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Germany: Helicopters hunt Sprayers. 1 Dead. lola - 09.04.2005 13:01
Berlin - no joke: German minister for inner affairs and inner security Otto Schily (SPD) ordered his new created military-style police "Polizei des Bundes" to hunt graffiti sprayers with helicopters and ground units in Berlin, the german "streetart-capitol", at night. One innocent man came to death. The helicopters film sprayers with special night-view-cameras and give the information about the location of the sprayers to police units on ground - which have to capture the sprayers. The helicopters have to fly very deep and very close above heavily populated city areas. Most residents are more pissed of about the helicopters than about the sprayers. Yesterday one innocent motor biker came to death when a police car, hunting a sprayer, crashed into him. This new police strategy is another, until now unknown, escalation of repression. links to german news media:
http://www.meinberlin.de/sixcms/detail.php?template=detail_polizeiticker&url=archiv/24514/index.html |
Lees meer over: kunst, cultuur en muziek vrijheid, repressie & mensenrechten | aanvullingen |  | |