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Brief nav dood proefapen sdvi - 22.06.2005 12:30
Mensen van de dierenwelzijnskoepel ECEAE hebben nav de dood van 4 apen tijdens een transport van RC Hartelust BV naar Zweden de volgende brief naar Minister Hoogervorst gestuurd:  demo tegen hartelust afgelopen april Ministerie van Volksgezondheid, Welzijn en Sport T.a.v. de minister, de heer drs. J.F. Hoogervorst Postbus 20350 2500 EJ Den Haag 16 June 2005 Dear Mr Hoogervorst The European Coalition to End Animal Experiments is an alliance of 14 animal protection organisations across Europe, working to end animal experiments and achieve effective and long-lasting change for animals in laboratories. The Coalition was very disturbed to learn recently of the death of four macaques which were transported from the Netherlands to Sweden by RC Hartelust BV in January. We are writing today to try to establish where the responsibility for this event lies and to seek assurance that appropriate action is being taken. The ECEAE understands that these four macaques died as a result of being placed too close to a heater in the transport van and also that none of the monkeys were given water during the 17 hour journey. We also understand that there is no evidence of the animals' welfare being checked during the journey. If true, this situation is clearly unacceptable and we would be grateful if you could provide answers to the following questions: 1. What are the full details of this incident? 2. Is there evidence that the company or any other body was in breach of the law as a result of this incident? If so, have any fines or restrictions on their licence been imposed? 3. Is there evidence that any regulatory authorities or other official bodies failed to fulfill their obligations to protect the welfare of these animals? 4. What specific action is being taken against individuals, the company involved, or any official body as a result of this incident? 5. What action is being taken to ensure that events of this kind do not happen again? This is clearly a matter of public interest and so the ECEAE would like to see official documents relevant to the case (with, if necessary, truly confidential information removed). We believe that your Government has a duty to demonstrate that it is willing to take decisive and effective action over this incident and look forward to receiving a prompt and full response from you. Yours sincerely Adolfo Sansolini Chairperson E-Mail: stopvivisectieindustrie@yahoo.com Website: http://www.stopdevivisectieindustrie.org |
aanvullingen |  | Meer weten? | ECEAE - Hubert Lock - 22.06.2005 17:50
Voor meer informatie over de aktiviteiten van ECEAE kan men terecht bij; www.eceae.org of natuurlijk bij haar Nederlandse vertegenwoordiging; www.edev.nl E-Mail: info@eceae.org Website: http://www.eceae.org | |
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