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The New American Refugee / Scalar Weapons leslie oliver - 22.08.2005 14:08
a personal account of EM Scalar Weapons THE NEW AMERICAN REFUGEE/ SCALAR EM WEAPONS by Leslie Oliver Monday, Aug 22 2005, 12:59pm
oliveleslee@yahoo.com international / crime and justice / news report A personal account 'Men in black' (American CIA) are after me here in Kathmandu, Nepal because I have posted this information a few times with more on Scalar weapons but I want everyone to know... who is responsible if anything "happens". Tim White, Ted Gunderson and Julianne McKinney have recently been emailing me. I have also left this information with well-known 9/11 attorney and activist, Phil Berg. Electro Magnetic Weapons CAN/WILL WIPE OUT MANKIND... that is... AFTER they invisibly assassinate individual dissidents... by sudden heart failure, "mysterious" airplane crashes, choking, suicides and a myriad of other types of "natural" murders all of which are occurring right NOW. Yet still...no one seems to be able to figure out the cause of all these eerie and strangely "convenient" deaths that are happening. (Duh) Stranger still... No one seems to WANT to know or talk about it ... THE NEW AMERICAN REFUGEE・ The following report is an accurate account of the illegal, violent atrocities and numerous attempts to murder me by what is now know to be the black ops・of the corrupt U.S. government or organized crime・ This new American mafia is condoned, supported and protected by local police, federal law enforcement agencies and all levels of government, including the very highest offices. The Black Ops/U.S. Government now has the capability of CHOKING or COOKING / RADIATING A PERSON TO DEATH ELECTRONICALLY FROM A DISTANCE and much, much more・ This is the TRUTH. There is no doubt that their intention is to use these weapons on us. With the use of Scalar EM Weapons aimed directly at us, guns and conventional arsenals are virtually obsolete. The following is a true and accurate account of the assaults, attempts at murder and obvious campaign of the United States Government to destroy me psychologically, physiologically and financially. But most importantly, this describes TRUTHFULLY what the new weapons can do. I have added the most recent incidents first. Most of this information has already been posted publicly on truedemocracy.net, APFN.net, Portland Indymedia.org and the other Indymedias. At this posting in August 2005, I am in Kathmandu, Nepal... and the stalking is continuing... and no doubt the plan is to have me 'disappear' en route somewhere or perhaps a (CIA) "Maoist terrorist" (a "Nepalese group" who are murdering other Nepalese here) will conveniently attack me... Also while here in Kathmandu, Tim White, a friend of ex-FBI man, Ted Gunderson has contacted me from an APFN from a post I made. A woman (I assume she is) by the name of Julianne McKinney contacted me from Tim's CC: list...apparently "ex-military" who is pretentious, arrogant. Since my last post, the long murdering arm of 礎lack ops・in the U.S. has reached across the globe to where I now reside in Dharamsala, India and has begun systematic 'electric shocks' to my chest・learly to induce a natural・heart attack. They have now 'pumped up' the microwave radiation to my chest and stomach area to weaken the tissue as well. There is a burning sensation of heat INSIDE my body all during the day and night. Based on research reports, this is how they 祖ook・the organs so people will develop serious diseases or simply die of organ failure・aturally. The blood vessels in my eyes are beginning to break showing blood... a sign that the microwave heat is not being let out of the body properly. The urls below are websites which give further credibility to my report: http://www.whale.to/b/rifat4.html, http://www.raven1.net, http://www.raven1.net/mendosa.htm, http://www.cheniere.org on SCALAR WEAPONS Enough suspicious murders/suicides・abound along with reports by thousands of people who have complained of life threatening assaults. Unfortunately, the thousands of victims already murdered by these criminals, no longer have the luxury of speaking out. However, the non-consentual, violent experimentation of this technology on innocent Americans and the aggressive funding that the development of these electro-magnetic weapons have received is more convincing proof that their manufacture is for "cattle-prodding" the American public into control and invisibly assassinating dissidents who speak out. RECENT SCALAR CHOKING ATTEMPTS: In early February 2005 ~ During my first experience of electronic choking・ the residents in the house (Palm Desert area, CA) where I formerly lived were awakened in the middle of the night by me gasping for air. Electronically, they partially closed up my windpipe so I could barely breathe and was on my way to choking to death when they abruptly stopped it. This was done as a threat after I tried to contact Ed Asner@ Truthout.org that same night to make public the attempts of black ops agents・to crash my car. Shortly after this incident, even more attempts to knock me off of the road were made. February 7, 2005, a group of about 4 or 5 Black Ops agents were waiting in the somewhat deserted back parking lot of Saks Fifth Avenue in Palm Desert, California and began surrounding me after I left the store and walked towards my car. I had enough time to run back into the store and call my friend who came and rescued me. I was not able to go back home again before I left the country except to get my clothes. The reason that they tried to assault me or kidnap me is because I had already begun making preparations to leave the country which they were aware of because of their illegal surveillance and this was to stop me from leaving the country so they could get their legal ducks in a row・and arrest me on bogus credit card fraud・charges・which I found out later. Seven days later, on February 14, 2005, I managed to leave the USA for good. One week later, they arrested 100,000 so-called felons・(AKA dissidents) across the nation. May 6 2005 ~ Dharamsala, India, after telephoning Arlene Johnson of www.truedemocracy.net, I was again abruptly woken up by 'something' closing up my windpipe and literally choking me. This was an attempt to threaten me a second time. May 8 2005 ~ Dharamsala, India ~ The guesthouse proprietors of where I am staying witnessed me staggering out of my hotel room into the main lobby - again gasping for breath and unable to breathe as something was closing up my windpipe. This was all done electronically -- in retaliation for trying to contact Stephen DeVoy who they have already neutralized for making his assaults public. Winter 2005 ~ Palm Desert area, CA ~ Upon calling the offices of JIMMY WALTER (the 'eccentric' millionaire who aired commercials asking for the re-investigation of 9/11), I was told that he was putting together more commercials. Not more than 15 minutes after trying to email my suggestion to Jimmy Walter's assistant in Pacific Palisades, CA, a rough-looking agent in a silvery-green Jaguar (obviously well-paid) license plate #04WIR094 drove up and remained parked directly across the street looking into my house. I live on a dead end street in a more rural part of the Palm Desert area of California. Because there is nothing but sand opposite my property... and because everyone is on a minimum of 3.5-acres, anyone parked across the street is either a visitor of mine or is looking to buy the empty lot. But no one can just sit in their parked car staring into my house from across the street... without being 'up to no good'. Sure enough, I walked out of the house to see who was there and the man in the Jaguar looked totally shocked and then sped off. A few minutes later, he came back again very, very slowly ... glaring at me, turned around at the next house and drove back past me again in a very threatening way. He did this 4 times until he noticed I was writing his license plate down and he took off like a bullet, for good. About 4 or 5 other vehicles then also appeared and drove very, very slowly past me . One was a maroon pick-up Truck, license plate #GW97080 who gave me the finger. Another was an older blue Ford (Escort, I believe) license plate #D1 SHARK who started to drive straight towards me as if he was going to run into me but I lurched behind my gate. It may be difficult for someone reading this to imagine the intimidation and covert threat inherent in this sudden 'swarm' of nasty looking guys in vehicles 'swarming' around you and your home, but ask a pro - this is how they do it. When I called Jimmy Walter to find out where I could send information, he told me that he could only give me his PO Box - not his physical address - as he had been getting 'death threats'. These are the cars & license plate numbers of those who have literally tried to push me off the road by sideswiping me in their campaign to electronically kill me and try to make it look like a car accident starting from July 2004 to February 14th, 2005・the day I left the USA. These are all California plates: 4JJD727 Black car, 2FPK059 Gold older Volvo, 3DHG785 White car, 1052115 ("City of Riverside" written on outside of Grey car), 4CL1362 white Honda Accord owned by a stout Hispanic man. FIRST MURDER ATTEMPT: During that same period, I had been consulting in the mountains every day (Hwy 74), driving around hairpin turns with very steep drops on either side of the road. During that same period, I had been consulting in the mountains every day (Hwy 74), driving around hairpin turns with very steep drops on either side of the harrowing road. One day, I couldn稚 help but notice something very peculiar. At every one of the 4 or 5 turnaround points, where a driver would normally pull off the road only long enough to let faster traffic pass, an Hispanic man sat parked in a beat up car. The same odd group of Hispanic men in parked vehicles lining the road was evident on my return trip down the mountain, as well. Days later, because of hearing a loud thumping sound, I took my car into a garage and was told by the mechanic that my caliper nut which connects the brake fluid line to the brakes had been taken off! In order to deliberately take off a caliper pin -- because it does not fall off -- one needs to remove the whole tire, unhinge the cover of the caliper itself and take off the pin - which one can do without detection if a car is parked in a remote place. Not having the caliper pin in place would have prevented the brake fluid from reaching my brakes - causing them to malfunction - sending me off a mountain cliff to my death! Suddenly I understood why all those Hispanic men were sitting parked all along Hwy 74! They were waiting to see how another murder is successfully staged by U.S. government hit men. At that point, I realized that I was dealing with ruthless murderers who were being paid to kill me! With only a background as an actress and in graphics and writing, I was suddenly confronted with an almost surreal reality. Someone was actually trying to murder me! Fearing for my life and in a total state of panic-- I refused to spend an evening alone at home and was forced to stay with various friends or take motel rooms down the street from my house. In local Motels, I would inevitably hear drilling coming from the room below, hang ups would commence continuing throughout the night until the morning, people would knock loudly on the door and then I would see them run away in the peephole. On one such 2-night escape to the Red Roof Inn only a few blocks from where I live, a man in a red van tried to pull me into his car though Officer Pohl, who wrote up the police report insisted ・in spite of my account to the contrary -- that the man tried to steal my purse. *NOTE: OFFICER POHL and OFFICER RODOLPHO of Palm Desert Police Dept are corrupt Black Ops. Palm Desert Sheriffs Department #ORO23009. I saw the same man in the same car a few days later waiting for me in a parking lot at Dennys restaurant on Varner Blvc. I wrote down License plate #5D65901 RED Dodge Truck with Shell, left a message for Officer M. Pohl and faxed it to the precinct but there was no effort to trace the owner of the car. Later I found out that Officer Pohl is one of the many corrupt cops. I had previously summoned the police on at least 4 different occasions to complain about stalkers, prowlers, etc., but no report was ever written-up. I continued to hear people in my house. I had seen one tall thin man with black hair leaving my property in broad daylight, open the front gate and enter a car that had just pulled up. I heard a woman coughing in the crawl space of my house after I had sprayed the area with pepper spray and I have had at least 6 illegal entries into my car and house where they have stolen cash and valuables. After discussing on the phone the possibility of producing commercials to expose these criminals, I found a severed Ethernet (Internet) cable that had been ripped out of the socket lying on the floor. This was not only a blatant threat of what was to come if I 礎lew the whistle・ it was an outrage that someone was listening to my telephone conversations. I then hired Roger Tolces, PI again from www.bugsweeps.com to measure the electro magnetic air waves that I could feel day and night. He measured the microwaves pulsing into my house steadily at 958 megahurtz. In an effort to also put me out of business, my email client list of 8,000 addresses was made virtually useless when I sent out a notice to old customers selling an updated list with the help of 閃agic Lantern・ SECOND POLICE REPORT: Dec. 19, 2002 -- Illegal Break in Palm Desert Sheriff Dept. #ORO2353006:Break-in at night *$600 Cash.*Large phone book *Video Camera*Antique Luggage w/CD THIRD POLICE REPORT: Illegal Break in. $100.00 cash taken FOURTH POLICE REPORT: 3/12/03 #TSR 03071003 Illegal Break in. $50.00 cash During this period, I had also been confiding in some 壮o-called victims・ These are the names of DEFINITE BLACK OPS AGENTS: The first 3 Perps that I listed work together. 1- JOHN MECCA at 119 Whittier Dr. Kings Park, NY 11754 (631) 360 1557 + (631) 360-1883 + (917) 428-2730. He runs a bogus WEBSITE: http://www.us-government-torture.com/KIT.html EMAIL: timetogo2@earthlink.net He claims loudly to be a victim himself while threatening to go out and gun the perps down. He uses his website to illicit trust in people who are genuinely looking for help by selling a so-called 阻ammer・・a contraption which does work to neutralize some of the uncomfortable electro magnetic waves. Within that context he becomes trusted and easily manipulates victims by feeding real information with disinformation. He works with a woman named, 2- DEBBIE LAMB has a strong Texan accent ・She too claims to be victimized-- however she is a Black Ops agent as well and works as John Mecca痴 惣es-man・ Always on hand is Black Ops Chicago Attorney, 3- JOHN PHILLIPS 290 Streamwood Drive, Valparaiso, Indiana 46383 (219) 462-1520 (312) 762-9212 & 762-9214 pretends that he is going to 素ight・the government. He advises people to hire expensive investigators so they can drain their finances by 組etting evidence・although evidence abounds. People believe they are protected when they speak confidentially with an attorney and John Phillips is used exactly for that purpose. To illicit confidential information from trusting people so they can 蘇ang themselves・ Known by many as a college professor at South Coast College in Costa Mesa, CA, 4- JOANIE SALINGER, a professor at South Coast College also claims to be victimized 壮ince childhood・and plays the victim while she passes disinformation. She too is a Black Ops agent. Sunday, May 30th, 2003 Something I ingested in the early morning suddenly began to make me feel very strange and extremely dizzy. I was afraid of passing out. It was not the normal feeling of having eaten something bad. It felt like some chemical because of the intensity and the rapid overwhelming feeling of blacking out -- and I realized something toxic had been put into either the milk or the orange juice. Beginning to panic as I did not want to be unconscious alone in my house, I ran out in my terrycloth robe and called 911on my cell phone. (Note: The 911 call is not on record. The reason is because the call never actually went through to the precinct but was intercepted before it connected -- something that they can do ・especially if they are prepared for an incident・which they obviously were). Very shortly, a police car followed by a fire truck drove up. A chubby dark-haired policeman with a moustache got out of the police car and walked into my yard laughing, "Hey, did you call 911? Well we池e here. The paramedics are here to fix you up good" He kept laughing as I was struggling to not faint. I realized that whoever these paramedics were -- they were not there to help. I said, "No forget it. I don稚 need a paramedic. And I no longer need the police either." I staggered past him to my front gate while the policeman walked into my house and then came back out again. I ran across the street to my neighbors house ・a very nice couple -- at ------. As I did so, I heard him call out behind me while still laughing, "Hey I知 one of the police officers who came to your house a few months ago! Too bad its curtains for you. Yeah... too bad. I値l even tell you my name so you know who killed you... my name is Rodolpho." My neighbors opened the door and I blurted out -- "They致e poisoned me". The woman gave me her cell phone to use. Suddenly Rodolpho appeared in their yard WITH HIS REVOLVER OUT OF THE HOLSTER AND POINTED AT THEM! He said laughing "Now Leslie, I think this woman needs to take her cell phone to work..." He cocked his gun at her, "Don稚 you?" Both she and her husband were absolutely petrified and could barely speak. He added, "I知 sure you won稚 say anything about what happened here... will you?" All my neighbor could do was nod "Yes". I gave the phone back to her and staggered back to my house. Officer Roldolpho apparently assumed I was going to die of poisoning. He just kept laughing and said "Well, good bye Leslie... sorry things had to end this way." And he drove off. I went inside my house and forced myself to throw up. I drank a ton of water and began to feel revived. I went to get my cell phone but apparently Rodolpho STOLE it when was in my house. I got dressed to go to Kinkos to use their internet machines in Palm Desert to post the incident on my email but the email never got out. In November of that year 2003, I left the USA for the first time and stayed away for 6 months. I was attacked electronically abroad as well. And as I began to make arrangements to have my dog shipped to me from Palm Desert・ was told that my healthy 6-year old dog had "suddenly died". I dont need evidence to know that black ops・murdered my dog. I finally came back to America in June or July 2004 and the assaults continued, becoming increasingly violent as I began to post information on the Internet. There are other details but they are not perhaps pertinent to this account. Leslie Oliver Formerly of: Thousand Palms, CA 92276 E-Mail: oliveleslee@yahoo.com |
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