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Racistische moord in Liverpool Victor - 01.08.2005 11:40
In Liverpool Engeland is een gruwelijke racistische moord gepleegd door een racist tegen een weerloze tiener. Rechts hult zich nu in (instemmend?) zwijgen itt tot hun grote verontwaardiging over de aanslagen in Londen. Eergisteren is een zwarte tiener uit Liverpool, Engeland overleden nadat hij door een racist met een bijl in zijn schedel werd geslagen na door de racist uitgescholden te zijn vanwege zijn huidskleur. Nederlands (extreem) rechts zwijgt in alle talen hierover op hun websites, twee dagen na de moord. Wat hun hypocriete aard aantoont. Zij waren immers vol verontwaardigingen over de z.g. door moslims gepleegde aanslagen in Londen. Maar bij een aanslag door een racist is er geen verontwaardigheid, integendeel men zwijgt het dood, schijnbaar omdat men er wel mee instemt. |
Lees meer over: anti-fascisme / racisme europa media | aanvullingen |  | Engels talig bericht over deze daad | nazi's must die! - 01.08.2005 13:40
Second arrest over race killing A second suspect has been arrested in connection with what police say was the racially motivated murder of black student Anthony Walker. The 18-year-old A-Level student was attacked by a gang of up to four white men in Huyton, Merseyside, on Friday. Mr Walker died in hospital after he was bludgeoned with an axe. Police said a 17-year-old male was being held. On Monday, local MP Edward O'Hara dismissed comparisons of the attack with the murder of Stephen Lawrence. He also spoke of his "sense of pride" at the way residents had responded to the murder. Mr O'Hara said a "steady stream of people" had laid floral tributes near to where the attack happened. The Labour MP for Knowsley South said there were important differences between Mr Walker's killing and the murder of Mr Lawrence in Eltham, south-east London in 1993. He told the BBC Radio 4 Today programme: "There is a certain surface comparison but this act was random, exceptional and representative of absolutely nothing." Mr O'Hara said it was a racist attack but "entirely untypical of the community in which it happened". Mr Walker's mother Gee has said her son was killed "purely because of the colour of his skin". "This was an entirely racially-motivated attack," she said. Mr Walker's sister Dominique, 20, has made an emotional plea for people to help catch the gang who attacked her brother in McGoldrick Park on Friday night. 'Talk to police' "If anybody knows anything, they have got to talk to the police," she said. "Talk to them because we need the information. I need to find out who did this to my brother." Miss Walker said her brother loved playing football and was an Arsenal fan, but his main sport was basketball and he had trials for the Liverpool and England basketball teams. "He was a very kind, loving, caring, young man. He gave so much of his life to help other people." mr Walker had spent the evening with his white girlfriend before the attack. Merseyside Police said that as the couple waited for a bus outside the Huyton Park pub with Mr Walker's 17-year-old cousin they were subjected to a "torrent of racial abuse" by a man in his 20s wearing a hooded top. They did not retaliate to the abuse and left to find another bus stop. But they were followed and, as they walked through a park, they were attacked by a gang of up to four men. Mr Walker's girlfriend and cousin ran to get help. When they returned Anthony was slumped on the ground with massive head injuries. An axe was found embedded in his skull. He was taken to Whiston Hospital and later transferred to Walton neurological centre where he died at 0525 BST on Saturday. An 18-year-old man arrested on Sunday has been freed on police bail. Police are still appealing for information and are asking people to contact either them or Crimestoppers, where they can leave information anonymously. Story from BBC NEWS:
http://news.bbc.co.uk/go/pr/fr/-/1/hi/england/merseyside/4733895.stm | |
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