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Reporters sans Frontier ontmaskerd! Che Fan - 25.05.2005 13:30
Het staat zwart op wit. Journalisten zonder grenzen is een CIA operatie met als voornaamste doel het in discrediet brengen van Cuba. Op de site van Counterpunch staat een artikel waar ik het begin van citeer. When Robert Menard founded Reporters Without Borders twenty years ago, he gave his group a name which evokes another French organization respected worldwide for its humanitarian work and which maintains a strict neutrality in political conflicts Doctors Without Borders. But RSF (French acronym) has been anything but nonpartisan and objective in its approach to Latin America and to Cuba in particular. From the beginning, RSF has made Cuba its No. 1 target. Allegedly founded to advocate freedom of the press around the world and to help journalists under attack, the organization has called Cuba "the world's biggest prison for journalists." It even gives the country a lower ranking on its press freedom index than countries where journalists routinely have been killed, such as Colombia, Peru and Mexico. RSF has waged campaigns aimed at discouraging Europeans from vacationing in Cuba and the European Union from doing business there its only campaigns worldwide intended to damage a country's economy. The above is not a matter of chance because it turns out that RSF is on the payroll of the U.S. State Department and has close ties to Helms-Burton-funded Cuban exile groups. verder over deze club van smeerlappen: Website: http://www.counterpunch.org/barahona05172005.html |
Lees meer over: vrijheid, repressie & mensenrechten | aanvullingen |  | laatste | Che Fan - 25.05.2005 14:13
Nog een laatste link met achtergrond informatie over deze CIA dekmantel. op http://www.newsguild.org/gr/gr_display.php?storyID=2213 vind je een artikel over RSF met de titel: Government funds color press group’s objectivity. Het beschrijft de houding van RSF in Irak, Venezuela, Cuba en Iraq en legt de relatie met de fondsen waarop deze "NGO" draait. Parralellen met Cubaned en "Glasnost for Cuba" dringen zich op.
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