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 | english | english - 08.07.2005 23:16
Surprise surprise - we'll be where you least expect it! Yesterday afternoon 4 activists interrrupted the BIOTRANS 2005, which took place at the Technical University in Delft, The Netherlands. One of the speakers on this conference was from the Japanese company Ajinomoto, who are a customer of HLS, and thus pay HLS for carrying out animal cruelty. The conference was sponsored by evil farmaceutical and chemical companies such as Novartis, Akzo Nobel and more. Around half four this lovely afternoon, the activists made clear to Masakazu Sugiyama from Ajinomoto that as long as his company let's HLS conduct animal experiments, there wil be activists around to tell them to stop with the sicko experiments at HLS. The auditorium was full when we entered so we had a huge audience. One of the activists succeeded in climbing on the podium and telling people what he thinks about HLS - through the megafone! Unfortunately university security took his megaphone away from him and dragged him outside. Once outside, the megaphone was returned to us, and much to our surprise the security staff were sympathetic to our cause. This is to everyone who deals with HLS: Drop out or you will deal with us! Stop the killing! Stop the madness! Stop HLS!
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