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Picnic for Peace JonH - 11.05.2005 15:52
Global Peace Movement That Can't Be Stopped I thought you might be interested in this, it's an attempt to get a weekly local forum going, a forum without agenda , where people can explore ways of peaceful living Please let me know how the idea can get wider coverage Thanks Jon Harding PICNIC FOR THE PEACE (grassroots peace movement that cannot be stopped) Venue: A Picnic Spot In YOUR Local Town City Or Village Time: 11h59 EVERY Sunday In an attempt to move on from these times of violence we are having picnics for peace; these events are local and allow people to share their news and plans in a peaceful outdoor atmosphere. The more widespread the picnics are the more global consciousness will be raised. Everyone is welcome and may come without fear of any kind, this is an ideal opportunity for people to get away from the difficulties of every day life and practice for a peaceful future. Even if only a few people turn up at your picnic it will be successful and most of all fun. Please let me know where your picnics are so other may share them with you. Picnics will be held worldwide and hopefully the people who attend will feel less isolated and more positive about the opportunity to live in peace. Picnic for Peace is not an organised event and relies on word of mouth or email communication for it to better known about. Please let me know if you have any ideas about how this message can reach a larger audience; or forward, or translate and forward this message you could even join this yahoo group!
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/picnicforpeace/ Good Luck and Happy Picnics Mouvement de Paix (grass-roots) PIQUE-NIQUE POUR LA PAIX Chaque dimanche à 11hr59 Rendezvous à un endroit de réunion bien connu au centre de votre ville ou village. Notre pique-nique local pour la paix était un grand succès et sera continué chaque dimanche s'il fait beau.... L'idée du Pique-nique Pour la Paix est de réunir des personnes, partager la nourriture, jouer et faire connaissance. C'est ni politique, ni militant. Si tout va bien, d'autres pique-nique seront tenus dans le monde entier, les participants en fin de journée ce sentiront moins isolés, plus positif et dans la paix. Le pique-nique pour la paix n'est pas un événement organisé et est fondé sur le bouche à oreille ou par l'email.... Toutes idées sur le pique-nique sont les bienvenues pour les transmettrent et/ou traduire au plus grand nombre possible... Vous pourriez même joindre le groupe de yahoo ci-dessous http://groups.yahoo.com/group/picnicforpeace/ Bonne chance et heureux pique-nique... (traduit en Français par Dany et Fred) E-Mail: jonpharding@yahoo.co.uk Website: http:// http://groups.yahoo.com/group/picnicforpeace/ |
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