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oPeRaTiNg tHeAtRe presents.... oPeRaTiNg tHeAtRe - 19.04.2005 15:13
this night is part of the 'Open Week' of Amsterdam's squatted social spaces under threat of eviction for more info see : http://www.mysquat.tk ----------------------------- tuesday 19th April : from 20:00 @ pakhuis afrika: the oPeRaTiNg tHeAtRe presents: ----------------------------- EuroMayday warms up at the Operating Theatre AND feature film : 'THE EDUKATORS'
http://squat.net/operatingtheatre Precarious of the world let's conspire and strike for a free, open, radical europe! - EuroMayday Call 2005 Join us in the lead up to EuroMayday2005 at the Operating Theatre for an informal presentation and discussion with CzCat (Reload/Chainworkers) of recent precarity actions from the city of Milan alongside local Amsterdam EuroMaydayers the FlexMens and AGA. Some of the footage from Milan will include recent blockades and shutdowns of Milanese supermarkets, the disruption of the Venice Film Festival during the NoGlobal squatted Beach happening and whatever else CzKat can fit in his bag. This presentation will be followed by an early evening presentation at the SlackersLounge@SCII of Serpica Naro - the infamous Milan Fashion Week hoax by Milanese precarity activists. Footage of the Serpica Naro action will be shown and future plans discussed at 18.00hrs Thursday 21st oPeRaTiNg tHeAtRe / AGA / Flexmens / The Greenpepper Project / SlackersLounge@SCII / .....plus..... THE EDUKATORS Jan, Peter and Julie are living out thier rebellious youth. United by their passion to change the state of the world, they become 'The edukators' mysterious perpertrators who non-violently warn the local rich their 'days of plenty are numbered'. (2004, 128mins, director weingartner, german with english subtitles) ................ vegaN soup from 20:00 : films start around 21:00 : food and films free/by donation : @ pakhuis afrika : Oostelijke handelskade 19, amsterdam (5 mins bike ride east of central station, along the waterside) ................ the oPeRaTiNg tHeAtRe is a micro-cinema that occupies squatted spaces to project free films and bring different people together around the mini-moviescreen for collective reflection and discussion. the oPeRaTiNg tHeAtRe throws all kinds of stuff towards the retina of your mind's eye - from documentaries about life and struggle to re-spliced experimental trash. if you want to suggest some films to screen, create some possibilities for discussion, distribute programs around the place, help find & cook free dinners or collect and set up equipment email: operate@squat.net ................ het oPeRaTiNg tHeAtRe is een bioscoop die gekraakte ruimten gebruikt om gratis films te vertonen en verschillende mensen tot elkaar te brengen rond het mini filmscherm voor collectieve reflectie en discussie. het oPeRaTiNg tHeAtRe gooit van alles voor het netvlies van je geestesoog – van documentaires over leven en strijd tot hergemonteerde experimentele zooi. Als je filmsuggesties hebt, mogelijkheden voor discussie wilt creeeren, programma’s wilt verspreiden, wilt helpen met het vinden en koken van gratis avondeten of apparatuur wilt ophalen en opzetten, email dan: operate@squat.net Website: http://www.squat.net/operatingtheatre |
Lees meer over: Agenda kunst, cultuur en muziek wonen/kraken | aanvullingen |  | |