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VIENNA CONGRESS MAY 11-18 freibesetzt - 11.05.2005 21:01
We are some people from Vienna, who are really fucked up with the situation here.  the idea We will make a congress from 11th to 18th May 2005 in vienna. The vienna congress is meant to be an international meeting of radical leftwing groups, organizations and people. We`d like to invite and adress people and groups with antiauthoritarian character and system-overthrowing ideals, seeing ourselves as a part of this movement, too. Still there should be space for critically discussing a wider range of political ideas and ideologies as well as discussing state implemented forms of oppression, heterosexism, housing... and such. Also planned are cultural events and actions. ...the situation in Vienna and the topics of the congress The right winged government of austria has established their repressive power for 5 years now. In may 2005, they celebrate the anniversary of 50 years of the so called state treaty (sovereignty of austria, retreat of allied “occupation troops”...), and 10 years of EU membership. Apart from cutting social systems, introducing racist laws and encouraging a xenophobic mentality, which lead to the murder of several people, they tried (and succeeded) to make life much harder for everyone who raises his/her voice against injustice. Political and social institutions are highly endangered, many projects depending on public subsidies faced a total cut of their financial contribution. Migrants newspaper and advisory boards had to close as well as a progressive netculture institute. Women advisory boards and alternative cultural initiatives are struggling. Also those not dependent on subventions are threatened by repression and economic “compulsions”, particularly the only squat (EKH) in austria has been sold by the communist party to some extreme right-wing speculator... We know that these deteriorations are taking place all over europe, everywhere we hear about the repression and destruction of progressive movements and infrastructure. we want to make Vienna to our starting point for a political and social reorganization of Europe according to our own interests and needs! The meetings are going to deal with various topics and our aim is to create an european network of different groups as well as an exchange of information and experiences and furthermore discussions about political developments and matters. Events and actions in public space are supposed to open up the city for us and will point out our requests and meanings to the public. links/further information: the webpage for the congress:
http://wienerkongress.info english: http://wienerkongress.info/html/eindex.htm for current reports from the congress of vienna check out:
http://at.indymedia.org "historical": first info from january this year on the congress (scroll down, english comes after german version):
http://at.indymedia.org/newswire/display/49198 ekh webpage (some english info there)
http://med-user.net/ekh tuewi
http://tuewi.action.at english feature on the struggle for autonomous spaces in vienna, which explains the current situation of the ekh and links to further english articles:
http://at.indymedia.org/newswire/display/53425 english information also on the webpage of “freibesetzt”, an exhibition which will take place from 29th june – 23th july 2005 in vienna. the “freibesetzt” exhibition and parallel happenings will explore places and structures where attempts are made to create space for experimental living, working and thinking, paradoxically, both within and as autonomous as possible from the prescribed societal status-quo.
http://freibesetzt.tk squatting:
http://squat.net about the topic of migration and in this context the topics of the working group, have a look at http://no-racism.net - u will find there lots of information, but most in german. most articles on the european camp system are in the category border regime (grenzregime):
http://no-racism.net/rubrik/38 i think u know sites with english information connect to this reports like http://no-camps.org or http://nolager.org, which are also related to no-racism.net (also as part or no border-network, http://noborder.org) you can also view some texts in french and slovensky in: francaise: invitation: http://marseille.indymedia.org/news/2005/01/1837.php appčl de groupe de travail migration: http://at.indymedia.org/newswire/display/53845 slovensky: vid. novinky na: http://praha.squat.net/ we hope, that this is enough for the moment, if u have more questions on the congress, please ask. the general contact for the congress is: wienerkongress (at) gmx.net Website: http://wienerkongress.info/ |
Lees meer over: Agenda anti-fascisme / racisme globalisering vrijheid, repressie & mensenrechten wonen/kraken | aanvullingen |  | |