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W35 - HLS protest in Amsterdam Respect voor Dieren - 06.08.2005 00:52
W35 - FOR EVERY ANIMAL DIED IN THIS HELLHOLE CALLED HLS Friday the 5th - We're not getting enough from Fisher Emergo - so we went there and did our job. The tall guy, who was starring at his shoes last time after being confronted with us, was walking around the office - restless and looking up to us once a while. For an hour these people have to listen to us - the animal rights movement. There's not much to say about Fisher and our protests. We're loud and more angry than ever before - they are corned, not knowing what to do. FOR ALL THE ANIMALS DIED BY VIVISECTORS USING FISHER EQUIPMENT -WE'RE OUT THERE FOR THEM.  Thomas Cook  Fisher Emergo UPS Next stop was UPS. We have stood their many times shouting against walls, now it was time to get the message crossed face to face. So two of us went up, ringing the doorbell of their office in Amsterdam. A friendly woman opened the door and turned around - we flashed our megaphones and she just realised what she has done. Thanks a lot! We were inside, giving them the full blow. A couple of guys came up, and pushed us out. One of them was Rob Keijzer, security manager of UPS Benelux. He wanted to talk with me. No-way, have done that before, from now on it's oneway direction, the megaphone in your face way. When I shouted his name in relation with animal abuse, he looked up and was surprised I knew his name. Not so difficult when you have your name hanging around your neck, security boy. The cards are on the table, UPS. Leave now and never look back. Thomas Cook One of the monkeysupplying countries of HLS is Mauritius. As Mauritius is heavily depending on tourism, we went out for one of the biggest travelagencies for this island. The owners of the monkeyfacilities (CIELgroup) is also owning the hotels on the island, so Thomas Cook is financing the owners of this evil trade directly. We want Thomas Cook to boycot Mauritius, so Mauritius only solution is to close the monkeyfarms for once and for all. We have written the Thomas Cook HQ a letter, together with leaflets and a DVD of the torture of Mauritius monkeys at Covance. No answer. No surprise. Action speaks louder than words and that's exactly what we were up to. We went into a shoppingmall with a Thomas Cook inside. Soon we stood face to face with customers and employees, shouting at all of them to drop Mauritius now. Ofcourse the people at the HQ don't care about their employees and didn't inform them about the upcoming protests at Thomas Cook stores.So we caught them by surprise. They all stood still - didn't move -didn't say anything. We went on and on and made a lot of noise. Then we continued outside the shop. loads of people were looking at us and Thomas Cook, but not daring to get closer - angry as we were, the recent undercoverfootage of Covance in our minds. The leaflets went up in the air, for all the persons interested in knowing what was going on. Two guys of the shop across thought they could push us outside, but we left voluntarily. Our job done, mission accomplished. Listen Thomas Cook. You have more then 180 offices in the Netherlands. We will repeat this over and over again. Do the ethical thing. Close down the farms at Mauritius. --------------------------- HEEFT ACTIEVOEREN ZIN? HLS SCHULD BEDRAAGT 75.9 MILJOEN DOLLAR. On Wednesday Huntingdon Life Sciences posted their second quarter financial figures. These made interesting reading. Whilst orders were up from the previous quarter from $43.3 million to $44.9 million Huntingdon made a loss of $1.7 million dollars. Huntingdon's long term debt at June 30th stood at $75.9 million which is staggering when you consider on the 14th June Huntingdon sold ALL their 3 labs for paid back $41.1 million (£22.6 million) of their labs and they still owe $75 million. Huntingdon have sold their labs as part of a sale lease back agreement which means they do not own them any more and they now rent them. Huntingdon have done this to try to reduce their massive interest on their debt burden. You don't have to be a financial expert to realise that this means that if Huntingdon suffer any other major setback what have they got to go to the bargaining table with when they have sold all their assets off? This means that it really is now or never time as Huntingdon are risking everything to break out of their debt cycle. To hit Huntingdon with major setbacks is down to ALL of us. Cash at hand was down in the last quarter from $33.3 million as of 31st Dec 2004 to $15.4 million as of 30th June 2005. Huntingdon's assets also fell by a little under 10%. So as you can see Huntingdon are there for the taking and take them down we must and will for the sake of all the animals trapped inside that miserable evil hell hole. E-Mail: respectvoordieren@yahoo.com Website: http://www.respectvoordieren.org |
Lees meer over: natuur, dier en mens | aanvullingen |  | Fisher en UPS wel, maar Thomas Cook | bvdbos - 06.08.2005 12:05
Ik kan me voorstellen dat acties gevoerd worden tegen Fisher, ook nog wel tegen UPS. Maar om actie te voeren tegen Thomas Cook? Stel dat het lukt en je maakt het toerisme kapot, wat blijft er dan voor de mensen daar over??? Een andersoortige campagne (maak toeristen ervan bewust) lijkt me in dit geval effectiever... | Thomas Cook en niet de toeristen. | NN - 07.08.2005 21:04
het gaat er toch om dat Thomas Cook er mee stopt en niet de toeristen? De toeristen vervoeren geen dieren voor de vivisectie. RVD houdt pas op als TC er mee ophoudt en daar hebben de toeristen niet zoveel mee te maken. | |
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