Chili na 15 jaar zonder dictatuur Rodrigo Rojas - 01.09.2005 03:52
Komt naar de Chileense info avond op 9 sept in Amsterdam Harlemmerweg 179 19:30 u Dear Reader; In Holland, on June 4th 2005, the pact "Juntos Podemos Holanda" has been constituted, a left wing oriented political orientation that seeks for the Dutch support to the projects of this new political parties unit and left wing organization in Chile, which stands to make true the reliving of a great part of the native people in Chile and Chilean people. PODEMOS (We can) stand for Social Democrat Power. Chile today, after the 15 years of democracy transition, is again preparing for the president election to be held in December of the current year. In 1988 Chile went to the polls to vote in a plebiscite, in that moment, on whether to continue the dictatorship of Pinochet or having election with the participation of political parties that the dictatorship was willing to recognize. This plebiscite stated as a fact the acceptance of the Constitution signed in 1980, imposed in a period of oppression and military repression validated during the dictatorship as a way to persecute the popular movements. In opposition to the dictatorship the "Concertación of parties forth democracy" arose, a conglomerate of centralist political parties whose motto during the plebiscite was "Chile, la alegría ya viene" (Chile, happiness is at hand) Today the "Concertación" is made up of the following political parties: Partido Radical Social Demócrata; (Radical Social Democrat Party) Partido Demócrata Cristiano; (Christian Democrat Party) Partido Por la Democracia; (Party forth Democracy) Partido Socialista. (Socialist Party) Pinochet was defeated and in 1990 the government of Chile felt in the hands of Mr. Patricio Aylwin Azócar (1990-1994), who was president of the Senate between the years 1971 and 1972. He was one of the main leader in the Christian Democrat Party who supported the military intervention. After the triumph of the concertación, the "happiness never came ", the dictator Augusto Pinochet Ugarte was appointed General in Chief of the Army and then, after retiring, he became a vicarious senator, as stated in the Constitution of 1980. It was just in the year 2000 that Senator Augusto Pinochet Ugarte was dismissed of his duties due to the international pressure imposed triggered by his detention in London on order of the Juzge Garzón of Spain. The Concertación has been governing for 15 years already with the following presidents: 1- Patricio Aylwin Azócar (1990-1994), 2- Eduardo Frei Ruiz Tagle (1994-2000), 3- Ricardo Lagos Escobar (2000-2005?) None of these governments has been able to provide a real solution to the human rights violation, and Pinochet still enjoyes his freedom, despite his historical responsibility regarding the horrible events during the dictatorship in Chile between 1973-1990. The economical and social situation hasn't been improved, Chile is still a country where the distribution of the wealth is unequal, despite its macro economic growth. This neo liberal economic model introduced during the Dictatorship, has only been perfected by the so called democrat governments, and the social inequality increases, situation that is already recognized by the international organizations. The percentage of poverty in Chile is 23%. None of these governments has really done something to abolish the Pinochet´s Constitution, on the contrary, they use it to segregate the popular sector and persecute those who Fig. for reviling. Today in Chile there are still Chilean and Mapuche Political Prisoners, with anomalous judgments, showing the contradiction between the judicial power and the military prosecutor offices. Holland was part of the counties that provided assistance to the oppressed and persecuted by Pinochet´s Dictatorship. Holland, during the Democracy transition process has increased its commercial treaties with Chile, no doubt his is an important sep for our countries. We consider that such interest can not be absent of the political –social situation. We believe that it is important to listen to the opposition, since it provides a better understanding of the situation in the country. We would like to meet with your organization to further discuss our solidarity request. Also , we would like to participate in the activity we carry our every year in September 11th in Amsterdam. El día 9 de septiembre a las 19:30, en Harlemmerweg 179, el Juntos Podemos Más-Holanda les invita a una presentación oficial de nuestra Plataforma Programática para un Chile Justo, Solidario, Soberano y Democrático. En esta oportunidad la ponencia tratará los temas de este documento que son los pilares de nuestra propuesta de gobierno. Expondremos temas como Derechos Humanos, derechos sociales, salud y temas que le aquejan al pueblo chileno. Nos vemos el viernes 9 de septiembre a partir de las 19:30 horas en Harlemmerweg 179. (final del tram 10). Un saludo cordial, Coordinadora Juntos Podemos Más-Holanda -- JUNTOS PODEMOS MAS- HOLANDA p/a Weesperstraat 314 1018 DN Amsterdam Holland +31-(0) 20-4235544 Girorek:4128382 E-Mail: Website: |