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Radio tijdens de G8 protesten Radio WANklank - 29.06.2005 14:09
Op zaterdag 2 juli kan je luisteren naar de MakePovertyHistory Radio, via www.oneworld.net/radio, (zie de oproep hieronder in het engels) en verder kan je de hele periode (van 1 juli t/m 8 juli) dat er aktie gevoerd wordt tegen de G8 via de stream luisteren naar de Radical Radio Coalition ( http://www.g8radio.net). Mensen van Radio Wanklank uit Wageningen zullen deel uitmaken van deze Radical Radio Coalition. Voor op- of aanmerkingen, tips, muziek: g8radio@lists.riseup.net ********************************************************* MakePovertyHistory Radio: G8 Are You Listening? On July 2, from OneWorld Radio website ( http://radio.oneworld.net/article/view/82491/1/) you can listen online to Make Poverty History Radio streaming live from the peaceful march in Edinburgh. For one day only a special radio station will broadcast the MAKEPOVERTYHISTORY rally live to campaigners and Edinburgh city residents on 2 July - bringing them the latest news from The Meadows in Edinburgh, where tens of thousands of people will gather calling for trade justice, more and better aid and debt relief for the world's poorest countries. Broadcasting on 87.7FM - MAKEPOVERTYHISTORY radio will be on the air for twelve hours -- 08.00 - 20.00, packed full of content from the huge range of events on the day, interviews with speakers, event information, debates on the G8 and the campaigns key aims and live links as the huge human white band forms around central Edinburgh. Throughout the day, a team of reporters, including community radio journalists from Africa, will be in the crowds in The Meadows bringing updates from the different entertainment and action zones as well as a selection of music and speeches from the main stages. Produced in partnership with the Community Media Association (www.commedia.org.uk) and Edinburgh Telford College community radio station, ETC FM, who kindly offered over their frequency for the day, the station will also be available online at the Make Poverty History website (www.makepovertyhistory.org). MAKEPOVERTYHISTORY radio will be distributed to number of community radio stations in the UK, Africa and Latin America through the AMARC (World Association of Community Radio Broadcasters) network (www.amarc.org). Project manager Bill Best from Community Media Association said: "This is a fantastic way for all campaigners to keep abreast of what is going on - whether they have made it to Edinburgh in person, or are listening in around the world. The content will be a mix of the serious and the fun - we want to bring a flavour of the rally atmosphere to the airwaves, and ensure the key messages of Make Poverty History are heard by everybody tuning in." Glen Tarman from MAKEPOVERTYHISTORY said: "The 2nd of July in Edinburgh will be the day when the people of Britain add their voices to those from Africa, Asia and Latin America to send a loud and clear message to the G8 that now is the time to make poverty history. Make Poverty History Radio is part of connecting people both in Edinburgh and around the globe as the world calls for justice." Visit OneWorld Radio at www.oneworld.net/radio E-Mail: wanklank@gmail.com Website: http://www.wanklank.nl |
Lees meer over: globalisering media vrijheid, repressie & mensenrechten | aanvullingen |  | G8 RADIO ON AIR IN AMSTERDAM! | linking - 29.06.2005 21:17
G8 RADIO ON AIR IN AMSTERDAM! - - -(Nederlandse text hieronder)- - - 1-9 july 2005: G8 Radio is covering the great G8 protests in Scotland. All this Radical Radio Coalition programming is live on air in Amsterdam (Holland) through Vrije Keyser Radio: FM 89.6 mHz Vrije Keyser Radio calls out to other stations to rebroadcast G8 radio as well. More about the Radical Radio Coalition: http://www.G8radio.net Amsterdam based independent free radio station 'Radio de Vrije Keyser' was founded in 1979 by the squatters scene. The past two years, repression by the Dutch authorities towards free radio's in the Netherlands has grown dramatically. After being tolerated by the authorities since the early eighties, also Vrije Keyser Radio recently got threathened by the police that they would take actions if the transmitter was not turned off permanently. But Vrije Keyser Radio goes on! These days, Vrije Keyser Radio is only on air during special occasions, like certain festivals, demonstrations and other protests. Live streams are relaying the sounds of FM 89.6 when Vrije Keyser radio is on air. So people, out of reach of the Vrije Keyser FM transmitter in Amsterdam, can listen through the internet. (Ogg Vorbis audio)
http://www.VrijeKeyser.TK ======================================================================= G8 RADIO IN DE AMSTERDAMSE ETHER! 1-9 juli 2005: G8 Radio doet verslag van the grootse G8 protesten in in Schotland. Al deze programma's van de Radikale Radio Coalitie worden live in de Amsterdamse vrije ether uitgezonden door Radio de Vrije Keyser: FM 89.6 mHz Radio de Vrije Keyser roept andere stations op G8 Radio ook door te sturen. Meer over de Radikale Radio Coalitie: http://www.G8radio.net Het onafhankelijke vrije radio station 'Radio de Vrije Keyser' is opgericht in 1979 vanuit de Amsterdamse kraakwereld. In de afgelopen twee jaar is de repressie van de overheid tegen vrije radios stations in Nederland dramatisch toegenomen. Na getolereerd te zijn door de autoriteiten sinds begin jaren 80, heeft de politie onlangs ook gedreigd met maatregelen tegen Radio de Vrije Keyser als de zender niet definitief uit de lucht gaat. Maar Radio de Vrije Keyser gaat door! In deze periode is Radio de Vrije Keyser alleen in de lucht bij calamiteiten en speciale manifestaties zoals bepaalde festivals, demonstraties, en andere protesten. Als Radio de Vrije Keyser in de lucht is, dan is via live streams het geluid van FM 89.6 te horen. Dus mensen, die zich buiten bereik van de Vrije Keyser FM zender in Amsterdam bevinden, kunnen luisteren via het internet. (Ogg Vorbis audio)
http://www.VrijeKeyser.TK Website: http://vrijeradio.tk | Ook Radio ZRA zal Radio G8 uitzenden | Radio WANklank - 30.06.2005 00:44
Al eerder had Radio ZRA zich aangemeld om de stream door te sturen. Dus ook via www.RadioZRA.nl te volgen.
E-Mail: wanklank@gmail.com Website: http://www.wanklank.nl | |
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