Letter from the family Lemun, Mapuche volk Rodrigo Rojas - 13.04.2005 23:20
Letter translated in english  Wallpuche, Temuco, Chile April 8, 2005 Honorable Dignitaries: We, the Mapuche community of Chile, with the objective of claiming our inherent rights, would like to respectively address each one of you to make you aware of Interior Minister Jose Miguel Insulza's participation in a combination of repressive measures against the Mapuche: 1) During the entire period that Mr. Jose Miguel Insulza was Interior Minister, he developed repressive policies against the Mapuche claiming our seized land. He applied antiterrorist laws and homeland security laws against us. This antiterrorist law was created and adopted by the military regime of General Augusto Pinochet. Noticing this, however, the special arbitrator of the United Nations, in his report E/CN.4/2004/80/Add.3 affirmed that the Antiterrorist Law was taken out of context and does not apply to land disputes; and the International Committee on the Treaty of Economic, Social and Cultural Rights E/C.12/1/Add.105 recommended termination of the applicability of the homeland security law No. 129927 and antiterrorist law No. 18314. 2) The Chilean police took the law into their own hands and assassinated Alex Lemun Saavedra, son of the redactor of this letter. Although this case was adequately proven, we have observed continuous efforts by the government and particularly by the Interior Ministry to evade judicial action and compensation. This case was detailed in the Special Arbiter's report. 3) Afflicted by the application of the antiterrorist law are not only our traditional chiefs Norin Cariman and Pascual Pichun; nearly one hundred Mapuche leaders are in jail, others under order of detention and awaiting judicial processes. Completely discriminatory cases have arisen, and the Supreme Court has resolved in two cases to give a second judgment against the Mapuche applying the antiterrorist laws. 4) The land that the Mapuche community is claiming is land that has been seized with the approval of the Chilean State through adoption of its laws. In particular, the military dictatorship adopted Legal Decree 2568 which declared that the land no longer belonged to the indigenous people who occupied it. These laws were tremendously damaging and institutionally allowed that usurpation of our land. For example, they turned control of our ancestral territory over to international timber companies. This wrong still has not been addressed or corrected. 5) We consider it appropriate to inform you that the Chile is only country that has not constitutionally recognized indigenous people, has not ratified Agreement 169, and has no mechanism for indigenous people to participate in its affairs. The continual denial of our rights puts us, the indigenous people, at a disadvantage compared with other sectors of Chilean society. Attentively yours, Edmundo Lemun E-Mail: vrijheidchili@lycos.nl Website: http://www.libertad.ya.st |