QLD 4006 TOTAL COST - $139.95 + $6.50 Postage (GST inc) in Australia Please send .... copy/s of Aboriginal Art & Culture Resources Kit with Tax Invoice Enclosed is Cheque/ Money order for $.................. Name.................................................................. ............................. Contact Name.................................................................. ................ Address............................................................... ............................. Post Code.................. Phone Number............................. Email................................................................. ..................... Also available : Videos - The Aboriginal Art of Firemaking The Aboriginal Art of String Making The Aboriginal Art of Ochre Painting Each is $39.95 + $6.50 postage All the information is printable on A4 paper and is in simple .pdf format with installers and browsers included in the help file if necessary. Any queries or send no more emails please contact at the address above ** Not for resale. Licencing available. |
Lees meer over: anti-fascisme / racisme kunst, cultuur en muziek vrijheid, repressie & mensenrechten | aanvullingen |  | |