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Labtronics dumpt HLS na protesten Respect Respect voor Dieren - 31.05.2005 11:55
31 mei 2005 - De directeur van Labtronics Noord-Amerika, Robert Pavlis, stuurde een email naar Respect voor Dieren met daarin de mededeling dat zij de banden verbreken met HLS. R.Pavlis meldde dat Labtronics al 2 jaar geen contacten meer heeft gehad met HLS. Labtronics nam de claim "dat zij samenwerken met HLS" pas serieus nadat we actie voerden bij het kantoor en flyers uitdeelden in de buurt van Roelof de Hoop, directeur van Labtronics Europa.  "You claim we are a supplier to HLS - we are not. We did sell them a couple of software licenses more than 2 years ago - long before we knew anything about their animal research. We have not sold anything else to them, nor have we renewed their annual support - hence we do not provide support to them any more. We have sold nothing else to them, nor is there any plan to do so. We can't stop doing business with them when we are not doing business with them." "In North America, the emails and letters we received made claims that we supply products to HLS - which is not correct - we had not even heard of HLS until we started getting your emails. Our Dutch office has not had contact with HLS for years. Why would we take your letters seriously when their contents were completely false." "In your personal attack on Roel de Hoop you made claims that he has made a fortune selling to HLS - completely false. One small order more than 2 years ago hardly produces a fortune. Your claims against Roel are completely unjustified. What if you found out today that a product you bought 2 years ago was a result of HLS research? Do you feel that you deserve the kind of treatment that you put Roel through?" "Labtronics is not a supplier to HLS. Nor are there any plans for doing future business with HLS. Now that you know the facts, I would ask you to correct the statements on your web site and stop your campaign against Labtronics and it's employees. If you have any further concerns, I would ask that they be directed to myself. Robert Pavlis President, Labtronics Inc" Keep updated! Donderdag 2 juni, Amsterdam/Landsmeer: Protest bij HLS leverancier Fisher Emergo (Klik hier voor meer info.) E-Mail: respectvoordieren@mail.com Website: http://www.respectvoordieren.org |
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