Strike of CNT-IWA workers at Seville (Spain). CNT-AIT - 12.07.2005 17:04
CALL FOR INTERNATIONAL SOLIDARITY SOLIDARITY with the local breakdown vans workers of Seville (Spain) IN STRIKE SINCE 16th OF MAY A STRIKE OF SOLIDARITY FOR THE READMISSION OF FOUR COMRADES  The local service of breakdown vans of Seville is in strike because the local government and the company that has the concession of the service want to take off thir rights, they prefer to contract eventual before alowing that conscious workers fight for their rights, they fired 4 of them and punish other 17 only because they took part at another strike. But these workers know what solidarity and class unity are, they know how to organise and stand up to the boss. After 8 days of hunger strike at the cathedral, all the staff began an undefined strike, demanding the readmission of their comrades. They do not fight for money, but for justice. They have been many days of strike and the solution seems far. The local government (PSOE, socialdemocratic and IU, communist) and the company (AUSSA, whose capital is mixed, public and private) are totally opposed to find a way out for the conflict, they want to keep the workers fired out and they are such bastards to propose converse 2 of the dismissals in 25 and 11 days without work or employment and mantain the another 2 dismissals, and also demanding the workers to accept points like these: - Renounce to their right to be admited in the case that the company that has the concession of the service of breakdown vans changes - Renounce to do syndicalist actions if there are dismissals in the future (!) Really, what they want is fire everyone who fights for his rights, everyone who doesn´t act like the dog of the boss, everyone who organize. But they are going to fuck off. We are in undefined strike and we are going to continue since our comrades be admited and the punishment be taken away. And with the solidarity of our class, we are going to win this strike. This is a solidarity strike. Now we are looking for the solidarity of the rest of the working class. The mutual aid is the force of the workers against bosses and corrupted institutions. You can do your contribution to the cash of resistance and unite to our movilizations. FOR THE READMISSION OF THE FIRED, FOR OUR WORKERS´ DIGNITY CASH OF RESISTANCE E67 2100 ? 2587 ? 86 ? 0110253165 HTTP://WWW.CNT.ES HTTP://WWW.CNT.ES/SEVILLA HTTP://WWW.CNT.ES/AUSSA HTTP://WWW.AIT-IWA.ORG KEEP IT UP! LONG LIVE TO ANARCHY! LONG LIVE TO ANARCHOSYNDICALISM! CNT-AIT Website: |