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USA War Nazis Block Access to Government Kurt Brown, Saint Ram Bone - 26.05.2005 04:28
I have received forced injections, beatings, forced signatures and verbal abuses and a criminal record for telling the truth about murders and thievery in USA government. We are on our own. The Geneva Convention is ignored by the government toward USA citizenry. A call is being put out for world wide action against the international billionaire regime. Videos of the abuse with free music is at the website. The regime in Alabama look down at the dirt when blocking my access to government. It is good that the old guy doing so will soon be dead due to natural causes. I applaud his passing with a Amsterdam Yellow Vaporizer Hit. Go to the Mobile Audit Club website. Listen to music and see the videos. Help to save the Wood, Douglas Wood, Australian also. Most of all contact your friends and associates. We are not Nazi litter dung, in Amsterdam or Alabam. Mobile Audit Club
http://www.angelfire.com/zine2/democracyordeath/index.html Website: http://www.angelfire.com/zine2/democracyordeath/index.html |
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