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TONIGHT @ Vrankrijk G8,ETC 9PM capullo - 10.05.2005 15:30
g8 practicalities: we will give general information of the area where the G8 is held with maps of Gleneagles and Scotland, convergence spaces, legal advice, and action planed so far and ideas for what you can do locally... G8 info night program at Vrankrijk at 9 pm practicalities: we will give general information of the area where the G8 is held with maps of Gleneagles and Scotland, convergence spaces, legal advice, and action planed so far Are the leaders this year really fuck up choosing to talk about climate change in Scotland? A land where two of the biggest oil company has their infrastructure on and where most of their oil is refined. A land who lost a number of soldiers in the illegal war in Irak fought for secure the oil reserve of that country. Blair is portrait himself as the man who will tackle climate change in the near future starting at the G8 and than the during the presidency of EE.UU in the second 6 month of the year. While in his own country plans for new road and bigger airport are put forward. Where in is speech nuclear energy is not more an option but is becoming the true reality. Where alternative power is shifting in the hands of big companies and not own by communities. A call for a global day of action on the 8 of july to try to show the reality of their lies and to spread awareness on global warning which is a battle we all need to fight. we will also show two video; Indigenous people in Equator Sarayacu is a land in Equator which always belonged to indigenous people, living there in harmony with the jungle, the river and everything surround them. This indigenous culture is on the edge to disappear because an oil company backed by the Equatorian government and the army is trying to enter their territories. This is a consequence of the need to find new field of oil extraction to secure energy for the "developed world". The Sarayacu indigenous people will never surrender their way of living to the capitalistic society which want to impose their law of destruction and exploitation. Mapuche demonstration in Buenos Aires during the COP 10 The Mapuche of the communities of Pillan Mauiza are fighting against the project of a huge dam which will be build in their land. During the COP10 in december 2004 they organize a demonstration in the street of Buenos Aires to protest against the dam and to give a voice to the indigenous people, completely ignore by the burocraps of the UN during their meeting inside the building of the COP. We fight along side the indigenous people in latin america and around the world against the new colonization. Global warning is forcing politicians and behind them oil corporation to find other oil reserve to exploit and different way to obtain energy needed to move capitalism. Under kyoto agreement a turn in the direction of "sustainable development" has been made, this means corporation are allow to use or abuse land in the developing world to build dams for "green" electricity, to make GM trees forest for carbon trading and toilet paper. Who will pay the harsh price are the poorest and the nature. They both screaming for justice probably for the last time, we need a radical rethink of our societies to drastically cut our energy consumption. We have to be ready to sacrifice our "privilege" in order to have something left in this world as heritage for the one who are not born yet. |
Lees meer over: G8 globalisering | aanvullingen |  | so | so - 10.05.2005 16:38
so, well update ppl on the situation in scotland and will take questions & vibes back to the international networking group at the nottingham dissent! gathering on the 21-23 . . . . cu | |
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