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PROTEST Jan Gebert/Poland - 11.08.2005 23:38
PROTEST Warsaw 11-08-2005 An outrageous film, insulting to the memory of the victims of Nazism, the most criminal ideology of the 20th century, is available on the Internet site http://www.geenstijl.nl/paginas/housewitz_voor_gs_bezoekers.html. This film - an advertisement for a techno party – has the format of a teledisc, in which pictures from the Auschwitz death camp are used. It constructs an analogy between a dancing event and the site on which man has committed the greatest crime ever against man. It shows the disco staff as Nazi officers, and an invitation to a “gang-bang” which allegedly takes place during the event is illustrated with a photo of several dozen victims’ bodies. Info on free board is accompanied by a picture of prisoners’ barracks, that on free showers with that of a gas chamber, that on train connections with the ramp on which inmates disembarked, that on availability of taxis with the carriage carrying bodies of victims. The photos are captioned with a sardonic “ha, ha”, accompanied by a picture of Adolf Hitler with the slogan: "relese from body". In our opinion this film is not an expression of Nazi anti-Semitism, insofar as it does not express any opinion on the Shoah, but its authors are guilty of something even more repulsive and dangerous than Nazi propaganda: they have apparently concluded that the photo of a raped and murdered human being is a good advertisement for a disco. The film makes use of pictures of Jews murdered over 60 years ago by Nazis, but the authors could have just as well used photos of a recent victim of rape or of murder at the hands of a psychopath in a dark alley. Such crimes certainly occur also in Holland generating much controversy, fear and loathing towards their perpetrators. A Polish surfer, Mariusz Błoński, encountered this revolting site by chance a few days ago and sent a concerned mail about it to his friends. They passed this news on to others, until it finally reached the Jewish community and the front pages of principal Polish media. It has generated discussion and a wave of outrage, for in Poland such a site could not exist. The memory of World War II atrocities is still alive among Polish public opinion, and though history is being interpreted in different ways, no-one challenges respect due to the dead. It certainly is unimaginable for anyone to use pictures full of cruelty and blood to advertise a disco. This is why we find it incomprehensible and shocking that such a site could have been set up and, the publicity surrounding it notwithstanding, continues to function in a country known for its openness, respect for victims of oppression, and legitimately proud of its resistance to Nazism and the Shoah during World War II. This is why, as representatives of Jewish youth in Poland, we appeal to Dutch public opinion for this site to be closed down. Contact; Jan Gebert jan_gebert@post.pl (+48)0-509-814-543 Anna Zielinska kesevpl@yahoo.com (+48)0-501-160-206 PROTEST Warsaw 11-08-2005 An outrageous film, insulting to the memory of the victims of Nazism, the most criminal ideology of the 20th century, is available on the Internet site http://www.geenstijl.nl/paginas/housewitz_voor_gs_bezoekers.html. This film - an advertisement for a techno party – has the format of a teledisc, in which pictures from the Auschwitz death camp are used. It constructs an analogy between a dancing event and the site on which man has committed the greatest crime ever against man. It shows the disco staff as Nazi officers, and an invitation to a “gang-bang” which allegedly takes place during the event is illustrated with a photo of several dozen victims’ bodies. Info on free board is accompanied by a picture of prisoners’ barracks, that on free showers with that of a gas chamber, that on train connections with the ramp on which inmates disembarked, that on availability of taxis with the carriage carrying bodies of victims. The photos are captioned with a sardonic “ha, ha”, accompanied by a picture of Adolf Hitler with the slogan: "relese from body". In our opinion this film is not an expression of Nazi anti-Semitism, insofar as it does not express any opinion on the Shoah, but its authors are guilty of something even more repulsive and dangerous than Nazi propaganda: they have apparently concluded that the photo of a raped and murdered human being is a good advertisement for a disco. The film makes use of pictures of Jews murdered over 60 years ago by Nazis, but the authors could have just as well used photos of a recent victim of rape or of murder at the hands of a psychopath in a dark alley. Such crimes certainly occur also in Holland generating much controversy, fear and loathing towards their perpetrators. A Polish surfer, Mariusz Błoński, encountered this revolting site by chance a few days ago and sent a concerned mail about it to his friends. They passed this news on to others, until it finally reached the Jewish community and the front pages of principal Polish media. It has generated discussion and a wave of outrage, for in Poland such a site could not exist. The memory of World War II atrocities is still alive among Polish public opinion, and though history is being interpreted in different ways, no-one challenges respect due to the dead. It certainly is unimaginable for anyone to use pictures full of cruelty and blood to advertise a disco. This is why we find it incomprehensible and shocking that such a site could have been set up and, the publicity surrounding it notwithstanding, continues to function in a country known for its openness, respect for victims of oppression, and legitimately proud of its resistance to Nazism and the Shoah during World War II. This is why, as representatives of Jewish youth in Poland, we appeal to Dutch public opinion for this site to be closed down. Contact; Jan Gebert jan_gebert@post.pl (+48)0-509-814-543 Anna Zielinska kesevpl@yahoo.com (+48)0-501-160-206 E-Mail: jan_gebert@post.pl Website: http://www.pusz.jewish.org.pl |
Lees meer over: anti-fascisme / racisme europa | aanvullingen |  | Let Poland be Poland? | Kryztof Kieslowski - 12.08.2005 00:50
 Such Polish hypocrisy...once, they wanted a disco @ Oszwiecim!!! A Discotheque at Auschwitz? Museum's statement The media are interested in the Lederfabrik affair. During the war there was a tannery there, and the building was also used to store the hair of the victims of the gas chambers. Now it is to be turned into a discotheque. The Foundation for the Youth Meeting House, which stands nearby, has protested against these plans. The starosta (head of the county) of Oswiecim has upheld his original approval. The mayor disagrees, arguing that the discotheque runs counter to the city's zoning plan. When asked its opinion, the Museum issued the following statement: In connection with questions about the approval of a discotheque on the former grounds of the camp, the Auschwitz-Birkenau State Museum would like to explain that the approval of a discotheque by the local authorities refers to a building located more than one kilometer from the former main camp and more than four kilometers from the former Auschwitz II-Birkenau camp. The building also stands outside the buffer zone of the former camp. This is the building of the pre-war tannery. During the time of Auschwitz concentration camp, it held some camp workshops (the cobbler, the leather-goods workshop, the smithy, a machine shop, etc.). The suitcases confiscated from Jews deported to Auschwitz were also stored, sorted, and shipped from there. Shoes of the victims were also sorted there, and victims' hair was stored there at times. There were also other places, both within the grounds of the camp and elsewhere, in which hair, suitcases, and other articles were stored. Since there were many buildings associated with the functioning of the camp, and because many of them were at some distance - several, or even several dozen kilometers - from the camp, decisions on their use or adaptation must be left to the local authorities. The Museum feels that such decisions should be made after a thorough study of the history of such buildings and with due attention to the social sensitivities of both the local and international communities. To quote Johnny Rotten of the Sex Pistols: "Bergen-Belsen woz a Gas!!!" Shalom! Website: http://www.auschwitz.org.pl/html/eng/aktualnosci/news_big.php?id=248 | DE Polen zijn hypocriet? | . - 12.08.2005 09:53
"hypocriete polen". Dus alle polen zijn hypocriet? Ook dit riekt naar nazisme.
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