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 | grootste overwinning | ??? - 24.08.2005 04:18
"Deze dag kan de boeken ingaan als een van de grootste overwinningen van de actiebeweging van de afgelopen jaren." Toe maar, dat is nogal wat. 1 Boerderij zei u? Tjonge. Van de hele actiebeweging? Nounou. | aanvulling | d - 24.08.2005 21:22
http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/staffordshire/4176094.stm misschien moet hier toch bij vermeld worden dat dit niet enkel een van de grootste overwinningen is van de dierenrechtenbeweging, maar ook een triest dieptepunt, gezien 1 van de gehanteerde actiemiddelen, nl. het opgraven en ontvoeren van de stoffelijke resten van een familielid van deze boerderij. | statement SNGP | sdvi - 24.08.2005 23:25
23/08/05 SNGP were getting speculative phonecalls about this from ten o'clock this morning. Nobody believed a word they were hearing! Then , when the statement was released by those notorious animal abusers at 11am the rumours were confirmed as true: after years of relentless campaigning by animal rights activists this animal abusing company finally threw in the towel and admitted that imprisoning and torturing animals for profit gets you nowhere! The mass-moronic Media spun this day into a victory for intimidation but we know this is a victory for compassion, for unceasing activism against all odds and lends hope to the countless animals that continue to die at the hands of the animal abuse industries. This victory is a dramatic blow to an industry which can and will be defeated by kind-hearted activists. We - members of the public - are no longer willing to stand by and let them horrifically maim and kill guinea pigs, rats, mice, dogs, cats and a whole host of intelligent species to manufacture make-up, oven cleaners, shampoos and damaging medicants like Vioxx. The myths of animal experimentation are being blown apart. This victorious day stands as a testament to the power of animal rights activism, an unprecedented accumulation of ideas and actions that will never cease to amaze those who are part of it and will NEVER cease to target the abusers! SNGP will continue to demo at this farm every Sunday until those sheds are emptied of those still-tortured animals. We are asking this Newchurch company to STOP THIS ABUSE ONCE AND FOR ALL and hand over the surviving guinea pigs so they can be rehomed and resettled, not left to die in their own filth for another four months! The National Demonstration will go ahead - a victorious gathering to galvanise us for the work ahead! The nightmare for these terrified animals will soon be over. Our responsibilities to those millions that are still locked away in laboratory prisons worldwide continues! LET'S GET TO WORK - KNOWING WE CAN WIN! FOR THE ANIMALS! SNGP | Artsen/wetenschappers TEGEN vivisectie! | Elio - 25.08.2005 19:09
Beste Klaas; dan zijn er natuurlijk oòk bio-technici, wetenschappers , artsen en psychiaters die tègen zijn; veel leesplezier!! www.dlrm.org( doctors and lawyers) www.pcrm.org( physicians) www.boxofpandora.nl( wetenschappers, bio-technici..) www.siav.org www.navs.org www.buav.org www.shac.net www.stopanimaltests.com
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