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"THE Comeback Cleric": A critique farhat quam maquami - 08.06.2005 08:24
Time Magazine has taken side in an Iranian election and had put Billionaire mullah Rafsnajani as the American Favorite agent to become the next president. How mush Rafsanjani contributed to this campiagn ad we do not know but he has many Corporations all over the world and he has many ways to reward his supporters. Rafsanjani is anything but the come back kid. He is the loyal amrican agent who hi-jacked the CIA uprising of 1979. He was the brain behind Khomeini. HE WAS FINANCED CONTRAS IN NICARAGUA.He is financing the Death Squads Badr Millitias who are terrorizing the resistance and His susevience to "Free Market" has destroyed Iran economy. “The Come Back Cleric” : BILLIONAIR MULLAH IS POISON FOR IRAN FARHAT QUAEM MAQUAMI WHY we should pay attention to the Time Magazine news when we know that corporate mass media in the US has only one thing in their mind CULTURAL AND ECONOMIC ENSLAVEMENT of Iranians. Anybody who refers to the Billionaire Mullah as the “comeback cleric” either does not know how the reactionary system of cultural oppression was born, how did it continue, who negotiated the whole deal to impose a perverted Mercantilist Shia on Iran under the misnomer “Islamic Republic” and how it continues, or is taking everybody as a fool!! It is obvious that US Corporate media , their hired agents and other hyphenated Iranians collaborators are engaged in a campaign of disinformation so to confuse the issue so Rafsanjani would get elected in the sham election in an undemocratic system. Rafsanjani has the money and connections to buy adds, arrange interviews , even makes film of his life and have Time Magazine to sensationalize it, yet he cannot full the Iranian public. It is right that after being oppressed under the most repressive dictatorship which has repressed Iranians for decades some Iranian urban youth have become individualistic and hedonistic that they don’t care for their fellow citizens. But alienation and powerlessness in face of the pressure that one cannot control would cause the same effect among some people. It is true one might see an spoiled rich Persian woman race driver in Iran who brags about how fast she can go in Tehran with her expensive BMW. So did Sons of Saddam and Shah’s relatives and supporters, sons and daughters of many mullahs are spoiled by the loots of their fathers. WEALTH IN THE HANDS OF A FEW DOSE NOT BRING DEVELOPMENT. These are facades of the nations, signs of economic corruption and not progress in the Iranian Society. When one sees wonderful lives, Racy Cars, expensive Restaurants, Million dollars Villas , fashionable women with original designer Cloths of an elite , in the midst of poverty , destitution and despair of sixty four million population, whose average yearly income is below $1800, you have to smell the dictatorship of Mullahs and not the egalitarian ideology of Islam in action. Do you know that per capita income of Iranian has gone down, it has gone down 7 per cent in actual 1979 dollars. Do you know that inflation is 25 per cent a year in Iran. That means the economic policy that Rafsanjani initiated and would continue to implement is counterproductive. Printing money and spending on consumer goods abroad actually make a country more dependant. Capital Flight from Iran, that is money earned from profit or sales of national resources in Iran that is being siphoned out by Mullahs and invested in Foreign corporations, is a minimum of 3 billion dollars yearly. Do you know that Iran actually is an importer of oil and pays $2 billion dollars in hard currency for that ? Do you know that the Iranian Rial that is the sweat and blood money that people get from their hard work , has decreased in value 120 per cent. This system has helped the foreigners and dollar holders and not the average honest bread winners in Iran. Do you know that unemployment is about 30 percent in Iran and simply the economy has not produced enough jobs and actually is actively engaged to purchase factories abroad and invest abroad. The Government which was installed in Iran under the deceptive name of Islamic Republic has succeeded in its mission which was the “theft of Iran’s Economy” and all has been achieved under the Rafsanjani’s design. Rafsanjani ‘s fingerprint is all over the blue print of Dictatorship of Terrorist Mullahs who hi jacked the mere social discontent with a benevolent Iranian dictatorship to an ultra a malevolent reactionary anti-nationalist regime. He has operated this system from the beginning for his American and British handlers. SHAH was installed, supported, sustained and promoted by American and his army and his Security operation was trained by the US and the CIA. He promoted Iranian culture, education and religion and above all he established public economic institutions for sort of re-distribution of wealth. RAFSANJANI is the most trusted agent of the US imperialism in Iran and has been heftily rewarded for his collaboration. He never left the Iranian scene. He always was operating behind the scene while the discredited Mullah Khatemi become president. He was always taking care of his business Empire. Every time Uncle Sam wants something done in the region he can count on Rafsanjnai. The damage that he and his un-Islamic gangs have done to Iran is irreparable. Comparing Shah’s economic and moral damage to this menace is similar to the comparison of kids “CharshanbehSurry “to Forest Fire. Iran is burning in an arson and the arsonist who is devoid of any national feeling for Iran and Iranians is going to steal the presidency. This man has is an arsonist with no regard for Iran and Iranians. He has damaged Iran environmentally, culturally, economically, morally and religiously. Our environment and water has bee polluted beyond repair. Tehran has become an immoral city of prostitutes and call girls that Iran now on the watch list of the United Nation for human trafficking. Four millions of drug addicts roam Iran and where their get their supplies from the Rafsanjani’s gangsters who control every smuggler’s route in Iran. Every Public company has been privatized and sold to Rafsanjani’s Gangs, there is nothing to privatize, except the water and oil. Kish Free Port is his Free Prot in which his private planes import anything without any control. The rampant inflation means the poor and the oppressed are getting more oppressed under Rafsanjani’s so-called Free Market economy. It is a travesty that the government of the oppressed has inflicted more oppression on its supporters than any body else. TIME Magazine is sensationalizing the depressive news written by Americans with Iranian names so the atrocities of this Evil creature on Iran is minimized. Yet, the devastating effects of the bastardized version of Islam, which has destroyed Iranian sense of community and has produced a generation of selfish hedonistic and individuated youths in the suburbs are ignored. The alienated generation have produced thousands of prostitutes that time magazine has pictured campaigning for Rafsnajani and 4 millions of drug addicts, who depend on Rafsanjani trafficking gangs for their dependency. They are alienated from 64 millions Iranians whose national wealth has been LOOTED by the Mullahs and their collaborators. RAFSANJANI and his gangsters might be able to steal this election and Time magazine might sensationalize about Fast Times in Iran, with their sleazy reporters, but the regime is sitting on top of the volcano of dissatisfaction and boiling anger of the majority of 65 million Iranians, ready for eruption . The demise of the benevolent concept of an Islamic regime is no reason to celebrate. But sometimes it takes a disaster to produce change and Iranians should be ready for that. There is still hope that some of the reformists Mullahs would encourage reform of the system to prevent another bloodshed in Iran. Social revolution might be the only way left out of the present situation but with thousands of CIA agents and Hyphenated-Americans in our midst it is a pity that they might hi-jack the Iranian’s cravings for social change. The USA National Endowment for Democracy has become an expert in recruitment of indigenous students in making CIA Revolutions in developing countries Iranian students should be mindful of anybody who would give them financial support with strings attached. BE WATCHFUL F ANYBODY WHO supports “Free Market Economy”, “privatization”, WANTS OT SELL OIL IN US DOLLARS and do not believe in investing in Iran to make it self sufficient. They might take Iran to another detoured abyss. |
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