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Reclaimsterdam demo, pictures Krijtje v.d. Stoep - 16.07.2005 21:18
Vanmiddag was er een strijdbare demonstratie, reclaimsterdam, tegen alle shit, en vooral tegen de ontruiming van Afrika, die vorige maand met veel politiegeweld heeft plaatsgevonden. hier zijn wat plaatjes.  Toffe band (uit Canada?)  De stad is te duur!!  O, wat zijn ze mooi!  zwart/rood  apk keuring Kijk vooral ook op de website www.pakhuisafrika.nl voor meer info over de waarde van Afrika voor de stad. De demo was speels, maar niet mis te verstaan. Kapitalisme is shit, wonen is een recht, en een stad waar geen ruimte is voor initiatieven die niet om geld draaien is geen knip voor zijn neus waard. Koekoeroe reedio zendt a.s. dinsdag, 19 juli, tussen 20-22 uur geluidsfragmenten van deze demo uit. in "gillende keukenmeiden." luisteren? ga naar
http://squat.net/koekoeroe. klik op enter onder de duif. klik vervolgens op live stream of audio archief(dinsdag 20-22), afhankelijk of je op de tijd zelf of later luistert. hierbij vind je wat plaatjes van de demo dus. omdat Cohen zelf Afrika niet zo'n warm hart toedraagt was onze eigen acteur"Cohen" aanwezig. de verantwoordelijke wethouder kwam ons nog wel tegen. het genoegen was geheel aan onze kant. E-Mail: anti-sgp@gmx.net Website: http://squat.net/koekoeroe |
Lees meer over: kunst, cultuur en muziek media vrijheid, repressie & mensenrechten wonen/kraken | aanvullingen |  | er was zoveel te zien... | Krijtje - 16.07.2005 21:26
 reclaim de lach  tram moet even wachten  Clowns wijzen vervolgens de weg ...en zoveel mensen hadden er wat moois van gemaakt.. toch nog maar wat plaatjes. | next tuesday 20-22 in Koekoeroe | Krijtje - 16.07.2005 21:31
 poen maakt meer kapot dan je lief is  wat doe je nou, zakenman?  Afrika staat op straat! soundfragments of this demo. how to listen to this internetreedio you find in dutch in topic above.see website too. here some more pictures. | klimmen, fluiten ,flyeren | idem - 16.07.2005 21:34
 klimmen  fluiten  tsja, het publiek moet ook geinformeerd dat werd ook gedaan vandaag. | Wethouder Wat Kan Ik Daar Nou Aan Doen | idem - 16.07.2005 21:41
 i dont agree at all!  verzet schept ruimte!  solidarity with imprisoned friends. Afrika is van Heijmans,"zegt ie. Ja, maar de gemeente heeft ontruimd, met een rotsmoes van brandgevaar. Deze dame vertelt de wethouder beleefd doch stellig dat ze het niet met hem eens is. Andere plaatjes spreken voor zich
| Toffe band niet uit Canada | Pieter - 16.07.2005 22:11
De toffe band van de eerste foto komt niet uit Canada maar uit Seattle (scheelt niet zo vreselijk veel dus). Ze heten de Infernal Noise Brigade en zijn vanavonf nog te zien op de Stubnitz in Amsterdam-Noord. | clown army | elly - 16.07.2005 23:00
voor degene die nu denkt dat de krakers van lotje getikt zijn door als pipo door de stad te banjeren: EEN DAG NIET GELACHEN, IS EEN DAG ZONDER STRIJD! De autoriteit kan bestreden worden met de inzet van een krachtig wapen: humor. In sommige landen heeft het zijn vruchten afgeworpen, zoals in Engeland waar de Clown Army het middel inzet. Is het ook tijd voor Nederland om gebruik te maken van dit vernietigingswapen? lees verder: http://www.antenna.nl/ravage/2005/nummer5/clown.htm | smash your camera... | e.malatesta - 17.07.2005 01:21
...or i'll take care of that. the one who really lives needs no pictures to backup his life with. i'm fed up by people who try to give themselves a specific meaning in demonstrations or marches with producing footage all the time while weakening the whole event. i don't see any need for people making pictures in a demonstration that should rather empower people for direct action. first: the more people focussing on cameras and the handling of them, the less people really active or really active in securing persons doing illegal things on a demo. second: the more camera-wo-man the more insecure i actually become to do illegal things. things that i should be doing easier because of the power of the demonstration. the more cameras the more afraid i am to be filmed in "doing something" and the weaker i become. the less cameras the more is possible, so face this: with filming and taking pictures you weaken a demonstration. everyone who is taking pictures or who is filming is serving the power. third: espescially in demonstrations, manifestations and actions that aren't talked over with the authorities(something i expect with the existance of a strong enough anarchist mouvement) i can expect less pigs being prepared to film. so you as a filmer or photographer might become the deputy by getting arrested with your material or by publishing it in the internet(without covering the persons by using graphic programs) fourth: if i don't know you as a comrade, if i haven't seen you before, i rather have to assume that you are a servant of a newspaper or of the TV and so servant of power or i have to assume of you being a pig. this might either force me to stop what i have planned to do or it might force me(if i want to hold on to what i've planned) to attack you beforehand to be more safe for my action. it is your fucking responsibility to talk over with every single person supposedly participating in the demo if he or she wants to be part of your footage. fifth: a demonstration is not a touristic event. i am part of a demonstration for a specific reason and you should be also. and i want to enjoy the destruction of a tool or institution or symbol of power. having you as a producer of evidence for the courts in my neck i cannot enjoy this. overcome the spectacle, please! give up your identity of a spectator and work on being self-sufficient enough not to need photos or film as a proof that you are alive. no one NEEDS that(i also enjoy watching and taking pictures of friends in relaxed situations, but i don't risk to serve the enemy with that). and i don't give a shit how big or how important your "action-newspaper" is; people who have the approach of a vivid life and who try to express this in any time they can have bigger importance and priority than you! they have to be respected. face this or fuck off! in demonstrations in greece i got introduced from friends that if i won't announce beforehand when wanting to take pictures that participants of the block would destroy my footage + my camera for their own safety as anarchists in action on the street. this experience turned out to be an important influence and backup for my behaviour in demonstrations and elsewhere in my life. i rather have a powerful block of people respecting each other and knowing each other, moving and acting without any footage made but with a impressive effect than a march with lots footage made and therefore less possibilities because of bigger surveillance. LIFE IS REAL! | enjoying | (picture)reports - 18.07.2005 01:16
Thanks for the great pictures. + Thanks for the clowns! It is always good to be able to read AND see what is happening for those who were not able to join a demo. To e.malatesta; this was a public demo not some "illegal" action/offence. There were at least five pressphotographers and maybe copsphotographers too............... don't overreact please. If you don't want to be recognized put on a clownsmask next time. | smart? | e.malatesta - 18.07.2005 23:45
to enjoying you don't seem to be a very smart person. i thought my expression was clear enough. people are people and because of that they see and experience and can tell you what happened. where is the contradiction between a public demo and an illegal action offense? do you believe in insurrectional dynamics? do you think it is good that there were at least five pressphotogaphers?(yes they also annoyed me) ask yourself: don't you think it is a sign of weakness that we have to accept them within the demo without them being afraid to be attacked by us as a block, as a demo with a determinating action? i'm not going to act without a mask anyway; don't you get the fact that a block is much stronger when being coherent and offending power? think also of the social change that would have to happen within the block, within the group of people that acts there together. and the clowns are indeed are very good idea.
| to malatesta | Krijtje - 19.07.2005 10:04
you overreact indeed, as you ve been told allready. and of course i would not take a picture of someone doing something illegal and use this against my own people to publish that. i am just very proud of the people who made this demo to a very creative event by doing acts during the walk through the town, and the pidtures where made mainly of acts and things like banners that were used to make our point. Of an open event in which communication with the public in town is one of the goals it is a good thing to report and to publish photo's.
| distinkt approach | flup flup flup - 19.07.2005 12:58
I can see your point of refusing the spectacle, big respect, but you have to be aware that there are many approaches towards demonstrating and media. this diversity is a great strength for a movement, especially if you want a movement for social change and not just a select cult for people who totally agree with eachother and disagree with the rest of the world on forhand. If your aim is to let the world know what's going on, it might be interesting to let the thousands who rely on mainstream media know something is wrong, instead of just the few ones coïncidently present. And YES, OFCOURSE taking fotographs of illegal aktions, especially without the consent of the aktivist(s) is TOTALLY IRRESPONSIBLE and should be responded to firmly. what else is new... You've got a distinction between spikey aktions and fluffy aktions (like for instance clownz). The latter can sometimes benefit from press attention. Both are valuable. Let's have respect for diversity.
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