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Athens : Antifademo ends with arrests unimportantly - 20.05.2005 14:38
More than 2,500 humans take part in an anti-fascist demonstration in the city centre of Athens. In the connection there were arguments by force with the police. Report/translation from the side of IMC Athens taken over  In the center of Athens today more than 2,500 people in the course of an anti-fascist demonstration went on the road. After the end of the demonstration approximately 100 people attacked the auxiliary police with Molotov molotov-Cocktails. The police reacted thereupon with solid tear gas bombardment. One hour later units of the police and masked civil policemen the center of Athens (Exarchia) stormed. They began to arrest humans from bars and Cafeterias. It came to more than 100 arrests (120 up to now), and still, hours later, people is arrested. In addition they penetrated into at least one house. It seems to be one of the largest employments of the auxiliary police in Athens for years. Approximately one hour ago humans before the headquarters of the police met around more to experience and around the arrested people support. The police began now to shoot without provocation on the part of humans, traenengas into the masses and drove the people ago several kilometers before itself. In the center of Athens still arrests are made and refused to lawyers, who want to experience more over the situation, the entrance to the arrested ones in the police center. In the social centers of the city center many people are enclosed ", surrounded" by much police. Here still another article of www.indymedia.org from some days ago to the occurrences on 10. May, which show that it momentarily in the city bubble. Fascists use measurer, democrat rather shoot In 10 May, two ex Ministers of the socialist (now oppositionals) party PASOK participated, in a book conception in the national technical university in Athens. In obvious Misachtung of the academic right of asylum the ex Ministers instructed to enter its armed police protection the university area. Academic asylum is is 1973 part Greek laws, when military tank of the junta governing at that time rammed the gates of the same university. To the same time AnarchistInnen from its Mayday demonstration came to the university back (this year overlapped the Mayday with that orthodox Easter and the national holiday on 11 May was shifted). The AnarchistInnen recognized the armed guards immediately and tried it from the campus to to refer. The policeman Christoforos Patsias fired at the resistance-carrying out at least 15 times - one of the projectiles hurts a 28-jaehrigen Anarchisten at the leg. Its comrades occupied immediately the Campus, demanded the name of the shooting policeman, a condemnation of the shots by the senate of the university and an insurance that them the Campus intact leave might. All three of its demands one consented; the mass media however were to be said again once fast the AnarchistInnen after force and chaos, while they concealed the fact that for the first time since the end of the military coup at university soil shot. When leaving the Campus ' a spontaneous demo, anti-actists slogans (which always may be) formed was sung, the most popular was "the fascists uses measurers, that shoot democrats": a direct reference to faschiste attacks against left and anarchist AktivistInnen lately. [ left: State a Campusgenossen | IMC Athens ] Bron : http://de.indymedia.org/2005/05/117252.shtml |
Lees meer over: anti-fascisme / racisme | aanvullingen |  | |