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Police KILL raver at CzechTek-Festival ! moopie - 05.08.2005 06:16
One man confirmed dead as riot police hurl tear gas into tents and vehicles on Friday night (29th July) in their brutal 22.00 hrs raid of the legal CzechTek site. "Czechtek is open-air international and multicultural music festival with 12 year tradition. Not only different genres of music, but also videoart and other art performances take place on this unique event of free culture." ------------------------------------------------------------------------ - In all history of festival there were no significant damages or problems, participants while leaving clean the land and take responsibility for their action. The contract with the owner of grass plain was clearly shown to police. There is no indicaion that festival was in any way illegal, every aspect was according to law of Czech Republic. Although police stated throughout friday 29th several different reasons for blockage of access to the place of festival, all were later shown as lies or desinformation. The final reason for brute attack was "threat of damaging the surrounding private pieces of land". The presence of attending young people on surrounding land was caused by police blockage of all roads and the police action was not taken against this people, but against the people on legally borrowed property. A woman from near willage, owner of adjoining land, said she had been woken up by police friday morning, long before people began to arrive, taken to police station and by false arguments encouraged to sign complaint. Most of the people did not hear any appeal to leave the place, many of them had drunk alcohol-containing beverages and could not go away with cars, many of them believed that by taking part on legally organized festival they cannot be targeted by police. The first police action on saturday 30, 16:30PM took several hours and was badly coordinated. On the place was 1000 policemen, water cannon, armoured tank and low-flying helicopter. The second night attack at 22PM was led with extreme brutality. Police in heavy suits without identifying numbers refused to give identifying information, information about their command and information about first aid location. Police used massive amounts of tear gas and desorientation grenades, in many cases they threw tear gas granade into a car and did not let people inside for long time get out, in other cases they broke car windows by iron bars, threw grenade in and forced people to get out. All people were beaten up, including teenage girls, which cried in pain. Witnesses described attack on lone staing girl, who was pulled down by her hair and kicked on the ground by four policemen. There were hundreds of injuries, including cuts, bruises, burnings, broken arms, shock. Many people were in shock still the next day afternoon with red faces from tear gas. Police intentionally damaged cars, electronic equipment and other property. Attack was led with clear intention to cause injuries. People were forced to go to near highway, which was closed several hours and then the waiting trucks were allowed to go dangerously among the desoriented people. Police confirmed death of young man attending the festival. Reportedly he was killed by a truck which left. The reason of this death can be manipulated by police, no witnesses were found to [verify] the police statement. Police brutality continued on scattered people till the sunday morning. Czech state television Czech TV did not inform about the night attack, it's news were not balanced, mainly repeating police statements. Czech TV in its news also under estimated political value of call of freedom and resignation of minister of interior on sunday's demonstration in Prague, reporting briefly about techno-goers. This is a call to foreing media to publish information about unlawful police brutality and state of democracy and human rights in Czech Republic." THE ABOVE REPORT WAS TAKEN FROM THIS LINK: http://wanderkolonie.org/forum/forum/messages/348.htm indymedia link: http://indymedia.h-k.sk/newswire/display/84/index.php Below are links to websites with endless photos clearly showing the extreme police brutality. http://zpravy.idnes.cz/foto.asp?r=domaci&c=A050731_090955_domaci_jan http://czehtek.muzika.cz/foto/ Below is a film taken at one of the road blocks where police beat a traveller to the ground for no apparent reason and then threaten the rest of the crew with guns: http://g4.freetekno.cz/divx/czechtek2005_p1040648.avi League of Human Rights condemns illegal police intervention against CzechTek 31.07.2005 | and calls for the immediate resignation of Interior Minister Bublan On the basis of information from news reports and participants in the event at Mlýnec pod Přimdou in Western Bohemia, the League of Human Rights must express its condemnation of the brutal police intervention there. The police have encroached upon rights guaranteed to all by the Charter of Fundamental Rights and Basic Freedoms (1) in a manner which is completely unacceptable for a democratic state: 1. Without any legal justification, the police restricted the freedom of movement of persons who were peacefully in transit on the public roads. 2. The police as an agent of public authority illegally and brutally infringed upon the private contract between the lessor of the property and the organizers of the dance party. By so doing, the police made it impossible for the purpose of the lease to be achieved and thereby caused damages to both contractual parties. 3. By erecting an illegal barrier to the lawfully leased property, the police artificially escalated the situation. This resulted in conflict which could otherwise have been avoided. 4. The police used completely inappropriate methods, given the situation, and during the intervention injured several dozen people. In contrast to the organizers of the event, who leased the property in good faith as a result of last year's problems, thereby demonstrating their desire to meet the legal requirements, the police decided to place themselves above the law for reasons which are neither understandable nor acceptable. Under the rule of law the police may not presume that participants of a private event are going to behave illegally. The League of Human Rights calls upon Interior Minister František Bublan to recognize his responsibility for the completely inappropriate and illegal intervention committed by the police and to immediately resign. The League further demands that all police officers responsible for this illegal intervention be held accountable and their victims compensated. The League recommends all victims of police brutality to contact other witnesses as soon as possible, to have any injuries examined by a doctor and a medical report issued. Victims of this illegal police intervention who want to file criminal charges against the police may contact the League lawyers on +420 608 719 535 or by e-mail at brno@llp.cz. For further information, please contact: Mgr. Jiří Kopal, lawyer, League of Human Rights Mobile phone: +420 608 719 535 League of Human Rights - Liga lidských práv Bratislavská 31 602 00 Brno Tel.: +420 545 210 446 E-mail: brno@llp.cz |
Lees meer over: kunst, cultuur en muziek | aanvullingen |  | ziek | hollie - 05.08.2005 10:58
op freetekno.org staat een filmpje, waar je helemaal ziek van wordt. | *sprakeloos* | velvet - 05.08.2005 11:18
Ok.. ik kan best wat hebben en ik dacht dat dit wel zou meevallen.. maar ben echt flink sprakeloos van dit filmpje.. kippevel. Hier linkje (voert rechtstreeks naar Quicktime filmpje): http://freetekno.org/vidz/3ka.mov | ME_met_vuurwapens? | Martijn - 06.08.2005 23:00
Op dat filmpje
http://g4.freetekno.cz/divx/czechtek2005_p1040648.avi zie je ze met getrokken pistool bezig. Echt buiten proporties! Als het stuk grond inderdaad was uitgeleend en mocht het zo zijn dat men in Tjechië geen bestuursrechtelijke regels voor manifestaties heeft, dat betrof het inderdaad nog een legaal feestje ook! | Statement van de Prime-Minister | Ji?í Paroubek - 06.08.2005 23:01
 Techno fans are not dancing children, but dangerous people. Copyright by the author. All rights reserved. An Article appeared today in Folk News (Lidove Noviny) written by Czech Prime Minister as a defense of himself and the police attacks of Czechtek 2005. We translated the major part of it just for the sake of fun what this guy believes and writes. Spread it! Source: Lidove Noviny If Mr.Redactor Kubita of LN (Folk's News) charges me for the alleged massacre done by riot police against dancing and singing children, then i can't but doubt his goodwill to objectively judge the situation. There are bitter experiences all over Europe with the hard core of initiators of technoparties. These are no dancing children. We should call things by their right name, because they are international, and also in our country politologically, sociologicaly, with the help of police and journalists well documented. This core is build from people with dangerous anarchist's thrives and they are internationally connected. They provoke massive demonstrations against the peacefull society, started with alcohol and drugs . The logic of these violent persons is similar to the system of organizing their parties. Through Internet and mobile networks they inform themselves so that the domestic and foreign groups, crossing the country in big vehicles, get to know about the secret place in the moment when they are ready to be fast there. All that happens in such a way that, hour after hour thousands come and the police forces cannot stop them. Of course, all of this is covered in a flavour of romantic adventure and musical celebration, which manages to get thousands of novices which want to try it. We already know what happens next: this is no music celebration, but seems more simillar to risky adrenaline activities, which in combination with alcohol and drugs can cause dangerous situations for their surroundings, including thousands of youngsters which come with the best will to celebrate. Lets add also: terrorizing of the population with sound, dirt and all other torments and that in all of neighbouring towns, through which the caravans pass, not to speak about the towns in immediate proximity. Its neccesary to await destruction of the natural enviroment and elementary hygiene, with risk of spreading AIDS, jaundice, salmonel, etc. until all places are infested with trash. There are tons and tons of such experiences in our towns. It is really true that our citizens have no right to sleep, raise their children and a right for safety? Thats why in all the western-european countries the police attacked uncompromisingly and very hard these wild parties and pushed them out of their land. In France, England and else a uncompromising legislature was approved against every not-announced music event defining strict rules for loudness, hygiene, etc. which the organizers have to fullfil. That's why the technoparties started to move to us and in the last years our police was too tolerant and couldn't stop them. After all the hard days, that the neighborhood had to go through, oposition dramatized all of this against the police and the consequences have been felt for the rest of the year. But this time it is the first time we managed to interrupt this wild party. Of course we were also paying the price of public and private damages (just in the area of Primda the damages are estimated to over 600 thousands Czk) and the price for a series of injuries. Most of the injuries are on the side of the policemen - almost 50 persons, while the aggresive attacks have been started by the fans of the party. The policemen have been pushing them out and defending themselves. At the end they defended not only themselves but also the broad neighborhood and has proved this way that we are a proper democratic country, which can protect its citizens from the wild riots. Such are the facts. Pararells with the communist regime, or the SNB praxis, or even the november 89' assault of the SNB against students are not appropriate. It is a offence to our citizens, which went to the street in november 89' with a pure human message, and every analogy with this fury of young anarchists is absolutely not correct and is intentional. [next follows a blabla about him on holydays and freedom and democracy].. Ji?í Paroubek, Prime-Minister Gekopieerd van; http://indymedia.h-k.sk/newswire/display/86/index.php Website: http://indymedia.h-k.sk/newswire/display/86/index.php | |
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