Online Mayday Parade! - 22.04.2005 22:08
De suversieve italiaanse software ontwikkelaars hebben hem weer geflikt. De euromayday parade 2005 is online. Tot 1 mei heb je de kans om digitaal mee te lopen op de pompende beats met andere precairen in alle uithoeken van Europa! volg de link:  Nederlandse vertaling van de tekst volgt snel.... EUROMAYDAY 2005 As the EuroMayDay in Europe nears, you're hyperwelcome to join the MayDay NetParade, a virtual demo that runs thru a heavily guarded and branded city put under siege by insurgent legions of brain+chain+temp workers and assorted anarchists, commies, queers and greens. The marching avatars are digital simulacra of today's exploited masses of neoliberalism: précaires, precari@s, precari, cognitarie, contingent knowledge and service workers. We are a mixed bunch, a heterogeneous multitude of precarious jobs and lives. Yet we have not spawn out of fordist assembly chains, but out of dystopian retail chains and office spaces. Why don't you give your pictorial contibution to this multicolored parade, and reclaim that visibility that mainstream media, unions, parties are denying us? Make yourself heard! Voice your anger and/or irony! You will be able to be part of a piece of collective net art. But do it fast, cos after May 1st, the NetParade will remain visible online, but it will no longer be possible to join. By clicking on JOIN, you'll be able to create your avatar, singular and (un)crazy as you want it to be. You'll have to answer a few multiple choice questions first, but these will be totally anonymous, private and dissociated from your avatar. |