Fight Fortress Europe EU-rot-op Autonome Student - 09.06.2005 19:48
Sinds begin dit jaar is het voorzitterschap van Europa overgedragen aan Luxemburg. Na de demonstraties in Nederland tegen Europees hiepokriet beleid (zoals de PleuroParade) is het nu aan Luxemburg om te laten zien dat het zo niet verder kan. In dit artiekel is een stukje van RISE, het Luxemburgse antikapitalistische aktie-commitee te lezen over het Axie-Camp van 16-18 Juni en waarom verzet tegen een steeds dominantere politiek en economie nodig is...  Fight Governance - create Alternatives Together against the EU-Summit 2005 On the 1st of january 2005 Luxembourg has the Presidency of the EU. Apart from Brussel and Strasbourg Luxembourg is the third european capitol and residence of numerous EU-institutions, among them such unknown as the EURODAC, the central registrationfile of all applicants for political asylum. In tradition of the protests against the EU-summits of Nice, Göteborg, Bruxelles, Thessaloniki etc, we want to take the summit as a chance to communicate our protest against the ruling politics to the public our protest in an effective way. RISE is a network of undogmatic organisations, groups and individuals from Luxembourg over and above that. Apart of the usual forms of protests we want to further develop theory and action, initiating new discussions and elaborating selforganised means of protest. In doing so we want to emphasize the following three basics: 1)Anticapitalism: The actual capitalistic economy, which represents the ruling paradigm of the EU, creates constantly more inequality, poverty and ecological destruction. We don't believe in capitalism with a "human face", we want to fight for an alternative economical system, which replaces wage labour&profit by solidarity and free evolvement. 2)Self-Determination and Emancipation: Instead of the existing repressive state we want a society based on solidarity and a self-determined cooperation. We want to pack up with patriarchal, racist, antisemitic, and all other all manifestations of discrimination. Let's get back our lives! 3)Anti-Nationalism: We don't challenge the EU because it is a supranational organization which caves our so-called "national sovereignty" or destroys imagined "national identities". For us the nation state is no alternative to the capitalist globalization. We refuse to identify ourserlves with nationstates as we fightfortress europe The battles for liberty must aim the destruction of frontiers and not their reconstruction! The EU as a political structure of governance is a consequence of the modern capitalist development. It forms a block, which satisfies the increasing requirements of capitalism, in an economical, military political aspect. The logic of the EU is the logic of neoliberalism. Human beings which are no longer usefull in an economical way are deported, social rights are attacked and civil-rights abolished. In the domain of international politics, the EU follows a strategy f militarisation and hegemony as well. Our protests don't intend to picture the EU as the only root of all evil. The EU is just one of many institutions in the net of governance, but we want to use the increased attention and opportunity of mobilisation evoked by the EU-summit, to communicate our conviction on the streets. Which form for which protest? With our actions we want to break up with deadlocked protest rituals and create new ways of actions. We want to unify a colored mulltitude of resistance on a common base. For us such a base is: - the refusal to delegate our right of self-determination to parties and governmental institutions - anti-authoritarian based self-organization and autonomy of the movement - direct action, civil and social desobedience. ... we don't aim at a logic of military escalation or those orgies of violence conjured and stage-managed in many cases by media and police. We don't want an atmosphere of violence, but an atmosphere of liberation, and we will demonstrate unmistakeably, that neither our heads nor the streets will ever be under control. It is particularly important to create - beyond pure street-protests - aspace for meeting, discussion, reflexion and self-determined planning. Facing the increasing repression by the state on the occasion of classical demonstrations we need to fight for own alternatives to the existing system. A first step in this direction is the idea of a self-organized, alternative and anticapitalist campaign-camp. In this context we figure the following project: 1) A self-determined circle for reflexion and action, which makes it possible to express our political opinion and especially to point out our alternatives. That means: grassroots democracy, selforganisation, civil disobedience etc. We want that such a space provides at least rudimentaly the oportunity to exercise social and politic experiments beyond the capitalist society. 2) A space of meeting and coming together for the multitude of diversest social and political fights with the oportunity of exchange and networking of the diversest strategies of resistance, nets and perspectives. 3) A space of disussion and evolution, in which also 'critical' topics are discussed, which are handled to often peripherally, like antisemitism and antizionism as well as disussions about gender or animal 'rights' and others. As groups and individuals on this plattform we want to bundle powers and unify perspectives of resistance to express sustainably our protest concerning the EU-summit 2005. (source: Website: |